

Studies on High-Yielding Ecological Environment Mechanism of Super Wheat

【作者】 王纯枝

【导师】 董中强;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 生态学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以普通小麦品种为对照,以超级小麦品种豫麦66为供试材料,从群体结构、光、温、湿等生态因子与其生长发育及产量形成的关系对其丰产的生态环境机理进行了系列探讨。主要结论如下: 1.不同穗型品种的群体冠层结构性状及不同生育时期的LAI均有明显差异。豫麦66光合器官群体分布合理,光能利用率较高;灌浆期LAI较高,对其产量形成有利。豫66是一个典型的竖叶型品种,叶面积大,茎叶夹角和角度指数小,光合叶面积多遮荫少。此外,茎鞘、穗部颖壳(变态叶)也是很重要的光合器官,豫66穗大、茎粗,它的茎鞘、穗光合面积仅占总光合面积的51.89%,和一般品种相比却是最高比值。这一部分光合面积是受光态最佳的一部分。因此,从光能利用角度看,豫66的株、叶、穗分布是目前较为理想的小麦品种。 密度对超级小麦表现出明显的调节效应。其影响表现为随着群体密度增大,茎叶夹角和角度指数有减小的趋势。 2.光是影响小麦生产的主导生态因子。豫66生育中后期有较高的冠层透光率、较小的消光系数和较大的平均单茎受光量,使中下部叶片得到良好的光照条件,叶片功能期长,是丰产的重要生态学基础。但由于冠层基部的光强与漏光损失是一对矛盾,生产上应注意通过合理密度、肥水等措施来协调二者的关系。增加密度会导致群体光照度减少,透光率下降,消光系数提高,群体光截获量增加,但单株受光量减少;综合考察群体的辐射传输特征,并联系D1和D2处理对产量的效应,豫66以采取D1(41.9万/667m~2基本苗)密度为宜。 3.超级小麦豫66群体不仅改善光照条件,同时还达到调节麦田温湿度作用,有利于田间乱流交换,增强农田物质循环。 4.豫66比普通小麦栽培密度增加许多,功能叶面积增加,由于品 种特性决定其抗倒伏、抗病能力很强,囚而尽符比牛产上的栽培密度 大很多,仍能止常牛LL,而耿彻仁产川 此,豫 66 19)抗帅叮给群体密 度带来了土加空问箩!司日增力了功自* 血界,光合器官增力箩 是二且产 的主要原因。

【Abstract】 This article takes common wheat cultivars as control ,and takes super wheat cultivar Yumai 66 as tested cultivar. There is a series of research on high-yielding ecological environment mechanism from the relation between the colonial structure, light, temperature, relative humidity and other ecology factors and Yumai 66’s development ,growth and yield.The main results are as follows.1.There is a clear difference about colonial canopy architecture character and LAI in different growth stage between different spike cultivar .Photosynthesis organ of Yumai 66 is reasonably distributed ,the utilization ratio of light energy is higher and the higher LAI is beneficial to its yield in grain-filling stage . Yumai 66 is a typical vertical leaf type cultivar, and has a larger leaf area than common wheat cultivars. Its angle between stem and leaf and angle index are smaller. Most of photosynthesis surface area of leaf are less shaded .In addition stem sheath and abnormal leaf are also important photosynthesis organ . Yumai 66 has larger spike and latter stem . Its stem sheath and photosynthesis surface area of spike take 51.89% of whole photosynthesis surface area. But comparing to common cultivars the percentage is the highest . The part of photosynthesis surface area are the best part of receiving light state . Therefore , from the utilization ratio of light energy, the distribution of Yumai 66’s stem > leaf, spike is better ideal wheat cultivar.Density shows obviously regulating effect on super wheat angle index. With the increase of colony density ,the angle between stem and leaf and angle index have decreased trend.2.Light is the leading ecology factor that influences wheat production . Yumai 66 has higher light tansmission of canopy,lower ECL (extinct coefficient of light ) and more PARPS (photosynthetically active radiation received by per stem ) during mid to late growth stage , which made the middle and lower leaves get enough photosynthetically active radiation and the leaf function stage extends . All of these are the important ecology foundations on high yield . But the radiation intensity of the canopy foundation and the light losses are contradictary . The relation between them should be adjusted by density > fertilizer and irrigation . The increase of density results in the decrease of rediation intensity,decrease of light tansmission , increase of ECL and colony light interception.But the light reception per stem decreases .Concerning colony radiation transmission characteristic and comparing the influence of Dl and D2 on yield, Yumai 66 is better to choose Dl cultivated density(419,000 basic seedling /667m2).3. Yumai 66 improves colony photosynthetically active radiation , adjusts43temperature arid humidity ,increases airflow exchange and substance circulation .4.Comparing to ordinary cultivar, Yumai 66 has more cultivated density .more function leaf area .Although taking higher cultivated density ,result in powerful resistance ,YUMAI 66 still grows normally and get higher yield with powerful resistance.lt is Yumai 66’s powerful resistance that makes colony density can increase much ,and with more function leaf area and photosynthetical organ ,so it is the leading reason of high yield.

【关键词】 超级小麦温度湿度丰产群体
【Key words】 super wheatlighttemperaturerelative humidityhigh yieldcolony
  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【下载频次】110