

The Analysis of Great Rolling Mill’s Herring-bone Gear Hurt and the Suggestion of Repairing

【作者】 李万喜

【导师】 谢志江;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 大型轨梁轧机主传动人字齿轮是轧机主传动系统的关键设备,该人字齿轮是大模数宽齿轮,承受载荷较大,易对齿面造成损伤。攀钢轨梁厂950/850/800轨梁轧机主传动人字齿轮运行二十年来,已有多套人字齿轮的齿面发生了点蚀、剥落、塑性变形等损伤。对设备安全运行带来了隐患。能否继续正常使用及能否进行修复,本文根据攀钢轨梁厂实际生产过程中轧机主传动齿轮的传动啮合情况,利用现有的商用有限元分析软件对齿轮传动过程中出现的损伤情况进行了详细地分析,并与无损伤状态下的接触应力和VonMises应力相比较,对出现由于损伤而导致应力值增大有一个正确的认识。从齿轮损伤后的计算结果得出:齿轮损伤处的接触应力最大值有明显的跃迁,跃迁值大约是未损伤的1.5倍,但齿轮的弯曲应力没有多大变化。根据计算结果和现有的修复手段对齿轮出现的损伤提出一个可行性修复建议。对于在齿轮中部,出现由孔径3-10mm不等、深约2mm的连续小坑组成的长约50mm的损伤带,可以运用手工电弧焊。对于小坑类损伤,也可以采用火焰焊或电阻钎焊,对于槽状缺陷运用溶解扩散焊。

【Abstract】 Main lambdoidal transmission gear of the great girder rolling mill is the key machine of this system.. It’s belongs to big modulus wide gear enduring heavy loads so it’s surface is easy to be hurt. In the last 2 decades drop corroding, desquamating and distortion had happened in a few sets of 950/850/800 main lambdodial transmission gear located in rolling mill plant of PanZhihua steel&iron factory. That’s a hidden trouble for the safe running of machine. The thesis bases on the practical situation of transmission mesh of main transmission gear at the same time uses the business finity element software to detail analyze the damnification degree. Then compares with contact stress and VonMises stress in a normal state. At last correctly recognize the accretion of stress which is induced by damnification. It deduces from the results of calculation that the maximal contact stress have a obvious accretion at the hurt spot, the quantity is maybe 1.5 times than the normal state. But the bend stress almost the same. Bases on the result and maintenance means proposing a suggestion about the feasibility of maintenance. Using manual arc welding to deal with the damnification belt about 50mm long result from continuous spot which looks like a circle with 2mm deep. The spot’s diameter is from 3mm to10mm. About spot face hurt using blaze welding or resistance welding. Using melting diffuse welding to deal slot disfigurement.

【关键词】 齿轮有限元损伤接触应力弯曲应力修复
【Key words】 gearfinite elementdamnificationcontact stressbend stressmaintanance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG333
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】120