

Research on New Technologies of Water Supply, Drainage and Fire Designs of Residential Buildings

【作者】 何少林

【导师】 李天荣;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着住宅产业的发展和人民生活水平的提高,传统住宅所提供的功能已不能满足人们的需要,为了适应新的要求,一些新的住宅设计方法应运而生。在建筑给水排水方面,主要表现为水表抄表系统和厨卫排水方式的变革、消火栓系统和自动喷淋灭火系统的不断完善以及直饮水系统的出现。本文将主要对这几个方面进行总结和探讨。(1)水表抄表系统 对水表安装的发展史和户外抄表系统进行总结,重点探讨了自动抄表系统中的智能IC卡水表系统、分线制集中抄表系统、总线制智能抄表系统和无线抄表系统以及各自的组成、优缺点和适用范围,并分析了自动抄表系统的使用现状和发展趋势,针对性提出了管理建议。(2)住宅卫生间、厨房排水方式 提出合理解决卫生间、厨房排水方式势在必行,对垫高卫生间地面敷设排水管的排水方式、后排水方式和下沉卫生间楼面敷设排水管的排水方式进行探讨和总结。在工程实例中,提出了一种新的下沉式排水方式,彻底解决了目前下沉式作法的下沉空间积水排除问题。(3)高层住宅消防给水系统 对高层普通住宅和商住楼在消防给水系统上的要求进行比较,从消火栓给水系统设施设置、自动喷淋灭火系统供水方式、车库和发电机房灭火系统和贮水池等方面对高层住宅消防给水系统进行分析和总结,探讨安全可靠、经济实用的系统做法,以供今后类似系统设计参考。(4)住宅喷淋灭火系统 从住宅喷淋灭火系统的发展历史、系统类型、给水方式、组成和设计计算的基本要求等方面进行总结和探讨,分析了住宅喷淋灭火系统的应用前景并根据我国目前的经济条件和住宅产业的发展趋势提出了相应的建议。(5)高层建筑直饮水系统 对直饮水的处理技术和处理工艺流程进行总结,从直饮水系统的管网布置、供水方式、系统计算和供水管材选择等方面对高层建筑直饮水系统进行总结和探讨,根据目前国内直饮水现状提出了相应的管理建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of residential industry and the improvement of people living level, the functions of conventional residential buildings do not meet people’s needs any more, which leads to the application of many new design methods of residential buildings. As far as the water supply and drainage of buildings are concerned, these new developments include the reformation of water meter reading systems and drainage way of toilet and kitchen, the improvement of hydrant systems and automatic sprinkler systems, the application of drinking water systems. This dissertation will focus on these changes and deliver some summaries and discussions about them.(1) Water meter reading system In this chapter, the history of water meter installation and the outdoor water meter reading systems are introduced. IC water meter system, automatic meter reading system with individual collector and concentrator, automatic meter reading system with integration of collector and concentrator, radio reading system and their components, merits, shortcomings and scope of applications are discussed. The current situation and developing tendency of application of automatic meter reading system are analyzed. Some suggestions on management of automatic meter reading systems are put forward. (2) Drainage way of toilet and kitchen of residential building In this chapter, the necessity of reformation of drainage way of toilet and kitchen are presented. Drainage way with floor blocked up, drainage with back outlet sanitary facilities and drainage with floor descended are discussed and summarized. A new drainage way with floor descended is introduced which solves the problem of seeper drainage.(3) Fire water supply systems of high-rise residential buildings In this chapter, the requirements on fire water supply systems of common high-rise residential buildings and of business-living buildings are compared. Fire water supply systems of high-rise residential buildings including their facilities installation of hydrant systems, water supply of sprinkler systems, sprinkler systems of garage and power room and reservoir designs are analyzed and summarized. Safe and economical systems are discussed as a reference to similar systems.(4) Residential sprinkler systems The history, system styles, water supplies, system components and requirements of design calculations of residential sprinkler systems are presented. The prospect of application of residential sprinkler systems is<WP=6>analyzed. Some suggestions on residential sprinkler systems based on current economic conditions and developing tendency of residential industry are put forward.(5) Drinking water systems of high-rise buildings Treatment techniques and treatment processes of drinking water are summarized. Piping designs, water supplies, system calculations and selection of water pipe of drinking water systems are discussed. Some suggestions on management of drinking water based on current situation of drinking water are put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU821
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】706