

Marketing Strategy of ExxonMobil Lubricants in China

【作者】 邓松

【导师】 廖成林;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪初,作为亚洲乃至全球最快经济增长国家的中国加入了世界贸易组织,中国的国有企业面临入世参与国际竞争的压力,国有企业如何学习和借鉴国外先进管理理念和管理方法已迫在眉睫。润滑油是四大石油产品之一,是关系国计民生的重要商品,也是石油化工公司展示自身形象、技术水平、整体实力的重要标志,长期受国家产业政策扶持和保护的中国石油石化产业面临“断奶”的巨大压力。ExxonMobil在润滑油领域是全球的领导者,在市场营销策略方面有许多成功之处,当然也存在一些不足。本文采用案例研究的方式来撰写,一方面使我们能从理论的角度深入剖析这一跨国石油公司较为系统的市场营销策略,考察其百年不衰的至胜秘诀,提出进一步改进的思路;另一方面也有利于我国润滑油企业借鉴、学习跨国公司成熟的市场营销策略,为今后营销策划提供有力的实践和理论指导。 本文采用案例研究的方法,首先从市场营销策略理论入手,阐述了该领域近五十年来的发展历程及研究现状,然后从宏观和微观两个层面分析了中国润滑油行业的现状,尤其对B2C和B2B市场购买行为特点进行了深入的分析和归类,接着从3P2C的角度描述和分析了ExxonMobil公司润滑油部在华市场营销策略,提出三项颇具启迪意义的市场营销策略: 双品牌策略即通过双品牌本身的不同价值,向市场中高低两个消费层次进行深度渗透,使企业具有更加广泛的客户群体,同时,给竞争对手品牌实行两面夹击。具体实施策略有:高开高走、低开低走和高低互换、全面出击。目标营销策略即通过把营销努力集中在具有最大购买兴趣的买主身上来满足日益个性化的客户需求,做到“有所为而有所不为”。关系营销策略则将企业置身于社会经济大环境中来考察,企业营销是一个企业与消费者、竞争者、供应商、分销商、政府机构和社会组织发生互动作用的过程,正确处理与这些个人和组织的关系是企业营销的核心,是企业成败的关键。 本文在改进思考中有针对性地提出了ExxonMobil润滑油部进一步改进的两点思路,即用“以客户为中心、以全方位满足顾客个性化需求为内容”的客户导向营销理念来优化市场营销组织机构,提高组织营运效率,将非工业润滑油业务部门整合为B2C部门和B2B部门,以实现客户导向营销理念中贴近客户、服务客户的宗旨;而且还进一步提出了建立客户关系管理的两种改进方案:简易型和基于web形式的管理系统,使企业在客户、竞争、品牌三要素上协调运作,在客户服务、市场竞争、销售及支持方面形成彼此协调的全新的关系实体,以增强企业的核心竞争力。

【Abstract】 In the beginning of 21 century, China-the fastest developing economy in Asia even around the world enter into WTO, state-own enterprises face pressure when joining in the world economy. How to learn and draw lessons from foreign advanced management theory and management method is the urgent issue for Chinese enterprises. Lubricant-one of four petroleum products is the important merchandise related to state’s economy. It is also the important indicator for petroleum companies to show their image, technological level and the overall strength. Chinese petroleum industry, which has formerly been supported and will be no longer protected by government, faces great pressure. ExxonMobil is the world largest petroleum company who has much success and some drawback in terms of marketing strategy. The research method of this article is case study. On one hand, we are able to digest the systematic marketing strategy of this multi-national company from theoretic point of view. We can understand the secret why they can walk from success to success over one hundred years. We can also point out the inspiration of this strategy and put forward the thinking for further improvement; on the other hand, it is beneficial for lubricant enterprise to learn and draw lessons from the mature marketing strategy. It can also practically and theoretically serve as a powerful guideline for all fields marketing strategy.By means of case study, this thesis is starting from the theory of marketing strategy and looking back the development history, research status in this field. Then analyze the present status of China lubricants market from macro and micro point of view; especially identify the buying behavior of B2C and B2B market. And then deeply introduce and analyze the marketing strategy of ExxonMobil Lubricant in China in terms of "3P2C". Put forward three inspiring marketing strategies:Dual Brand Strategy means through dual brand you are able to make deep penetration into two different levels of consumers, make your enterprise to reach comprehensive target audiences, at the same time, give competitor’s brand converging attack from both sides. Target marketing strategy means focus on target customer and ignore the rest so as to fit for more and more characteristic customer needs. "Putting All Effort on Buyers with Best Interest" style strategy grasp the key to question. Relationship marketing strategy views enterprises in the whole social and economic environment with the foundation of systematic theory. Marketing is the interactive process between enterprise and consumers,IIIPcompetitors, suppliers, distributors, as well as government, social association. Handling this relationship properly is the core of enterprises marketing and the key to success. This article raises 2 viewpoints in the improvement thinking session: By means of the customer-orientated marketing strategy, the author not only puts forward the improvement thinking to increase the operation efficiency and integrate the non-industry business unit into two departments: B2C and B2B so as to serve customers more efficiently. But also suggest to build the customer relationship management (CRM) which focuses on customer’s needs. Through two mechanisms: simple way and web-style management system, you are able to build automatic management system to coordinate the operation of three fundamentals: customer, competition and brand. You are also able to formulate a brand-new relationship entity to streamline customer services, market competition, sales, marketing support and give your enterprise the long-lasting competition advantage and finally make your company succeed in this intensely competitive marketplace.

【关键词】 润滑油市场营销策略埃克森美孚
【Key words】 LubricantsMarketing strategyExxonMobil
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F405
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】385