

Research on Practical Applications of Optical Fiber Current Sensors

【作者】 苏立国

【导师】 董小鹏;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 无线电物理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文详细阐述了光纤电流传感器的原理、应用。对应用高圆双折射光纤的电流传感器进行了研究,在传统的信号处理方案上,保留其原方案优点,提出新的功率补偿方案,对应用高圆双折射光纤电流传感器的温度效应进行研究。在理论上进行了各种条件下的模拟计算,并在实验中加以验证。实验表明高圆双折射光纤的电流传感器的线性度很好,功率补偿方案效果明显,温度补偿方案具有一定的效果。 对普通光纤电流传感效应,本文也进行了有益的研究,并进行了相关的理论计算和实测。本文还引入了一个新的概念:光系统的共模抑制比,用以衡量双路输入系统抑制外界干扰的能力。 利用全光纤器件构成全光纤电流传感器,在厦门大学电子工程系进行了长时间的实际电流监控测量,并与普通电流互感器进行了比较分析,实测证明光纤电流传感器具有更优异的输出特性,可以进行实用化使用。 本文提出了新型高增益光电转换放大器的设计,在硬件上解决了光电信号转换倍数小,信号弱的缺点,对电路组成模块进行了详细分析和阐述。 文中详细阐述各方案的理论推导和实验,对于光器件的选择,光路的设计都进行了详细的阐述,对未来研究需要解决的问题和新的想法也一并详细阐述,这些实用化研究都将使光纤电流传感器的产业化的进程更加迅速。

【Abstract】 This thesis presents both the theory and the aPplication of fiber optic cuJTent sensors in detall.Electric current sensors employing highly circularly birefringent fiber are proposed. Also a novelscheme to compenwte for laser source power and ambient temperature fluctUation is proposedhere. This scheme is based on the traditiona1 signal-processing scheme with simpler and moreeffective design. Besides, the temperta effect on fiber optic current sensor is discussed. Resultsof theoretical simulation and exPerimeflts showed that the electric current sensors employinghighly circularly bireffingent fiber can comPensate for the fiuctUation effectively with straight-lineresponse tO an the sensing current.Research on detecting current employing single mode fiber is discussed in this thesis;theoretical simulation and experimellts results are presented. MoreoveT, a new concept, opticalsystem common mode rewhn ration, is brought forward, which is a concept to evaluate theantidamming caPabi1ity in a dual inPut oPtical system.Employing all fiber devices to build the all fiber optical fiber current sensor system, wedetected and monitored the large current in the Depanment of Electrical Engineering at XiamenUniversity for a long time. Compared with the tradihonal transducer, the optical fiber currentsensor has more ometallding specification on current detecting and monitoring. It shows that theoptical fiber currellt sensor can be pul into practical aPplications.A novel high gain opto-electron detecting amplifier is proposed. To resolve the problem thatweak traditional amplifiers couldn’t amplify signal effectively, this type of arnplifier is designedand elaborated here.Almost all of theoretical analysis and experiments, such as how to choose the devices, how todesign the oPtical system, etc. have been exPlained clearly. Some new idea and problem met inexperiments are also forward. We believe that all we have done wilI exPedite the process of putthe fiber oPtic current sensor in to use as an industrial product.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP212.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】543