

【作者】 邓锦红

【导师】 陈德人;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息通讯技术的日益发展以及人们对消息的需求越来越大,各种通信工具日益增多,过多的通讯工具和手段给人们获取信息带来了不便,同时在携带上、记忆上和使用上也不方便。怎样将各种通信手段融合起来简化我们获取信息的方式,让人们在需要时能方便地利用其中某一种设备来存取其所有的信息,这就是目前统一消息(OM)平台所要解决的问题。它将所有类型的消息,包括语音、电子邮件、传真、传呼信息、短信息、实时信息和其他多媒体信息等进行统一管理,人们可以通过任意一种通信终端,如电话机、传真机、手机、计算机等来访问消息,进行阅读、听取或者转发其内容。统一消息服务的最终目标将使用户可在任意时间、任意地点、通过任意通信终端(包括有线和无线的设备)存取任意信息。 统一消息服务系统实现的关键是如何解决各种不同的消息表现格式间的兼容与转换问题,从而将语音、传真、电子邮件、短消息等不同信息格式的业务有机地集成于一体。短消息作为一项极具吸引力和人气的增值业务,越来越成为以话音业务为主导的移动通信网络的另一个重要卖点,本文主要探讨短消息与其他消息格式之间的转换问题。 按照目前短消息服务接入实现,服务提供商SP与短消息网关之间通过二进制的CMPP和SGIP协议接口进行信息交换,SP必须将消息按照CMPP或SGIP协议来封装,对具体协议实现和消息包格式必须深刻了解。许多支持短消息服务中心(SMSC)与外部短消息实体之间短消息传输的现存协议都是通过TCP/IP或X.25访问的基于二进制的协议,由于二进制协议不容易理解,相关的字段多而复杂,服务提供商实现这些接口代价比较高,并且对于移动和联通的互联网关要区分实现。本文在SP与短消息网关之间增加一个统一消息平台,并定义一个新的基于文本的统一短消息应用语言将CMPP和SGIP封装起来并提供一个相关的接口,从而允许来自外部应用的消息以结构化的文本发送到统一消息平台,然后由统一消息平台提供文本内容到二进制协议内容的转换。外部应用不需对具体的互联网关协议做深刻了解,就可以通过统一消息平台发送或接受短消息,大大降低了开发成本。 文章第一章说明统一消息平台和统一短消息应用语言的研究背景与意义;第二章简单介绍了统一消息平台的结构与应用现状等;第三章介绍短消息服务的发展与技术背景,包括SMPP、CMPP以及SGIP等协议;第四章给出了统一短消息应用语言的定义与设计,第五章说明统一短消息应用语言的具体接口实现,包括统一短消息应用语言的解析、相关类的定义以及二进制协议的数据打包等;最后对本文进行了总结和展望。

【Abstract】 With the development of communication technology, people have to be confronted with many kinds of devices to communicate with each other such as mobile telephone, BP, Fax etc. Too many devices make it difficult to obtain messages. How to integrate these communication ways so that we can get messages easily? Unified Messaging Service (UMS) can solve this problem; it provides a single point of access to multiple message types including voicemail, fax, and e-mail etc. These messages can be sent in a number of formats ?including most popular SMS and instant message (IM) formats. By implementing unified messaging, users can take back control of their communications. UMS allows users to access voice, fax, and email from anywhere, using any device, at any time.The key of UMS is how to neutralize the differences arising from the variety of information and implement the conversion of different formats. As the pace of business increases, the short message service is increasing rapidly. Short message service has become an attracting business for mobile network. This paper will mainly discuss the conversion between short message and other kinds of information.According to the current implementation of short message service, the Service Provider (SP) exchanges messages with short message gateway (SMG) by CMPP or SGIP interface, therefore the SP should be familiar with these protocols. Most protocols that support the message transfer between the SMSC and external short message entity (ESME) are binary protocols over an underlying TCP/IP or X.25 network connection. Since binary protocol is not readable, for SP it is hard to implement these interfaces. This paper defines a new text based protocol language that is called GSML and provides the interface for it. Messages from ESME can be sent to UM platform with structured text complying with the language, then the UM converts the text content to binary data and sends to SMG. Using this new protocol language, an ESME need not to be familiar with binary protocols such as CMPP or SGIP.Chapter 1 describes the background and need of UMS and GSML. Chapter 2 provides a description of the structure and application of UMS. Chapter 3 illustrates the development and the related technologies of SMS, such as SMPP, CMPP and SGIP etc. Chapter 4 provides the design of General Short Message Language (GSML). Chapter 5 details the implementation of the interface for GSML, including the parser of GSML, the definition of related class and the pack of data. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes the trends of UMS and SMS application.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】TN929.53
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】122