

【作者】 吴春富

【导师】 陈德人;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 远程教育以网络技术为支撑,具有时空自由、资源共享、系统开放、便于协作的优点,在发展远程教育的过程中人们深刻认识到,学习资源的共享性和复用性对远程教育的实用性和经济性具有决定性的意义。目前,虽然网络技术已经为学习资源低水平上的自治与共享提供了基本技术条件,但是允许学习资源在课程知识和教学管理层面上进行交换的标准却没有很好的认定,妨碍了学习资源的大范围共享与交流。因而,在课件开发过程中,要想在最大程度上利用已有课件资源,避免重复开发,达到课件内容共享,首先,必须有一个有效地描述和组织已有课件资源的方法,即建立一个课件资源描述框架,使课件具有通用的描述文件和结构,遵循特定的课件框架结构;其次,对于课件内容,应该有一个通用简单易用的描述和包装方法,使其能够做为一个逻辑单元独立使用;最后,应有一个实现课件框架和内容包装的运行环境,即开发出相应的应用软件,实现课件资源共享和重用。基于上述分析,我们认为,基于SCORM规范实现远程教育课件资源共享是一个很好的解决方案。 远程教育技术标准化是保障学习资源共享和系统互操作的根本措施,本文详细介绍了当今国内外较有影响的远程教育技术标准及规范,并对这些标准进行了分析和比较。通过介绍XML技术的基本概念,并经过与HTML的比较,指出XML技术是一种合适的远程教育资源标准化载体。在此基础上,本文提出了基于SCORM规范实现课件资源共享的思想,文章从以下三个方面进行论证分析:SCORM元数据,指出元数据如何帮助我们有效地查找和管理学习资源:SCORM内容聚集模型,指出我们应该如何描述学习内容、又如何将学习内容按照内容包装规范进行包装,从而集成为一门课件,使其成为可重用的、可共享的及互操作的学习资源;SCORM运行环境,分析SCORM规范中如何启动可执行内容、LMS如何与之进行通信、通信的数据模型等,并对基于HACP协议和基于API这两种通信模型进行了分析和比较。最后,文章提出了一个基于XML和SCORM的课件制作管理系统的模型,用以验证我们有关课件内容的包装和共享思想,并对模型的实现进行了分析。

【Abstract】 Based on network technology,distance learning has the advantages such as learning anytime anywhere,sharing learning resource with open system and easy cooperation. During the development of distance learning,people realize that the share and reuse of learning resource artery important. By the use of network technology,we can achieve the share of learning resource in a low level,but we still have not got a specification which can allow learning resource share in the courseware and instruction level. So if we want to achieve the share of learning resource in the most extent. First,we should establish a courseware resource description framework to describe and organize the courseware resource;second,we should use a common and easy content packing specification to pack the courseware content;last,we should establish a run-time environment to realize the courseware framework and content packing. From the analysis above,we raise the solution project of achieving the share of courseware resource based on SCORM specification.Distance learning specification can support the share of learning resource and the interoperability of system;this article introduces the important distance learning specification in the world,and gives our analysis. After introducing XML and comparing it to HTML,we point out XML is the proper carrier of learning resource. Then we raise the thought of achieving courseware resource share based on SCORM specification. This article sets forth it from three aspects:SCORM metadata,which helps us to locate and manage learning resource effectively;SCORM content aggregation model,which helps us to describe and pack learning content based on content packing specification;SCORM run-time environment,which includes the launch of the learning content,the communication between learning resource and LMS,the communication data model. We also analyze and compare the communication model based on HACP protocol and API. And in the last,this article raises a courseware development and management system model based on XML and SCORM,to test and verify the thought of courseware content packing and share,we also analyze the realization of the model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】356