

Studies on Germplasm in Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Drought Resistance

【作者】 马光恕

【导师】 秦智伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)是一种重要的瓜类蔬菜作物。在干旱季节或干旱半干旱地区往往存在干旱胁迫,能够严重影响甜瓜的生产。本试验选取不同生态类型的甜瓜品种,分别在种子萌发期、苗期和成株期对干旱胁迫下外部形态、内部结构及生理生化上的变化进行研究,探讨甜瓜不同生育时期抗旱性的相关性,寻求筛选抗旱性甜瓜种质资源的鉴定指标和方法,并运用这一结论进行甜瓜抗旱性种质资源筛选。试验结果表明:甜瓜在水分胁迫下,发芽率和萌发胁迫指数均下降;苗期水分胁迫表现为根长、须根数及根冠比显著增大,各生理生化指标有显著变化;开花结果期水分胁迫表现为单果重下降,结实率降低,各生化指标表现出不同程度的差异。甜瓜不同生育时期抗旱性存在一定的相关性。苗期水分饱和亏可以作为甜瓜种质资源抗旱性的鉴定指标,拟合出回归方程估算品种的抗旱性。在开花座果期,每次浇水量与平均单果重显著正相关,并得出回归方程,可以简捷地计算出甜瓜每次最佳浇水量。本试验筛选出3个甜瓜抗旱品种,即Y82-3、 96-88、 96-53:6个较抗旱品种,即96-56、 葛星超人、36-9-5、 宏研七号、王龙白、吉农998,其中Y82-3、 96-88、 96-53都是薄皮类型。

【Abstract】 Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is one of important vegetable. During dry seasons, droughtstress existed and severely influenced the melon production in dry or half dry areas. In thisexperiment, some melon cultivars of different ecotype were seIected and studied inmorphological, inter-structural, physiological and biochemical changes that occurred duringtheir seed germinating, seedling and adult stages under drought stress. The correlation ofdrought resistance among the different growing stages of the melons, and the appraisedindexs, and selecting methods for searching germplasm resource with drought resistance werestudied.The germination percentage and germination stress index of the melons decreased underwater stress. The performance of the melons under water stress during seedling stage were theincrease of the root length, the root fibril amount and the R/T ratio; and were the significantchanges of physiological and biochemical index. The melon under water stress in flower stageperformed the decrease of the single fruit weight, and decrease of the fruit bearing percentage,and the differences of the physiological and biochemical index.The correlation of the drought resistance of the melons existed among different growthstages. Water saturate deficit (WSD) in seedling stage can be used as the appraised index onthe drought resistance of all the melon germplasm resource. The regression equation wasstimulated to estimate the drought resistance of in the different cultivars. The correlationbetween the amount of irrigating water and the average single fruit weight performed asignicant level, and a regression equation was obtained to stimulate simply the betterirrigation requiremaent of melon.ln this experiment, there drought resistance melon cultivars were selected: Y82-3, 96-88,96-63;and six reIativeIy drought resistance cultivars: 96-56, Gexingchaoren, 36-9-5, HongyanNo.7, Wanglongbai, Jinong998; Y82-3, 96-88 and 96-53 were pellicle ecotype cultivars.

【关键词】 甜瓜干旱胁迫抗旱性鉴定指标
【Key words】 melondrought stressdrought resistanceappraised index
  • 【分类号】S652
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】249