

【作者】 崔威

【导师】 彭建刚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 金融学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪50年代末,欧洲货币市场首先在伦敦出现,一个新型的国际资金市场--离岸金融市场(Offshore Financial Market)诞生了。在这个市场里,一切业务都是以美元为计量单位,但它的经营地却不在美国,而远在大洋彼岸的欧洲。在全球经济一体化和金融国际化的大趋势下,离岸金融业务开始了迅猛的发展,并进一步推动了世界经济和国际金融的发展,对国际生产和国际贸易起到了巨大的促进作用。离岸金融业务的发展,对世界金融一体化和经济全球化发挥了重要的推动作用。我国离岸金融业务自从1989年开办以来至今,经历了初期的迅猛发展之后,由于1997年亚洲金融危机的爆发,离岸金融业务迅猛发展时期所积累的弊端和风险全面爆发出来,目前正处于举步维艰的阶段。同时,面对世界经济和国际金融的一体化趋势,在我国加入WTO的大背景下,离岸金融业务何去何从,面临着关键的选择。本文研究了我国商业银行离岸金融业务的发展历程,总结和分析了我国离岸金融业务的经验和教训,对比借鉴国际上建立离岸金融市场的经验,分析了我国在新形势下发展离岸金融业务的必要性和可行性,并着重研究了我国商业银行今后发展离岸金融业务的新思路和对策。本文认为,我国在发展离岸金融业务的过程中,尽管走过了曲折的道路,为此付出了沉重的代价,但不能就此简单的否定它。本文通过对我国商业银行离岸金融业务实践的实证研究,总结和分析了我国发展离岸金融业务的经验和教训,阐述了离岸金融风险形成的原因。我国开展离岸金融业务曾经付出了沉重的代价,但是,开办离岸金融业务的思路是正确的。本文对我国进一步发展离岸金融业务的必要性和可行性进行了深入的研究,分析了离岸金融业务在我国的巨大市场潜力,得出了离岸金融业务在我国势在必行的结论。同时,通过对我国离岸金融业务的困境研究,指出应当借鉴国际离岸金融市场的经验和教训,并提出了我国商业银行发展离岸金融业务的新思路和对策。

【Abstract】 European currency market was first offered in the 1950’s in London, a new international capital market, Offshore Financial Market, was born in this market, all the business are charged by US dollars, otherwise its operating is not in USA but is far abroad in European. Offshore Financial Business has begin to develop rapidly facing the tendency of World Economy & International Financial Integration, and has made big progress to put forward international economic, advancing international output and international business greatly. The developing of Offshore Financial Business has played an important role in advancing international financial integration and economy globalization.Offered first in 1989 and having enjoyed a rapid first development period, now Offshore Financial business is undergoing a hard time, the malpractice and risk of accumulated for a long time are outstanding completely in this booming period due to the Asia finance crisis of 1997. At the same time, facing the tendency of World Economy & International Financial Integration and the situation of our entry to WTO, Where to go and what to be done has become a key selection.The article studies the development history of Offshore Financial Business in Chinese commercial banks, summarizes and analyzes the historic experiences and lessons of Offshore Financial Business in China. Comparing and using the experiences of development of International Offshore Financial Market for reference, it analyzes the necessity and possibility of establishing Offshore Financial Business, moreover, it studies more a train of thought and the related countermeasure to advance Offshore Financial Business in Chinese commercial banks.The article thinks we should not deny it crudely although we have went through tortuous paths and we pay out heavy cost for it in the development of Offshore Financial Business in china.The article summarizes and analyses the experiences and lessons of Offshore Financial Business in China through studying present situation of Offshore Financial Business in Chinese commercial banks, and narrates the financial risk cause comes to being in Offshore Financial Business. Though we pay out heavy cost for developingOffshore Financial Business in china, the thought to offering Offshore Financial Business is perfectly correct.The article studies deeply the necessity and possibility of advancing Offshore Financial Business, and it analyses the tremendous market potential of it, having made a conclusion that it is inevitable of developing Offshore Financial Business in China. Besides, through studying the difficulty of Offshore Financial Business in China, it points out we use the experiences and lessons of International Offshore Financial Market for reference, and puts forward the new thought and the related countermeasure to advance Offshore Financial Business in Chinese commercial banks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】496