

【作者】 李谦

【导师】 周登嵩;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 “西部大开发”给新疆高等教育事业的发展提供了一个难得的历史机遇。教育要发展,教师是关键。本文综合运用文献资料法、访问调查法、问卷调查法、观察法和数理统计法等科学研究方法,对新疆乌鲁木齐9所高校的193名体育教师的基本情况、教学情况、科研情况、训练情况、政治思想情况、生活工作待遇和在职培训情况等各个方面进行了全面、深入、细致的现状研究。研究结果表明:1、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师的数量基本上能满足目前体育教学的需要,但随着扩招高峰期的到来,缺编情况可能会更加严重,各校应有计划地增加体育教师数量。2、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师的学历以本科为主,硕士学位者只占2. 61%;教师学缘结构单一,74. 1%的教师是由新疆本地院校培养,少数民族教师中,99%毕业于新疆本地院校。3、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师职称情况是:高、中、初级的比例为1:1. 44:0. 83。高级职称中少数民族教师比例明显偏低,主要原因是科研论文少。4、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师教学能力和教学水平较好,大多数教师对教学大纲比较熟悉;能按教学常规准备教学文件;80. 39%的教师能够独立承担体育理论课教学;教师工作量大多在每周6-16学时。但也存在一些问题如:因教学大纲的选择与本地区特点和实际联系不紧密,所以有54. 24%的教师对教学大纲部分实施;另外,还有部分教师不能承担理论课教学等。5、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师的政治思想素质较高,党员人数占教师总数的18. 65%;爱岗敬业精神较好,但受市场经济环境的影响,部分教师有从事第二职业的情况。6、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师的科研状况不容乐观,参与科研的人数不多,且论文的数量和质量都不高,写论文的目的大多是为评职称的需要。少数民族教师因发表论文的渠道较少,所以论文数量很少,这对他们晋升职称有很大影响。7、 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师工资待遇不高;有部分学校不能按规定给教师发放运动服装;教师工作量计算系数有一半学校在0. 6-O.85之间;教师进修培训的机会很少,近1 0年来有85. 62%的教师未进修过。本文针对上述现状进行了分析,并就如何加强乌鲁木齐高校体育教师队伍建设问题,有针对性地提出了高校职能部门应加强对体育师资队伍建设的重视程度;提高体育教师队伍的学历水平;提高新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师队伍教学水平的途径;提高教师科研能力,加强教学、科研两用人才的培养;树立新型教师培养观念,畅通继续教育渠道;提高体育教师待遇,调动教师工作积极性的对策,旨在为培养和建设一支适应2 1世纪新疆高等教育改革和发展需要的、稳定的、高水平的体育教师队伍提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 The Cultivation of the West, historically speaking, provides a very good chance for the development of higher education in Xinjiang. And the factor of teachers is vital to this development. 193 PE teachers from nine colleges and universities in Urumuqi are carefully studied in this thesis. The study involves their general condition, their teaching, their researching, their training of students, their political quality, their pay conditions and their on-the-job training conditions. References, interviews, investigations, questionnaires, observations and statistics are made use of to do this study. Its findings are:l.At present the number of PE teachers can satisfy the need of physical education in the higher institutions in Urumqi. But with the coming of the peak period of enrollment enlargement, this number has to be increased in a carefully planned way.2.Most of the 193 teachers are bachelors and the percentage of masters is only 2.61%. Besides, 74.1% of the teachers are graduates of the local colleges and universities, and the percentage of minority nationality teachers who graduated from local higher institutions is as high as 99%.3. Among the teachers investigated, the rate of professors, instructors and assistant teachers is 1:1.44:0.83. Because of their relatively fewer research papers, much fewer minority nationality teachers have been promoted as professors and vice professors.4.The curriculums used by the higher institutions in Urumqi , to a certain extent, are not suitable, so far as the characters and the practical condition of the region are concerned. So only 54.24% of the teachers investigated carried out parts of the curriculums chosen.5. The teachers investigated can prepare themselves for their teaching according to teaching norms, and 80.39% of them can shoulder the task of teaching PE theories by themselves. Their teaching periods every week vary from six to sixteen hours.6.Their researching situation is: only a few teachers take part in researching work, and their purpose is mainly for job promotions; minority nationality teachers found fewer sources’ to publish the research papers, so their job promotions are greatly influenced.T.There have been very few opportunities for PE teachers to go out to have on-the-job training for the recent 10 years. As many as 85.62% of the teachers investigated have never received this kind of training.Besides a detailed and systematic analysis of the above conditions, this thesis offers some constructive measures for solving the problem of improving the quality of PE teachers. Hopefully they will be helpful to the construction of the PE teachers who are suitable for the reform and development of the higher education in Xinjing.

【关键词】 新疆乌鲁木齐高校体育教师现状对策
【Key words】 Urumuqihigher institutionsPE teachersanalysismeasures
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】595