

Limbal Relaxing Incisions for Correcting Astigmatism

【作者】 程婷玉

【导师】 陈逖;

【作者基本信息】 安徽医科大学 , 眼科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目的 研究角膜缘松弛切开术对角膜散光矫治作用,试图从临床应用的角度为角膜散光的治疗寻找一种简便易行、安全可靠的新方法。 方法 1.在临床工作中筛选出角膜散光≥2.50D的病例12例(12只眼)其中包括手术源性角膜散光5例(5只眼);非手术源性角膜散光7例(7只眼);复性近视散光6例(6只眼);单纯近视散光4例(4只眼);复性远视散光1例(1只眼);单纯远视散光1例(1只眼)。 2.对所选病例行角膜曲率检查,其中2例行角膜地形图检查,并进行主觉验光,测定裸眼视力、矫正视力与散光度数、散光轴,确定角膜最高屈折力的径线位置指导手术设计。 3.根据角膜最高屈折力径线位置,在角膜缘标记切口长度,用瑞士迈高金刚刀以角膜陡峭径线为轴,在角膜缘Vogt栅栏区前,沿标记做一对弧形切口,深度为600—650μm,长度按每矫正1D需2mm计算切口。 4.术后随访裸眼视力、矫正视力及屈光度的变化,作手术后的对比、评价、结果分析。 结果 12例术前裸眼平均视力0.25±0.09,术后视力提高至0.78±0.18;术前角膜散光为3.44±0.57D,术后散光度下降至0.60±0.27D,平均下降2.84D。 结论 角膜缘松弛切开术是一种安全简捷、行之有效的角膜散光矫治术式。

【Abstract】 To investigate the correction effect on the corneal astigmatism after being implemented by the surgery of limbal relaxing incisions, with the expectation to seek a safe and practical therapy method to the curing of corneal astigmatism by easy facility from the point of view of clinical application.Method1. By selection of twelve cases (12 eyes) of corneal astigmatism^ 2.5D out of the clinical cases, among which there are 5 cases of corneal astigmatism arising of operational source (5 eyes), 7 cases of which are of non-operational source (7 eyes), 6 cases are of compound myopic astigmatism (6 eyes), 4 cases are of simple myopic astigmatism (4 eyes), 1 case of compound hyper astigmatism (1 eye ), and one case of simple hypermetropic astigmatism (1 eye).2. By implementation of examination the corneal curvature to the above mentioned selecting cases, two of which received corneal topography checking, and further to the subjective optometry for the ascertainment of uncorrected visual acuity, corrected visual acuity, the degree of astigmatism and astigmatism axis so as to locate the position of the 4comeal meridian at the top refractive powef, thus to direct the design ofthe surgery.3. Basing on the position of the comeal meridian at the top refractivepower, mark the incision length on the limbus. With the adOPtion of theSwiss made Meyco diamond scalpel, tdeng the corneal precipitousmeridian as an eds to undergo a pair of arch incision to the depth of600-650pm in front of the limbal VOgt’s zone, while the length of whichis on the calculation of 2mm incision for correcting lD.4. Make comParison, evaluation and analysis to the sllfgery result byfollowing-uP reviews on the thectional movemellts of the patiellts’uncorrected visual acuity corrected visual acuity and diopterReSUftThe average uncorrected visual acuity of the l2 cases Pre-surgerywasf0.25 f0.09. The borovemellt post the surgery has reached to 0.78f0.l8.The comal anigInatism pre-surgery was 3.44l0.57D. The comealastigmatism post-surgery is reduced to 0.60t0.27D, with 2.84D drop onaverage.ConclusionRelaxing incisions at limbus is a safe and effective surgical orientationfor correcting astigInatism.

  • 【分类号】R779.6
  • 【下载频次】44