

Research on Expert System of Fault Diagnosis of Car Based on Network

【作者】 王峰

【导师】 李福义;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 维护和保养在汽车的使用过程中占有十分重要的地位。随着人民生活水平的日益提高,汽车将越来越多的进入家庭。尽量降低汽车故障的发生率和提高诊断故障的效率成了汽车用户的十分重要的问题。网上故障诊断专家系统为解决这个问题提供了一条新的途径。本论文对网上故障诊断专家系统进行了详尽的讨论。首先,详细的讨论了汽车常见的故障、产生故障的原因以及诊断故障的一般方法、原则。然后,在此基础上,初步建立了关于汽车故障诊断的知识库。知识库主要采用了框架的知识表示法和面向对象的知识表示法。专家系统的推理则是基于浅知识的推理。推理的技术是正向推理。最后,给出了专家系统的具体实现。基于流行的网络技术,网上专家系统的结构体制采用了Web客户/服务器的软件模型。Web客户软件,使用了Web浏览器Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE)。Web服务器软件使用了Microsoft Internet Information Server(IIS)。在此模式下,网上专家系统在Web服务器端进行了软件再开发:使用Active Server Pages(ASP)和Component Object Model (COM)对象实现了专家系统的功能。

【Abstract】 Maintenance and repair are very important in the use of car. Withthe better qua1ity of 1if e, more and more cars wi11 enter comonfami1ies. 1t is a very important prob1em to decrease the occurrenceof car fault and increase the efficiency of fau1t diagnosis. Expertsystem of diagnosis of car based on network is a new so1ution to thisprob1em. This paper discussed the so1ution in detail. First, commonfau1t s in car, re1ative reasons and genera1 methods and princip1eswere searched. Second, a primary knowledge base of fault diagnosisof car was bui1t. Frame representation and object--orientedrepresentation app1ied to the know1edge base. And the expert systemis based on e1ementary know1edge --reasoning. Fina11y, this paper gavethe imp1ementation of the expert system.’ The software structurereferenced the C1ient/Server mode1 in popu1ar network techniques. Thec1 ient software was a Web browser, Microsoft Internet Exp1orer(IE). Theserver software was Microsoft 1nternet Information Server (1IS). Inthe mode1, expert system software deve1oped second1y on the side ofthe server software: Active Server Pages (ASP ) cooperated withComponent 0bject Mode1 (C0M) in imp1ementing the expert system.

【关键词】 故障诊断汽车专家系统网络ASP组件对象模型
【Key words】 fault diagnosisexpert system of carnetworkASPCOM
  • 【分类号】TP182
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】416