

Software Design of Platform Inertial Navigation System

【作者】 王吓弟

【导师】 赵琳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 研制小型化、价格适宜、中高精度的船用惯导系统对我国的海军建设具有十分重要的意义。本文以实际工程为背景,完成了平台式惯性导航系统的软件设计与实现。 本文首先简要地分析了惯导系统的基本工作原理,给出了惯导系统的机械编排,介绍了基于PC/104总线技术的嵌入式导航计算机控制系统的硬件组成、结构和功能。本文重点完成基于DOS操作系统的嵌入式导航计算机系统软件设计和实现。为了解决单任务的DOS操作系统上完成对多任务的实时处理,本文引入事件驱动机制,提出了计算机实时控制系统事件驱动程序设计的基本模型,并将此模型应用于导航系统的软件设计,实现了导航系统事件驱动管理多任务的机制,很好地满足了惯导系统实时性和多任务性的要求。 同时,考虑到DOS图形环境下,人机交互图形界面的开发工作繁重且多数重复,本文充分借鉴Windows、X Window先进的图形编程思想,采用面向对象的程序设计方法,开发了支持中文显示的窗口系统软件,并利用窗口系统成功地开发出简洁、实用、可靠的惯导系统图形界面。 在惯导系统的对接联调实验中,本系统软件完成了无阻尼工作状态和水平阻尼工作状态的测试,实验结果表明软件实现了数学模型的功能。

【Abstract】 It is very boortan for our counny naval bullding to develop ship inertialnavigation system(SINS) which has miniaturiZaion, well price and accuracyAimed at a practical engineering project, the paPer completes design andrealization of platform inertial navigation system.The paPer first generalizes basic substance and mechanism layout of SINS.The hardware component and function of the embedded navigation computercontrol system based on PC/l04 bus technique is introduced. The paPer majors indesigning and realizing software of the SINS based on the DOS operation system.To complete Mu1titaSk real-time control under the DOS operation system which isa simple taSk system, the paPer introduces mechamsm of event driven, andpresents a fundarnental model to describe the prograrnming of real-time controlsystem. The model of programming has been applied to software design of thenavigation system. and to manage multitask which sa1isfy the need of real~timeand multitask control for the SINS.Meanwhile. considering that the work of human graphic interface is hard andrepeating, the paper develops a window system supporting Chinese display withthe method of object-oriented programming. Advanced ideas of graPhicprogramming in Windows and X Window are introduced to design of the windowsystem. Now the window system is aPplied successfully to developing practicaland reliable graPhic interfaces of the SINS.We test tWo work states in the experiment. The results prove that the mathmodel come true in the software system.

  • 【分类号】TN967
  • 【被引频次】8
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