

【作者】 石秀芹

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 我国《教师法》明确规定:“教师是履行教育教学职责的专业人员,承担教书育人,培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人,提高民族素质的使命”,也就是说教师职业的主要责任是“教书育人”。在我国的中学里,目前担任学校德育任务的主要是学校的政治课教师、班主任、政教处和团委的管理人员,用《中小学德育规程》里的话说“他们是学校德育工作的骨干力量”。但是,教书育人是教师的天职,实际上对学生进行思想品德教育,教会学生做人是每一位教师的职责,本文试图通过问卷调查和理论分析相结合的方法,对高中学科教师的德育作用做“实然”和“应然”的分析,为中学教师的德育素质结构提供调查依据,并有效地服务于高中德育工作水平的提高。 本文以高中学科教师实施德育的情况为调查内容,围绕着学科教师的德育意识、德育素质、德育途径、德育效果共设计出两套调查问卷。问卷一针对学科教师进行调查,问卷二针对高中学生进行调查,两份问卷均为封闭式问卷,以整群典型随机分层抽样的方式,选取山东省较有代表性的八所高中进行施测。 问卷调查分析结果如下:1.绝大多数高中学科教师意识到自己对学生负有道德教育的责任,但也有一部分教师德育意识淡薄。2.高中学科教师的德育素质中,道德素质较高,专业素质和教育素质偏低,急需提高。3.学科教师对学生的德育影响是全方位的,既有显性的,也有隐性的。4.学生对学科教师的德育作用有较高的期待。 本文就以上结果进行了讨论,并在讨论的基础上提出了充分发挥高中学科教师在德育工作中作用的对策和建议。建议如下:第一、改进高等师范教育人才的培养模式,提高师资的德育素质;第二、重视对现有高中教师的继续教育,通过校本培训和外出培训,提高德育教师的德育素质,以适应高中德育工作的要求;第三、学校要建立体现学科教师德育绩效的评价机制,把学科教师的德育素养、德育工作及成绩作为对教师培养、考核、任用的内容;第四、大力倡导行为育人,加强师德与人格修养,全面提高教师的整体素质,让教师成为学生自觉学习的榜样。

【Abstract】 To impart knowledge and educate people is the main responsibility of teacher in China. But in many high schools, only politics teachers, form masters and staff in political department and league committee shoulder the duty of moral education. To provide scientific basis for the structure of moral education, this paper tries to analyse the effects of moral education of discipline teachers through questionnaires and theoretical analysis.This paper centers on the enforcement of moral education of discipline teachers. Two questionaries are designed according to teachers’ moral education awareness> quality > approach and the effects. One is for discipline teachers, and the other is for senior high school students.The following results come from the survey on 8 random schools in Shandong province:1 > Most discipline teachers have a strong awareness of moral education.2 , The discipline teachers have high moral quality,but their professional quality need improving.3> The teachers have an over-all influence on the moral education of students.4> The teachers are expected to play a more important role in moral education.On the basis of above results, this paper suggests:1. To develop the training patterns in normal university.2. Put great emphasis on senior high school teachers’ continuing education.3. Set an effective scientific evaluation system of moral education of discipline teachers.4. To enhance teachers’ moral quality and set good examples for students.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】449