

Study on Cutting Process Simulation of Bevel Gears and the Software Development

【作者】 梁伟

【导师】 郭晓东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械设计与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 由于弧齿锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮(以下简称锥齿轮)的齿面齿形几何结构的复杂性,使其设计、加工非常复杂。基于局部共轭啮合理论和齿面接触分析可以确定以齿面接触质量为目标的切齿调整参数。虽然一些设计参数如刀盘名义半径、刀尖园角半径或刀尖修缘凸角参数对齿面接触区形态影响不大,但对轮齿从小端至大端的收缩情况、根切及齿顶变尖等有较大的影响。在实际的生产实践中,只有在完成了齿坯、工夹具、刀具的制造,并在锥齿轮铣齿机上进行实际试切后才能确定全部合理的参数。这个过程是相当烦琐的,且周期很长,在很大程度上影响新产品的开发成本。因而研究锥齿轮的切齿仿真方法,开发其应用软件系统具有一定的学术意义和实际应用价值。本文利用计算机图形学技术开发出了一套Gleason齿制锥齿轮的切齿加工过程仿真和几何参数分析软件。应用当前广泛流行的C++语言和它先进的面向对象编程(OOP)思想,将软件系统按功能划分为数据输入、切齿加工过程仿真、轮齿曲面网格生成、锥齿轮几何分析四大模块,实现了软件的模块化与对象化。因此本软件系统具有良好的移植性、可维护性,便于升级和扩展。本文开发的软件系统实现了锥齿轮切齿的机床调整、加工过程仿真,获得了锥齿轮的三维实体模型,可形象地显示齿面的齿形几何结构,由此可判断齿形的合理性和齿面根切与否;给出了小轮粗切、精切的齿面比较以及精切余量;在三维实体模型的基础上,分析了锥齿轮节锥上的压力角、螺旋角的变化趋势,锥齿轮齿顶与节锥切向的齿厚变化趋势;初步实现了锥齿轮副装配和齿面接触区分析。根据锥齿轮切齿仿真所获得的三维几何模型,本文还研究了在通用四轴联动加工中心上加工锥齿轮齿形的方法和在通用三坐标测量机上进行锥齿轮齿面几何形状误差测量及数据处理方法。利用本文研制的切齿加工仿真软件系统及其分析结果,可以很好地指导Gleason齿制锥齿轮的设计和加工生产,缩短开发周期,降低开发成本。所研制的软件系统具有较强的实用性和推广应用价值

【Abstract】 The design and manufacture of spiral bevel and hypoid gears are very difficult for their complicated geometrical structure of tooth form. Although the blank dimensions, cutter specifications and machine settings can be obtained for tooth contact pattern by using calculation instructions and tooth contact analysis that are based on the local conjugate theory of gearing. The whole rational such parameters can only be determined after practical manufacture of gear blank, cutter and trial cutting on hypoid generator. It is normally a long period. Some parameters, such as cutter diameter, tooth height proportion, cutter radius and TOPREM height, have little influence on the contact pattern. They will greatly affect on the tooth proportion from toe to heel of tooth blank and undercut. On the other hand, the 3D solid model of spiral and hypoid gears are needed for the die manufacture in the net-shape manufacture technology of such gears. Furthermore, the tooth form of tool can be modified and manufactured on NC machining center. So, the study on the cutting process simulation and the software development has some academic signification and value of practical application.Based on the reasons mentioned above a simulation method of cutting process of spiral bevel and hypoid gears is proposed in this paper. The meshing theory of gearing and computer graphics technology are applied to create 3D solid model. The software system, which accepts user input of parameters or directly imports parameters from other software, is developed in C++ by using of ObjectARX developing kit of AutoCAD. The software is designed as four modules, which are data input, cutting process simulation, mesh creating, and geometrical analysis. By using OOP programming technology the program modules are easily to be transplanted, maintained, upgraded and expanded. It can virtually realize the machine setting and cutting process simulation, the 3D solid modeling, visualize the toot form geometrical structure of gear manufactured. The rationality of geometrical structure of tooth form and the undercut are estimated. It can also compare roughing and finishing of pinion tooth surface and give the stock<WP=6>distribution of finishing. Based on the 3D solid model, the changing trend of spiral angle and pressure angle of pitch cone, the thickness-changing trend of face and pitch cone can be analyzed. In addition, the method of cutting tooth on general NC machining center and the measurement of tooth flank geometry on 3D CMM are conducted.With the help of the software system developed in this paper the design and manufacture of spiral bevel and hypoid gears will be much easier than before. The study is a good groundwork of net-shape manufacture of spiral bevel and hypoid gears in the further research

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TG61
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】406