

Study and Application of Object-Oriented Modeling Technology in Software Development

【作者】 黄贤英

【导师】 梁光春;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先阐述了几十年来软件开发一直出现成本高、质量低、进度缓慢、不能按时交付用户等问题的主要原因:(1)难于真正理解系统需求;(2)软件开发没有遵循一个确定的、供开发人员遵守的步骤,即软件过程,软件开发的管理、组织和协调存在问题;(3)先进的开发方法没有和开发活动很好地结合,没有很好地发挥作用。作者认为这是推动软件工程向前发展的主要动力,提出了解决这些问题的方法。 任何系统都是由实体及其相互之间的关系构成的,使用面向对象的方法有助于掌握并控制系统的复杂性。模型是对现实世界的抽象,不同的模型反映系统的不同侧面,从不同的角度观察系统、建立不同的模型有助于对系统全面、真实地理解。使用标准建模语言UML(Unified Modeling Language)有助于开发人员和用户对系统达成共识,消除误解,本文还介绍了UML的特点和一些表示方法。 对系统建模就是模型的生成和转换过程,过程是为了完成开发任务的一系列活动的集合,开发好一个系统需要按步骤有条不紊地组织这些活动。统一过程(Unified Process)提供了组织这些活动的一个框架,统一过程的生命期包括4个阶段和9个核心工作流,每个阶段分为几次迭代。 文中接下来阐述了统一过程的特点:用例驱动、以架构为中心、增量迭代。用例是系统为每个用户提供的功能,项目一开始时就捕获用例,后续活动(分析、设计、实现和测试)围绕这些用例进行。复杂的工作理解起来就困难,把它进行分解,对这些小的部分的理解要比对整体的理解容易得多,同时任何系统的开发不可能一开始就完美无缺,先实现系统的架构,然后以此为中心逐渐增加功能,有利于系统的稳定。 最后本文给出了综合使用UML和统一过程的具体实例,详细说明了稽查征费系统的整个建模过程,并指出了采用该过程的优点是:缩短了开发周期、提高产品质量、增加了管理的透明度便于在预算内及时向用户交付软件产品。

【Abstract】 This paper first describes the reasons why cost is always high, quality is always low, schedule is always behind the plan, and software isn’t delivered to user on time for some decades. First, it is difficult to understand user’s real requirements; Second, the development hasn’t followed an assured steps in software administration, organization and corresponding; Third, good methods has not combined with the software development process. The author considers these are main powers to progress the software engineering, and then brings forward the solutions of these problems.Real world is composed of entities and the relations of them. Using Object-Oriented method can help us to master and control the complexity of the system. Model is the abstraction of the real world; different model reflects different aspect of the system. It is a good idea to build different models from different angles to understand the real system. This paper also introduces the characteristics and notions of the UML; it can help developers and users to understand the system unanimously.Modeling a system is a process of creating and converting a model. A process is a series of activities to do a work. It’s necessary to organize these activities according to a given steps in order to develop a system well. The Unified Process made up of four serial phases, which organized into some iterations and nine core workflows, provides a frame to organize them.Then this paper explains some concepts in Unified Process. It is based on sound software engineering principles such as taking an iterative; use case driven, and architecture-based approach to development.In the last the paper gives an example using UML and the Unified Process, describes the entire modeling process of developing a system. The features of this method are decrease the time of development, improve the quality of software, increase the transparence of management, and deliver the products to users in time and on budget.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】195