

Research on Real Estate Enterprise Expanding Strategy

【作者】 张杰

【导师】 任宏; 黄达清; 瞿兴海;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 房地产企业如何根据外部环境和自身资源制定和实施适合自身的扩张战略,是一个具有现实意义和值得深入研究的课题。制定和实施切合房地产企业实际的扩张战略对增强企业的核心竞争力,提升整个行业的水平和有效地抵抗国外同行的竞争提供了一个有效的手段。这是一个非常迫切和有意义的研究工作。本论文是在查阅了大量中外有关企业战略理论、房地产经营管理方面的专著、期刊、学位论文和其它文献并深入房地产企业内部实际调研的基础上,试图对我国的房地产企业扩张的必然性和扩张战略制定和评价进行探讨。重点在于房地产企业扩张的途径、环境和资源评价、战略方案的评价和实施。首先,在引言中根据房地产行业和企业发展现状提出了研究房地产企业扩张战略的这一课题。根据对国内外研究现状综述,强调了研究房地产企业扩张战略对于发展壮大这一支柱产业的重要性。然后从企业的本质出发,指出企业扩张是企业发展的普遍规律。其次,结合国内外对企业战略的研究和我国房地产企业与行业的特点提出了适合我国房地产企业扩张的战略途径。创新性地应用战略管理理论、交易费用经济学和产业组织理论对房地产企业的外部环境和内部资源与战略能力进行了分析和评价。采用三阶段战略选择法进行战略方案生成和选择,并对初选方案进行适用性、可行性和可接受性评价,以期得到适合企业的备选战略。最后,从资源规划与配置和组织结构与配置两个方面,对战略的实施进行了阐述。并应用前面所提出的理论框架,对深圳万科企业公司进行了案例分析。提出了今后对房地产企业扩张中存在的某些问题进行进一步研究的建议。

【Abstract】 It is valuable and meaningful to study on how the real estate enterprises to establish and implement enterprise-expanding strategies based on its internal resources and external environment. Expanding is an effective way for real estate enterprises to strengthen their core competitive capacity and for the whole industry to upgrade its level in order to compete with foreign competitors. It is urgent and significant to do such a research work.With Reference to plenty of monographs, journals, thesis and other documents on enterprise strategy and based on the actual research in some real estate enterprises, this paper tries to do a deep discussion about both necessarity of real estate enterprise expanding and systematic methods to establish and evaluate the expanding strategies. Much emphasises were imposed on expanding approaches, external environment and internal resources analysis and expanding strategy evaluation and implementation in this paper. Firstly, with stating current situation of the real estate industry and development of the real estate enterprises in China, motif of this paper was educed. After a general introduction about the existing study on this topic from both domestic and foreign scholars, this paper stressed the importance of the research on expanding strategy for developing and strengthening real estate industry. General rules of enterprise expanding were pointed out from the aspect of enterprise’s essences. Thereafter, combining the domestic and foreign study on enterprise expanding strategy with the characteristics of real estate industry and enterprises of China, this paper brings forward special enterprise expanding strategies for real estate enterprises of China. This paper innovatively applies strategy management theory, trading cost theory and industry organization theory to analyse and evaluate real estate enterprise’s external environment and internal resources. This paper also uses three-stage strategy selection approach to work out possible expanding strategies for real estate enterprises. In order to select a best strategy for the real estate enterprise, systematic methods to evaluate the suitability, feasibility and acceptability of each possible strategy were discussed.At last, this paper illustrates the implementation of the selected strategy in planning and allocating resources and organization structure. A case study about Vanke also was provided based on the theories stated above. Some further study suggestions about real<WP=6>estate expanding were also brought forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】468