

An Research on Strategy Management of Tibet Mineral Development Co.Ltd

【作者】 蒋世中

【导师】 李豫湘;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 制定和实施企业经营战略,被看作企业成功的关键,随着21世纪的到来,科学技术快速发展以及经济的全球化,使企业战略管理的地位和作用变得更加重要。 竞争战略理论和核心竞争力理论对企业战略选择具有现实意义,而战略管理的理论和方法又为企业战略选择提供了一个科学的系统的框架。 西藏矿业上市几年来,已经取得了很大发展,同时,又面临严峻的形势。 本文在对矿业企业竞争特点、行业状况以及发展趋势进行分析的基础上,根据战略管理的理论和方法结合西藏矿业发展股份有限公司所处的内外部环境状况,对西藏矿业战略管理的诸多问题进行探讨,提出了保证西藏矿业可持续发展的必要的、可行的方案,如怎样培养核心竞争力,选择业务组合,选择发展方向及模式,以及组织结构匹配等等问题,以此为西藏矿业战略决策提供理论依据,以避免战略失误,确保西藏矿业向合适的方向发展。主要包括以下几个方面: ①通过技术、管理创新以及适度的资本运作来培养企业核心竞争力。 ②西藏矿业应该形成以铬、锂、铜为支柱产业,金、硼等开采为辅助的采、选、冶一体化企业。 ③针对不同产品,应该采取多种方式进行产业一体化。 ④在战略实施上以相应的组织结构相匹配。

【Abstract】 Making and implementing enterprise managing has been regarded as the key to enterprise success. Entering 21 century,with rapidly development of science and technology,and globalization of economy. Enterprise strategy management will be more important.Competitive strategy and core competence strategy core available for selecting enterprise strategy,and the theory of strategy management provides a scientific and systemic frame.For several years since it was publicly listed,Tibet Mineral Development co. Ltd has made great progress,at the same time,facing serious problem.Based on analyzing the overall competitive features of mining enterprise,the present status and the developing trend of mining industry,combined with the condition of Tibet Mineral development company,come exploratory work has been made about the strategy management of the Tibet Mineral Development Company,the paper discusses the necessary and feasible measures,such as cultivating core competence,selecting developing styles and proper structure,and so on. The practical tactics are suggested as the theoretical basis for strategy-making of the Tibet Mineral Development Company,so as to avoid the strategic errors and to ensure the Tibet Mineral Development Company to develop in a proper direction. It mostly involve hereinafter several aspects:Cultivating core competence through technology innovation,management innovation and rational operation of capitals;Exploiting processing and distributing chrome,lithium and copper mine will be three stanchion industry of the company,and gold. borom will be in scale;(3)As to different products,different measures should be taken to vertical integrate;Selecting proper structure of organization.

【关键词】 西藏矿业战略管理
【Key words】 Tibet Mineral Development Companystrategymanagement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】263