

Research on the Integration of IT Education and Curriculum Instruction in Elementary and Middle School

【作者】 杨志珍

【导师】 项国雄;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 开展信息技术教育,是现代化教育的重要内容,也是实现教育现代化的必由之路。教育部部长陈至立说:“21世纪信息技术对教育的影响将是不可估量的。它不仅带来教育形式和学习方式的重大变化,更重要的是对教育思想、观念、模式、内容和方法产生深刻影响。为了争取在新世纪日趋激烈的国际竞争中占据主动,我们必须加快在中小学普及信息技术教育,努力实现教育信息化。” 以何种方式和途径进行信息技术教育,是学校内部需要解决的主要课题。依据国际经验,学校信息技术教育呈现多样化、立体化的态势,但最好的方式还是通过学校课程的开设与实施,使信息技术教育贯穿在学校教育的全过程中,走整合化道路。笔者正是出于探索在中小学阶段全面实施信息技术教育的途径、探讨实施信息技术教育与学科课程整合的理论框架和实践模式的目的才写下了此文。 本文从信息技术教育的基本涵义、教学目标、教学内容、教学策略、教学评价几个方面解决了信息技术教育开展过程中的难题:即为什么教、教什么、怎么教、效果如何。文章首先从开展信息技术教育的重大意义谈起,随之对信息技术教育的深刻内涵、教学目标、教学内容做了深入研究,在此基础上,透彻分析了以整合模式开展信息技术教育的五种教学模式的基本教学过程,最后对整合教学的评价方式做了初步探讨。 文章的第一部分首先是引言。引言对撰写本文的目的及背景作了简单论述。 第一章首先论述了信息技术教育开展的大背景。信息技术的飞速发展引起了社会形态的根本变革,直接导致了信息社会的到来。智力资本成了当今社会经济发展的驱动力。人才成了这个时代最宝贵的财富。同时,信息社会的人才观与传统社会的人才观相比从学习、生活和工作上都有了很大的改变。它要求人们具备在信息社会中生存的最基本素质——信息素养以应对信息社会突如其来、瞬息万变的形势。因此,开展信息技术教育、提升本国人民的信息素养也就成为世界各国为赢取未来激烈的国际竞争的头等大事。 随后,是文章的第二章内容——信息技术教育研究综述。文章的第一节首先对国内外信息技术教育的发展现状做了分析比较。第二节中,文章深入分析了国内外有关整合教学的研究中已取得的成绩及仍存在的问题,目的在于发掘本文在前人已有研究基础上所能实现的突破,以期本文能起抛砖引玉之用。 文章的第三章主要论述了信息技术教育的目标、内容及实施方式。第一节中首先对信息技术教育的涵义作了清楚的阐述,并对信息技术教育发展的历史阶段作了简单回顾,从而在澄清信息技术教育误区的基础上提出了信息技术教育的教育目标,并从任务准备阶段、搜寻信息阶段、信息检索和获取阶段、信息使用阶段、信息集成阶段、评价阶段对信息技术教育的教学内容作了详细描述。第二节中,在对信息技术教育实施的两种模式,即独立设课模式利渗透结合模式的优缺点作了分析比较之后,文章提出以整合模式开展信息技术教育是符合我国国情的最佳方式。 文章的第四章主要对整合教学的理论做了初步概述。文章的第一节阐述了整合教学的三大理论基础即学习理论、素质教育理论、现代课程理论对整合教学的指导意义。文章的第二节在对整合思想的内涵作深入论述的基础上,指出以整合方式开展信息技术教育是必然趋势。同时,对整合教学的教学目标、教学内容做了深入论述。 本文的第五章主要对整合教学的教学策略作了深入研究。文章的第一节首先从整合教学的四大要素:教师、学生、教学媒体——信息技术、教学内容之间的关系谈起,对这四者在整合教学中的作用作了透彻的分析。随后,文章的第二节分别对整合教学开展的五种基于教学论的模式,即问题解决型、知识传授型、自主学习型、合作学习型、研究学习型各自的特点作了剖析,并从教学过程、教师活动、学生活动、信息技术应用、信息素养培养五个方面对模式如何应用于教学实践进行了深入探讨。接着,第三节列举了由笔者从国外教学网站中搜集以及由笔者设计的五种模式的教学案例,以期能对一线教学的教师有所帮助。第四节则从整合教学的教学流程、教学策略两方面对整合教学的教学设计进行了细致的分析和研究。 文章的第六章对整合教学的评价作了初步探讨。文章的第一节首先提出整合教学由于其教学过程的特殊性,所以对其评定宜采用变通性评价方式。文章第二节在对整合教学的评价特点作深入分析的基础上,指出评价学生信息技术教育的学习成果应采用测验、电子作品评价和态度量表测量三种方式相结合,自评、他评和教师评价三者相结合的评价形式。文章提出,屯于作品的评价可采用量规方式予以评定。量规的制定可由教师组织学生一起共同完成。同时文章还在文后附录了三种类型的电子作品评价量规供教师们参考。 文章的第七章对整合教学的实施作了详尽论述。文章从整合教学面临的问题谈起,对整合教学的具体实施提出了切实可行的措施,即在整合教学开展的过程中,硬件设施是基础、教帅培训是关键,观念的转变是根本、资源库建设是必需,而教学模式的转变、教学内容的改革则是旦体实施的必由之路

【Abstract】 The development of IT Education is the important content in modern education, on the other hand, it is also the only way that could modernize the education. Minister of Ministry of Education ZhiLi Chen said: "The influence which IT has on the education is immeasurable. IT could not only bring out great changes to the mode of teaching and learning, but also it would have important impacts on the idea, mode, content and method of instruction. In order to keep ahead in the more and more intense international competition, we should quicken our step of popularizing IT Education, try our best to make the IT in Education come true."Adopting what way and what method to carry out IT Education is the primary task which schools should solve. According to the international experience, IT Education in schools takes on the state of diversification and dimensionalization, The best way is to make the IT Education run through the whole process of school instruction by the development of school curriculum, walking on the road of integration. In order to explore the way of implementing IT Education in elementary and middle school > the frame of idea and the mode of practice to integrate IT Education into curriculum instruction, the author writes this paper.This paper solves four difficult problems in the process of carrying out IT Education from the meaning-, instructional goal, instructional content, instructional strategy, instructional evaluation of IT Education, that is : why to teach, what to teach, how to teach.what the effect is. It first discusses the great significance of carrying out IT Education, next, it does much research on the meaning., goal, content of IT Education. Based on the above issues, it clearly analyses the instructional process of five "integration instruction" mode of carrying out IT Education. In the end, it probes into the method of evaluation of "integration instruction".The first part of paper is introduction. It discusses the intention and background of writing this paper.In Chapter One, it first discusses the background of carrying out IT Education. The flying development of IT arouses the ultimate change of the social form, and it directly results in the coming of information society. Intellect capital becomes the power of driving the economy in current society, talent is the most valuable wealth in this age. On the other hand, the idea of what is the talent in information society is much different from the tradition society from the learning, living, working. It requires people possess the mostessential quality in information society------Information Literacy, to cope with the suddenand changeful situation. Thereby, carrying out IT Education and improving people’s information literacy become the top thing which each country should do to win the victory in the intense international competition.In Chapter Two, it is the summary of research on IT Education. In Section Three, it analyzes and compares the current situation of IT Education in China and abroad. In Section Four, it thoroughly analyzes the achievements which the research on "integration instruction" have achieved and the problems to be solved. It aims at finding out the breakthrough which this paper could achieve based on the known research.In Chapter Three, it discusses the goals, contents and the ways of carrying out IT Education. In Section One, it first clearly expounds the meaning of IT Education, then it briefly reviews the history of the development of IT Education. Based on the clarification of the mistake understanding about IT Education, it points out the instructional goals of IT Education, and it discusses the instructional contents of IT Education in detail from the phase of task preparing, information gathering, information searching, information getting, information using, information organizing, information evaluating. In Section Two, it separately analyzes and compares the merits and shortages of the two mode of carrying out IT Education (that is the mode of separateness and the mode of integ

  • 【分类号】G40-057
  • 【被引频次】11
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