

Survey of Health Food in Guangdong and Evaluation of Health Food on Moisturizing & Removing Heat from Throat

【作者】 王立斌

【导师】 陈清; 邓峰;

【作者基本信息】 第一军医大学 , 流行病与卫生统计学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:为了分析广东省保健食品的发展状况,完善保健食品的管理,验证以不同中草药为主要原料制成的清咽润喉保健食品的功能。 方法:采用流行病学现况研究方法对省内的保健食品企业和产品进行普查;对城市保健食品购买者作分层抽样和整群抽样相结合的调查;依据流行病学临床试验方法,将总共248名咽喉不适的志愿受试者按组间和自身对照设计,用双盲法要求受试者分别食用3种不同保健食品和对应的药品或空白对照品。 结果: 一、保健食品剂型与普通食品相比有明显的差异,以口服液、胶囊、片剂、冲剂为剂型生产的保健食品占82%。保健食品使用的原料中不含中草药的仅占10.0%,而使用卫生部规定的既是食品又是药品的八十七种药食两用品种占21.3%,既含有药食两用品种又含有其它中草药的保健食品占23.4%,含有药食两用品种以外的中草药材占45.3%,以滋补类中药为主。功能以免疫调节、抗疲劳、延缓衰老、补充营养素等为主。适用对象包括不同性别、年龄的所有人群。 企业在生产加工保健食品过程中实施了多种技术质量控制措施。保健食品有专用的生产设备,对原料和加工过程中投料的种类、规格、数量都有详细的记录,96.9%的工厂配备检测实验室,全部工人经培训上岗。98.5%企业做到每批产品都检验,检验项目以理化、微生物指标为主,分别为89.2%、90.8%。开展功0的企业为56.e。保健食品企业在生产中采取多种u细菌、霉菌和酵母菌繁殖,半成品、成品的灭菌工艺有高温高压、高温、辐照、低温于燥、超微过滤、微波处理、巴氏消毒、臭氧消毒和其它方法。 二、消费者回Mk品知识问题,slz’i得分 7.92土 1.99,受大学及以上教育的消费者得分 8.06士 1.99,高于初中及以下文化程度人群的得分 7.61土2.13O值2.131,P<0.05人消费者认识到保健食品的作用包括辅助治疗(66.6%)、增进健康(64.3%、预防疾病(56.l%)、补充营养素(44.6%)和保持健美(25.3%)。被调查802名消费者的保健食品知识睐自多个方面,主要来源是报刊杂志占66.8%,广播电视占65.oh,宣传资料占42.8%,亲友占41.%,专家咨询占23.3%,医院占18.2%,推销员占17 h,每个消费者平均获得保健食品知识的途径是2.96种。63%的消费者购买保健食品的用途是自己食用,为家庭老年人和小孩而购买的分别占47.孤和38.h,将保健食品用于送礼的购买者占19.h。认为政府部l刁对宣传广告管理得好占12.e,做得一般占55.5%,管理不好占32.5%。56.5%的消费者喜欢选帐盾列咋华皆售价在50元以下的保健食品,32.5%选购价格在sib100 f间,11.ly0要购买售价100元以上的保健食品。 65ry0的消费者赞成改善牲功能保健食品,多元逻辑回归分析结果表明:认为保健食品g驹弱Did)Jktr中营养物质的不足、零售价格在SGI00元范围、人群的营养和保健养0识、受过良好的教育、对假冒伪劣保健食品。h闰硕虑、为送礼而购买保健食品等文化、经渊D{%l.~wrr品管理现状等因素会影响川门对改善性功能保健食品作出不同的结论。 三、捌1设计了一套书舰指标包括临床一般状祝检查、咽喉部症状及体征观察、咽拭子细菌培养等项目的清咽润喉功效评价人体实验方法。先后检验三M#品的功能,共有248名受试者完成要求的试食试验,三种受试保健食品样品 因干等7项咽部主要症状改善率株爬挥u6be以上,与板蓝根组、喉康 2散组比较,没有显著性差异。对粘膜充血等咽、喉部体征改善率在75%吐。对甲型链球菌、奈瑟氏菌和金黄色W转阴率均在sffe以上。表明通过进食清咽润喉类保健食品,可以改善人体咽喉不适。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the administration and accelerate the development of health food,epidemiological methods for cross-sectional study were conducted to investigate health food enterprises,products and consumers of health food. We designed human experiment to assess the effects of health food on moisturizing and removing heat from throat Results as follow.The preparation of health food products were primarily composed of oral liquid (33.3%),capsule (24.7%),tablet (16.0%),etc and this was quite different from ordinary food 90.0% raw materials of health food originated from traditional Chinese medicine. 21.3% raw materials of health food were on the list of 87 medicine & food materials that exclaimed by MOH of China and 45.3% were not on the list Most of them belonged to nourishing traditional Chinese herbal medicine. The function of health food included irnmimologjcal-function-adjusting,fatigue-protection,delayed-senility,dietary supplement,etc. Health foods were designed for all life stages of male and female.Enterprises implemented quality control measures in the manufacturing of health food They kept records of raw materials and ingredients used in detail. 96.9% factories were equipped with laboratories and all the workers were trained 98.5% products were analyzed by every batch. 89.2% factories carried out physic-chemical analysis and 90.8% tested the limitation of microbiology. 56.9% factories carried out functional composition analysis. The disinfecting processing utilizedhigh-thermo-processing,irradiation,pasteurization,filter,microwave-heating,ozone-processing,etc.The average nutritional and health knowledge scores of 802 health food consumers were 7.92+1.99. The consumers who received college education had higher scores 8.06 + 1.99 than the others who only gained high school study or below had 7.61 +2.13 (P<0.05 =. They considered that health food was used to improve treatment effect of some diseases,improve health,prevent diseases,fortify nutrients,and keep fit People gained the knowledge about health food through various channels. Newspaper & magazine,radio & television,press lists,introduction among friends,consultation from specialist were the major channels. 63% people purchased health food for their own,and 47.5%,38.9% purchased health food for the senile persons and kids in their family respectively. 88.0% consumers were not satisfied with the management of advertising. More than half of the consumers preferred the health food price less than 50 yuan per sale package.Multivariate logistic regression model was used to assess the consumers’ attitude towards health food for ameliorating sexual function. The results indicated that more than 65% consumers favor this kind of health food Consumers aged under 40,having college education,of high income had a higher rate to present assenting views (P> 0.05) . It could be concluded that more and more consumers would favor this kind of health food along with the updating of the modes of thought,popularization of college education and with the devolpment of economy. The key points for the development of health food for ameliorating sexual function were education of knowledge about nutrition and health food,control of health food and testing method of health function.We set up the human experiment methods to assess the effects of health food onmoisturizing and removing heat fiom throat according to Health Food Function Assessment and Inspection Principle. Tie detected index included:clinical examination,throat semeiography,and throat swab bacterial culture. We used auto-control experimental design and examinized the index before and after the experiment 248 subjects had respectively eaten three kinds of health food,two OTC drugs,or one placedo candy for 7 days. The results showed three different kinds of health food had significant effects on moisturizing and removing heat from throat.

  • 【分类号】R181.3
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