

On Protection Afforded to Copyright about the Internet

【作者】 李杰

【导师】 李冬梅;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网的横空出世,无论是给外国人还是中国人,都带来震撼。面对成千上万台计算机的联网,任何一种信息,任何一件作品,在理论上都面临着无限扩散的可能。公众可以利用互联网的强大复制功能,对作品直接进行未经许可的复制、抄袭、改编和演绎。 作品的广泛传播,使其稀缺性迅速下降,价格也趋近于0,仅从经济学角度看,更增加了复制的合法性。这样的巨大变化,无疑对传统的版权保护体系带来强烈冲击。甚至有人提出将几百年形成的版权制度推倒重来的悲观论点。但是,所幸的是决大多数的有识之士还是选择了比较务实的道路,他们坚信网络对现有版权保护制度的“破坏”并非颠覆性的,版权保护制度完全可以在现有基础上,与新技术的进步相结合,继续发展、完善。 在此前提下,对于现实中存在的,随网络的发展而不可避免地出现的许多问题,就亟待法律来加以完善,以使网络环境中版权人和使用者二者之间的利益重新获得平衡,网络环境中版权保护的法律秩序重新得以建立。 本着上述目的,本文系统讨论了网络技术对版权法律制度的影响及推动,并分析和网络环境下版权法的三大基本要素——主体、客体、权利内容所出现的新问题,并在此基础上对网络侵权进行了研究,最后,集中探讨了我国“入世”及著作权法重新修改后,网络版权保护得以进一步加强的途径。 受个人水平及时间所限,本文难免有疏漏错误之处,诚恳期待批评指正。

【Abstract】 The sudden emergence of Internet has shocked both foreigners and Chinese. Facing thousands of computers joined together, any kind of information or article has the theoretical possibility of boundless diffusing. The public can employ its powerful function of copying to copy, plagiarize, adapt and deduct the works directly without permission.The extensive spreading of articles greatly reduces its rarity and makes its price almost to none. This further adds the lawfulness in economic viewpoint. This change is so great that the traditional copyright protection system has been greatly challenged and even some people propose the pessimistic idea of resetting the system existing for several centuries. However what is lucky, most wise people choose the practical idea, and they believe that Internet’s "change" to current copyright system is not overthrowing and the system can continue to develop and perfect on present basis after combining with the development of new technology.Under the condition, the problems existing unavoidably with the development of Internet are waiting to be solved by law so that the benefits between copyright owner and user can be rebalanced and the legal order of copyright protection can be established in Internet environment.For above purpose, this article discusses Internet’s effect and promotion on legal copyright system and analyses the new problems of the three main factors of copyright law-subject, object and content in Internet environment. Further it studies Internet infringement. Finally it focuses on studying the road of promoting Internet copyright protection after China’s entry of WTO and the revision of copyright law. Limited by time and knowledge, this article is open for comments and corrections.

【关键词】 互联网版权保护
【Key words】 InternetCopyrightProtection
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】286