

Research for CRM Practice in VIP Relation Management in S City Mobile Company

【作者】 韦晓丽

【导师】 张新元;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是以服务取胜的时代,谁拥有顾客,谁就能赢得一切。正因为如此,客户关系管理(Customer Relation Management,CRM)已成为2001年企业管理最热门的话题之一,国内CRM市场正处于启动期,各行各业正探索适合本企业模式的CRM应用之道。 本公司是S市一家移动通信运营公司,在移动通信市场蓬勃发展,买方市场逐步强势的今天,面对入世的竞争压力,面对开发大西北的滚滚浪潮,在日益激烈的移动通信市场竞争中,在向客户提供的移动业务已无太大差异的情况下,要想吸引客户、留住客户并且升级客户,提高自身的市场竞争力,就必须塑造有特色的客户服务模式,特别是对大客户这类对公司具有特殊意义的群体。公司的大客户管理中心必须从现有的粗放式客户关系管理向系统化、规范化、网络化的客户关系管理方式转变,真正体现以大客户的价值取向和消费心理为导向,为大客户提供及时、准确和高质量的个性化服务。 本文旨在以CRM为指导思想,将CRM的管理理念融入到S公司大客户管理中心的组织结构、业务流程、数据管理和市场决策中。建立一个专门为大客户服务的客户关系管理系统(VIP-CRM)。从各方面体现和应用“以客户为中心”的思想,达到CRM所要求的4R(at right time,in right way,to right customers,provide right service)目标,真正实现电子商务时代的“一对一服务/营销”(one to one marketing)。该系统不仅将系统功能扩展到网上呼叫中心,而且提出了一整套实用的潜在大客户评价模型,这对全面提升现有大客户服务质量,有针对性地开拓新的大客户市场作了探索性的工作,为CRM在我国移动通信运营业大客户关系管理中的实际应用,做了积极的尝试。

【Abstract】 The 21C is a time depending on service. Those who own customers will win all. Just for this, Customer Relation Management (CRM) has become one of hot subjects in business management field in 2001.The domestic market of CRM is in an initial period. All trades and professions are exploring ways suitable for their model to apply their own CRM.This Company is a mobile running company in S city. Today, mobile communication markets are flourishing and buyer’s markets are coming to occupy a dominant position progressively. Meeting with the competition stress of entering WTO, facing wave of northwest development, in course of increasing competition for mobile communication market, there being non-great difference in providing customer mobile-service, the company has to enhance its own market competition power, build customer’s satisfaction project, especially for VIP who are very important to the company in order to mould characteristic customer-service pattern plate, attract customers’ attention, keep the traditional market and moreover open up new market. Providing customers with high qualitative individual service timely and precisely, customer center is under the necessity of turning the present rough management into the management of systematization, standardization and network-system and changes center management at its own convenience into customer’s convenience, which genuinely embodies customer’s value and consumption mentality.Taking CRM as thinking guidance, the aim of this article focuses on taking thinking of CRM into VIP management center structure, business circuit, data management and market decision in S company. Based on non VIP data bank, VIP relation management, which is reciprocal andindependent of calculating expenses system and business system of the company, shall be established, reflecting at all respects and applying customer-centered thinking, realizing CRM aim of 4R targets (namely, at right time, in right way, to right customers, provide right service), genuinely embodying E-commerce - "one to one marketing".This system not only spreads its function to Web call center but also puts forward a practical potentical VIP model, which enhances all-round customer-centered service quality, exploits new VIP market, and makes positive attempts to the practical use of CRM in the mobile communication running in our country.

  • 【分类号】F626
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