

Discussion on Insurance Funds Operation of Pingan Insurance Company of China.LID

【作者】 白子华

【导师】 殷仲民;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 现代保险业的重要特征是发展保险业务和保险资金的运用均衡发展。保险公司已经发展成为具有经济补偿和融通资金双重职能的金融企业。保险资金运用已成为现代保险业生存和发展的重要支柱。保险资金来源主要是保费收入,即对保险人的负债,所以保险公司只有科学、合理地运用好保险资金,才能保证保险公司的偿付能力,确保保险公司持续、稳定的发展。但是,国内各保险公司片面追求保险业务的增长和发展,忽视了保险资金的运用。面对加入WTO后外资保险公司的冲击,资金的压力,竞争的压力和利率的压力,给保险公司的生存和发展带来了不确定性,保险公司资金的运用和风险管理已成为保险公司的重要组成部分。为此,本文选择了平安保险公司的资金运用作为研究对象。 本文概述了平安保险公司资金运用的局限性、紧迫性和重要性,保险资金的构成、运用原则及作用和意义,剖析了平安保险公司资金运用的现状和困境,以及与西方发达国家资金运用方面的差距,并对平安保险公司资金运用方式进行了分析,提出了平安保险公司资金运用具体可行的方式,同时,对平安保险公司资金运用的风险管理进行了阐述,并提出了风险防范的方法,并以债券收益和利率风险为例,说明了进行利率风险管理和增强企业偿付能力的重要性;最后利用资产负债原理对平安保险公司资金运用形式和管理进行探讨。 平安保险公司在开拓业务的同时,必须重视和加强保险资金的运用和风险管理,促进企业的良性循环,提高竞争能力,保障广大投保人的利益。同时借鉴和吸收发达国家在资金运用方面的成功经验,结合我国实际,降低资金持有量和银行存款额度,加强保险资金运用的证券化,以求得稳定、尽可能高的收益。

【Abstract】 That paying same attention to insurance business and insurance funds operation is the significant character of modem insurance company. The insurance company has become the finance enterprise with the functions on circulating funds and compensating. Insurance funds operations has been getting important part of modem insurance company’s being and development. Insurance funds are Liabilities, because the insurance company is the enterprise that operating with liabilities .therefore ,Insurance funds must be operated and managed scientifically and properly in order to insurance business developing , Then, make the insurance company development continually and steadily, and strengthen the abilities of compensation .But most of domestic insurance company blindly pursued increase of insurance business, and neglected the insurance funds operation. Facing With foreign insurance company growing after entering WTO, the most insurance funds, and the interest risk ,led to the insurance company’s being and development unsteadily. The insurance funds operation has become the important question to resolve. Therefore , the article select research object is insurance funds operation of Pingan insurance company of China, LID.The article summarizes the importance and imminence the character, operation principle, the course, confines and acidification of insurance funds operation. It anatomizes the status quote and predicament on channels of funds operation, the disparity with developed countries, And take the consideration on configuration and proportion management of insurance operation channel, it offers suggestion of the Channels of Pingan insurance company of china, LTDinsurance funds should be widened .It expatiates the essentiality of management of operating risk, and illustrates the management of item risk, it discusses the management on interest risk of bond against interest rate risk. Lastly, With asset & liabilities theory, discussing the channels of Pingan insurance company of china, LTD insurance funds operation.Pingan insurance company of china, LTD should develop and strength the business on insurance funds operation and the risk management energetically at the same time of developing insurance business. Diversifying the investment channels, effectively and safely utilizing the insurance capital play a very impotent role for the competition of Pingan insurance company of china, LTD in the future. At the same time, we should analyze and study the management of insurance funds operation by the numbers, use for reference .and absorb the succeed experiences of developed countries, combining our practice, strengthening the chockablock insurance funds, in order to gain more profit steadily.

【关键词】 保险资金运用管理
【Key words】 Insurance fundsOperationManagement
  • 【分类号】F842.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】980