

【作者】 孟庆伟

【导师】 刘宝成;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 烟草是一种特殊消费品,中国烟草行业是实行国家专卖专营的垄断性行业。与世界跨国烟草公司相比,中国烟草行业存在着市场集中度低、规模不经济、资源配置不合理、产品结构单一、综合管理和创新能力差等诸多问题。本论文对烟草生产特定企业-----北京卷烟厂2002---2005年的企业发展,以战略管理理论结合实践进行了分析。北京卷烟厂是制造卷烟产品的国有重点骨干企业之一。主要产品以国际流行的混合型卷烟为主,拥有多项生产技术专利。近年来,虽然北京卷烟厂的利税、出口都有较大幅度增长,但是在产品结构调整、产量增长、设备更新、市场扩大、管理创新等方面距离国际和国内市场激烈竞争的要求还有较大差距。根据战略管理理论,在北京卷烟厂发展战略制定部分,我首先对北京卷烟厂进行了企业任务陈述和战略展望。接着对其外部环境、竞争因素、内部环境进行了充分分析,并得出结论:北京卷烟厂目前的企业内部环境是优势环境,外部环境是机会环境,因此,北京卷烟厂在选定发展战略时应当选取发挥优势、利用机会、弥补缺点、回避威胁的战略。最后选择了北京卷烟厂未来三年应当采取产品渗透、市场开发和产品开发并举的密集性增长发展战略,并制定了该厂战略发展的具体年度目标。在北京卷烟厂战略实施部分,我重点从注重设备改造并认真按照年度生产计划高质量地组织产品生产、狠抓营销和品牌管理,加大市场渗透和开发力度,不断研发新产品确保产品技术含量领先、完善奖励和激励机制、有效地进行人力资源管理、建立实用高效的计算机信息系统及建立支持发展战略的企业文化等方面进行了阐述。在北京卷烟厂战略评价与控制部分,我重点强调了战略评价基本框架,即随时或定期检查战略基础、度量企业绩效、及时采取纠正措施。并给出了北京卷烟厂可以利用的其它战略评价方法。中国已经加入了WTO,虽然中国烟草专卖制度在未来三年内不会有根本性变化,但是中国烟草行业仍将面临着一系列严峻的困难和挑战,也拥有一定的发展潜力和发展机会。在此大背景下的北京卷烟厂,如果能够根据战略管理相关理论,从自身和环境的实际情况出发,及早制定科学的战略发展方向和发展目标,并认真组织实施,扬长避短,不断增强企业的竞争能力,就一定能够健康发展并在国内市场国际化的竞争中立于不败之地。北京市房山烟草有限公司副经理 孟庆伟2002年10月

【Abstract】 Tobacco industry in China is a monopoly industry exercising exclusive state trading and selling. Comparing with transnational corporations, there exists various problems in China’s tobacco industry such as low concentration of the market, uneconomical scale, unreasonable resource allocation, uniformity of the product structure, the incompetence of comprehensive management and innovation. This thesis is an analysis of the development of a particular enterprise---Beijing Cigarette Factory (BCF) during 2002-2005, employing strategic management theory.Beijing Cigarette Factory is now one of the keynote state-owned cigarette manufacturing enterprises. It mainly produces mixed type cigarettes which are internationally popular and it has several patents for technology of production. In the recent year although BCF has seen a great increase of its profit, tax and export, it still has a long distance to go comparing with the high demand of the competitive domestic and international market in the field of the reshuffling of the product structure, the increase of the product, the renewing of the apparatus, the enlarging of the market, the innovation of management and so on. According to strategic management theory, in this thesis, in the section of working out the development strategy for BCF, I firstly narrate the task of the enterprise and anticipate the prospect strategically; then through a thorough analysis of its environment, competitive factors and internal environment, I draw a conclusion: the internal environment of BCF is privileged environment, and the external environment is opportunity environment, therefore BCF should adopt a strategy of giving full play of its advantages, making full use of the opportunities, making up the defects, shunning the menaces. Finally I choose a development strategy concentrated development for BCF in the future 3 years, that is product infiltration, market exploitation and product development. And I determined the concrete annual objective of its strategic development. In the section of the implementation of BCF, I emphasized the following points: to attach great importance to the transformation of the installations and to organize production according to annual production plan with high quality, to play close attention to marketing management and strengthen the force of market infiltration and exploitation, to continuously develop new products to ensure the advantage of the technical content of the product, to establish a practical efficient computer information system and form a enterprise culture supporting the development strategy. In the section of strategic evaluation and control of BCF, I emphasize the fundamental skeleton of the strategic evaluation, that is at random or periodically to check the strategic basis, to measure achievements, to take actions of correcting the mistakes. And I also give the other ways of strategic evaluation which can be used by BCF. In short, with China’s entry of WTO, if BCF can determine scientific development plan and development objectives in advance in accordance with their own and the circumstantial reality. And it ought to organize serious implementation of the orientation and objectives, maximize their favorable factors and minimize unfavorable ones .BCF is bound to develop healthily and will not be defeated in the competition of the internationalization of the domestic market. Oct, 2002

【关键词】 企业发展战略分析
  • 【分类号】F425
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】173