

【作者】 李作忠

【导师】 孙维炎;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是世界上最早、最成功地组织文书传递的国家之一。作为历代政权机构的组成部分,邮政在历史上毫无例外地具有官办、官管和官用的共同属性,而被官家专营。一直到1949中国邮政的普遍服务才成为一项服务于人民大众的事业。所谓普遍服务实际上是我国宪法1的具体体现。在1999年万国邮联通过的《北京宣言》中把“享受通信服务特别是普遍邮政服务”定义为人的基本权利。在我国,普遍服务主要体现在:较为全面的业务种类;均一低廉的服务资费;遍布全国各地的服务网点;深入千家万户的投递网络等四个方面。众所周知,中国疆土辽阔,地形复杂,人口分布密度极不平衡,中国邮政所承担的包括边远和边疆地区在内的公民函件和包裹、党政机关机要通信、党报党刊、义务兵邮件、盲人读物等普遍服务给邮政带来了巨大亏损。不可否认的是,普遍服务带来的亏损已经严重束缚了中国邮政的良性发展。而且今天的中国邮政的保守的一面已经使中国邮政与发达国家的邮政,特别是那些世界级的物流企业拉开了差距。除此之外,中国邮政的外部环境也发生了深刻的变化。随着科学技术的进步,包括互联网在内的新的电子通信手段的应用普及、新产品和新业务的不断开发等在很大程度上替代了邮政传统业务。面对威胁,中国邮政将何以面对?笔者通过对邮政普遍服务的分析入手,运用企业环境SWOT分析方法,针对中国邮政现状以及世界邮政发展趋势,分别从政府义务和企业经营两个层面进行分析研究后,得出如下结论:中国邮政的优势远大于劣势,挑战中孕育着巨大的机会。在政府层面上中国邮政要紧紧抓住“政”的实质,高质量地履行好普遍服务义务;在企业层面上要把商业化引入中国邮政,充分利用好自身的品牌、网络资源等等优势,结合《邮政法》的修订,大力推进体制改革。发展的突破口就是最具有市场核心竞争力的包裹快递等增值业务和最具有催化力的邮政电子商务以及最具有市场发展潜力的第三方物流。以发展的眼光看,只要抓住当前的发展机遇,坚持走专业化经营战略、多元化经营战略、资本运作和国际化战略,中国邮政就完全有可能在履行邮政普遍服务义务的同时,在世界范围内成为邮政行业的领先者,使古老的中国邮政继续焕发出勃勃生机。

【Abstract】 Known as the Beijing Postal Strategy, the 1999 Universal Postal Congress approved the objective, which ensuring the provision of a universal postal service that allows customers to send and receive goods and messages to and from any point in the world. The constitutive of China rules that the right of Chinese secret and liberty of communication is protected. So China Post provides a universal service with mail monopoly. Although legislated monopolies reserve most of the domestic markets for China Post, some domestic markets have been opened up to competitors. On the one hand, China Post continues to fulfill the public service obligation of universal service mandated by government. On the other hand, China Post has faced the realities of the new economic forces of deregulation, globalization, liberalisation and, to a lesser extent, privatisation. The environment in which postal services operate has changed dramatically in recent years and all indications are that the pace of this evolution will continue to accelerate well into the future. China Post is expected to keep pace not only with developments in the technological field, but also with rapid economic and social changes. Of course the main challenge for China Post is to find ways to effectively counteract substitution of physical mail by electronic communication and, at the same time, to use the opportunities offered by new technology to expand and improve the products and services. For example, e- commerce will offer opportunities to provide new value-added services based on the trust customers have in the post office, establishing trusted intermediary services and acting as certification authorities that guarantee the authenticity of electronic messages for both senders and receivers.In this thesis, the author points out the Postal system reform is the most important strategy to convert China Post from protected government organizations into competitive, customer-oriented businesses. It depends on both the availability of outside resources and on a government’s willingness to make.By the SWOT analysis tools, the author has also researched the possiblility of postal reform from two aspects, universal service and commercial management. As the result, the author thinks that Specialized strategy, Diversification strategy, Capital strategy and Global strategy are the way to the success for China Post.

【关键词】 邮政普遍服务战略
  • 【分类号】F616
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】726