

【作者】 夏剑华

【导师】 王丽娟;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 “快餐食品/半成品”将是我国未来十大消费热点之一,方便面(即食面)作为最普及的快餐食品当然位列其中。巨大的人口基数,迅速提高的经济收入,越来越快的生活节奏使得中国大陆自90年代以来逐渐成为世界上最大的方便面新兴市场。中国大陆地区2001年人均消费方便面11包,而国际市场的人均年消费为20多包,还有相当的市场空间有待开发,因此可以预计中国大陆市场面临着巨大的发展机遇。随着我国方便面市场的飞速发展,一批世界级的食品加工企业(主要是台湾、日本和新加坡等国家和地区的企业)陆续进入中国,并分享了中国方便面市场迅猛发展的巨大成果,获得了巨大的成功。几乎与此同时,中国民族方便面生产企业开始从无到有并且发展壮大,现在中国方便面生产企业已经发展到1200多家,生产线1800多条。生产白象方便面的正龙食品有限公司就是在这样的历史背景下于1989年创建的。 面对中国加入世贸所带来的各种全新的机遇和挑战,中国的民族食品加工企业如何进行市场定位,制定相应的发展战略和营销策略,从而在激烈的市场竞争中不断成长和壮大,就成为摆在各个食品加工企业面前的一个迫切需要解决的课题。本文运用SWOT分析法和4Ps理论,通过对正龙食品有限责任公司所面临的机会和威胁以及企业如何发挥自身优势规避自身劣势的分析,设计了该公司的市场营销策略。我们希望借此能试图就上面提到的问题做一个尝试性的分析。 在本文的写作过程中,作者走访了总部设在河南省郑州市的正龙食品有限责任公司,与包括总经理姚中良在内的多位公司高级管理人员进行了较深入的探讨,也走访了公司在山东省的一些经销商并和他们进行了沟通,拜读了某知名管理咨询公司为公司所做的管理咨询报告,参考了近年来国内出版的有关方便面生产经营等方面的文献及期刊杂志,其中包括互联网上的有关参考资料。 正龙公司自1989年创建以来,以“食泽民众,业润社会”为经营理念,艰苦奋斗,锐意改革,经过十余年的拼搏,使企业迅速发展成为总人数3090人,资产规模达1.6亿元的正龙食品有限公司。公司基本实现了公司管理层提出的“三无”目标:无贷款、无库存、无风险。从目前形势来看,虽然“白象”产品供不应求,但应居安思危;从未来发展看,现有企业发展定位和营销策略是不具有竞争优势的,必须要有新的突破,从这个意义上说,要居危思进。以姚中良先生为首的公司管理层及时认识到了公司进一步发展壮大所需要解决的问题,开始思考对白象方便面重新进行市场定位,对营销策略进行相应的设计和安排。为了确保决策的科学性,公司不惜花重金聘请省内某著名管理咨询公司对企业进行诊断。公司原先定位于低档市场,现在考虑向中档甚至高档市场进军;公司的产品白象牌系列方便面虽然有五大系列70多个品种,但是产品仅为方便面,公司抵御市场风险的能力很差,为了增强抗风险能力开发其他种类的产品势在必行! 本文作者通过对正龙公司主要竞争对手的分析和 SWOT 分析指出白象方便商目前的市场定位,基本符合其产品特点和我国方便面消费者市场的实际。总的来看,在今后一段时间内,市场定位仍应以中小城市和农村市场为主,兼顾城市学生和低收入阶层,大城市市场应待机谨慎开发。公司向中档甚至高档市场进军应该暂缓,而且是有条件的。 我们对与企业市场定位相适应的市场营销策略也进行了设计。首先公司对现有产品重新定位,进行品牌归整组合,更好地满足不同市场需求。精心做好“白象” 品牌,开发全新的形象产品,并以其为核心进行品牌营销;把开发学生专用系列方便面,千方百计进军超市做为努力的目标和新的利润增长点;同时坚持低价位、高品质。其次白象的分销渠道亟待改进和完善。公司应加强对分销渠道的控制和管理,妥善解决诸如窜货和渠道霸权主义等问题,应该适时改进间接销售渠道模式将重心下移至终端,经常对经销商进行培训,提供适当的常新的奖励等。再者厂家产品+终端促销二消费者购买。从以经销商为中心变为以终端建设为中心己是现代企业销售渠道运作的发展趋势。销售工作归根到底要解决两个问题:一是如何把产品铺到消费者面前,让消费者看得见:二是如何把产品“铺进” 消费者的心中,让消费者乐得买。这说到底是一个终端建设和终端促销问题。白象的促销策略应以以下工作为中心:尽快开发城市超市,并搞好超市终端建设;搞好终端包装,刺激购买;通过一系列措施,加强与终端销售人员的沟通,提高其销售积极性;加强公司网站的建设,充分发挥网络媒体的作用;进行文化营销;学习和利用一些国际上流行的、行之有效的促销手段如:直效营销(DM)和售点营销(POP)等。

【Abstract】 It is said that fast food or half-made food will become top ten consuming hit in the future. As one of the most popular snacks, instant noodle is sure to have a bright future. Thanks to huge population, fast growing income and quickened life rhythms, Chinese mainland has developed into the world’s largest and fastest developing instant noodle market since 1990s. In the year 2001, the average consuming number of instant noodle per person in Chinese mainland was around 11 packs, while the world’s average number is more than 20 packs. So there is a large potential in development. With the quick development of instant noodle market, many world- renowned food processing companies, many of which are from Chinese Taibei, Japan and Singapore, have entered Chinese market and won great success. Meanwhile, we have also seen Chinese instant noodle producing companies growing out like bamboo roots after a spring rain. China now has 1200 instant noodle making companies with more than 1800 production lines. Zhenglong Food Corp. Ltd. with White Elephant Instant Noodle as its product has been established in this age. To be exact, it was created in 1989.With China’s entry into WTO, brand new opportunities and challenges have brought about to China’s national food processing enterprises. Hence, how to set the market place and how to plot coordinate developing and marketing strategies have got to be dealt with to ensure sustainable development in the market with fierce competition. Taking advantages of SWOT Analysis and the 4Ps Theory, we carry out a detailed analysis on Zhenglong Food Corp. concerning its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Then we design its marketing strategies as well as tactics. We hope further studies on the above-mentioned issues can thus be excited.While writing this thesis, the writer paid a number of visits to Zhenglong Food Corp. in Zhengzhou. He interviewed many executives, including its general manager Yao Zhongliang in the company. Also interviewed are some sales agents in Shandong province and he got a chance to study a consultative report written by a local company famous in providing consultation on management. He referred to literatures and periodicals published recently, including some very valuable informationon the inter-net.Ever since its construction in 1989, Zhenglong Food Corp. Ltd. has grown into a company with a working staff of 3090 and total assets about 1.6 billion yuan through hardworking efforts of its workers and timely reforms. Its motto is "to feed the people and to serve the society". It has nearly realized its goals put forward by its administrative body. They are described as "no loan, no stock, and no risk". Although "White Elephant" products are out of stock at the present stage, it should be prepared for danger in times of peace. From a long-term point of view, the present positioning and marketing strategies are not competitive so there should be a breakthrough. The administrative body lead by Mr. Yao Zhongliang has realized its disadvantage hindering its further development and begun to consider re-positioning and respective marketing strategies. To ensure scientific decision-making, it paid high cost to hire a famous consultative company in the province carrying out a study on its strategy and development. It has been doing its business in the low-grade market, but now medium and high grades markets are taking into consideration. It has been making series of instant noodle, while making other products are being considered as this is the only way to counter market risks.After carrying out an analysis against its main competitors as well as the SWOT analysis, the writer of this thesis drew an conclusion that the present market positioning of the company was in conformity with characteristics of its products and the factual situation of Chinese market. In general, it should continue its focus on medium-sized and small cities and rural markets in the near future. Meanwhile, attention should also be paid on students in cities and low- income classe

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