

The Development of a Computer-Aided Process Planning System Based on Management

【作者】 闫卫华

【导师】 肖世德;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 机械电子工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 该系统是一个既能够编制机加工工艺规程,又能够完成工艺内容查询、修改和工艺参数统计的计算机辅助工艺设计系统。本论文全面论述了该系统的理论基础、指导思想、总体设计方案,并阐述了工艺管理子系统的详细设计过程。 该系统的总体设计目标是,一方面为用户提供一个编制机械加工工艺规程的工具,辅助用户快速、高效地编制出规范化、制度化的机械加工工艺规程;另一方面,能够满足用户对已经编制完成的工艺规程进行修改、查询,并能够按照不同的要求对有关的工艺参数进行统计,以便用户及时了解、准备所需的制造资源。 系统的工艺编辑模块使得用户以所见即所得的方式完成工艺过程卡和工序图卡的编辑,能够实现工艺内容的自动换行和公差的上下标注,能够实现粗糙度和形位公差的国标标注,能够利用OLE技术实现工序图的绘制。 系统的工艺管理模块使得用户能够以零件图号、零件名称为索引对工艺文件进行检索,能够以产品名称、零件名称为索引对工艺文件中的刀具、量具、工装等参数进行统计,并输出统计卡片。 与以人工智能为基础的创成式CAPP系统相比,该系统避免了创成式CAPP系统存在的编写知识规则难度大、对应用人员要求高、资金投入大、开发周期长的不足,满足了中小企业要求的既能够编制工艺文件,又能够管理工艺文件的需求。 但是,同当今流行的商品化的CAPP软件相比,本CAPP系统还存在未基于网络化开发、对制造资源和工艺信息的保密性不强、无法接收设计图的文档管理信息、未实现位图编辑等缺点。 该系统采用Visual C++ 5.0、Visual FoxPro 6.0软件进行开发。

【Abstract】 It’ s a Computer-Aided Process Planning System which can help the users both work out and inquire or modify machining process. Also users can get the statistics of parameters by the system. The paper explains such problems as the theory based on,the meaning to develop it,the whole structure and discusses the design about the process-managed module in details.The aim of the system is to offer the users an implement which can help them work out standard and high quality machining process rapidly and easily,to inquire and modify the established process and to get the statistics of parameters in order that the users acquire the resource’ s status and prepare them in time.The process-established module is characterized that what you see on the computer screen will be what you want when you work out the process,that the process can turn to the next line automatically,that the style of dimension tolerance,the shape and position tolerance accords with the state standard and that simple figures can be drawn by means of OLE.Users can not only inquire process files,but also get the statistics of parameters such as tools,measures,equipments and clamps indexing on partno,partname.Compared to a generative CAPP system based on AI,the system avoids such deficiencies as troubling in designing logical rules,high request for users,requiring more money and long developing period. It satisfies some small enterprises’ demand for working out and managing process.However,compared to some professional CAPP systems,it has such weakness as not basing on internet,lack of safety measures for resource and process,unable to get designing information from designing figures and unable to compile process in bitmap.The system is developed by the software Visual C++ 5. 0 and Visual FoxPro 6.0.

  • 【分类号】TP391.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】84