


【作者】 黄建团

【导师】 黄燊;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 加强小学体育骨干教师继续教育改革,促进小学体育骨干教师素质与能力的提高,是目前我国进行基础教育改革,在小学体育教学中实施体育与健康课达成的共识。小学体育骨干教师继续教育改革的核心是课程,课程的关键环节是课程设计,课程设计是课程所采用的一种特定的组织方式,它主要涉及课程的目标以及课程内容的选择和组织。课程设计制约着课程的实施与评价,它的实效性与科学性直接影响着继续教育的效果,注重课程设计研究是目前世界各国进行继续教育课程改革一直关注的问题。在此形势下,目前广西小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计面临哪些挑战?它的现状如何?取得哪些成就与存在着哪些问题?它的发展趋势如何?应怎样进行改革发展?这都是亟待探究与解决的问题。本研究力求在前人的研究基础上,通过对广西小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计面临挑战的分析、发展历史的透视与现状的调查研究。总结与反思广西城市小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计发展所取得的成就与存在问题、发展规律以及演变线索,从而提出相应的发展对策以及分析其发展的趋势,为广西各级教育行政部门制定体育教师继续教育政策、法令法规发展计划能提供一定的参考依据。课程设计根据所承担的任务和产生的结果,大致可以分出宏观、中观、微观三个层次。本论文在刘课程设计进行研究时对这三个方面均有所涉及,但主要着重于中观的课程设计研究。 根据查阅文献资料与对广西城市小学体育骨干教师队伍的现状调查,目前广西城市小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计面临着如下挑战:(1)西部大开发·知识经济与科技信息发展要求对课程设计提出新的要求;(2)素质教育与学校体育改革对课程设计提出新的要求;(3)未来社会对人才的要求对课程设计提出新的挑战;(4)课程设计和小学体育骨干教师队伍现存问题要求课程设计必须改革。 通过查阅文献资料、问卷调查、访谈、观察等形式对广西城市小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计的历史改革和现状进行考察。结果表明,课程设计的发展历史大致经历三个重大的发展时期,这三个时期的课程设计在不同的历史阶段有着不同的表现形式,与当时社会经济、文化、教育有着密切的联系,反映了当时的社会发展需要。(1)首先是酝酿时期(1983—1989年),这时期的课程设计价值取向主要是学科中心观;(2)其次是学历教育与继续教育的交织时期(1989—1999年),这时期的课程设计价值取向主要是学科中心与人本主义综合观;(3)最后是继续教育的全面实施时期(1999年至今),这时期的课程设计价值取向主要是人本主义观。同时,我们也发现目前广西城市小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计从总体上分析,进行改革是众望所归。现行课程设计主要存在的问题表现在:课程设计价值取向单一:课程目标与课程内容制定不够合理性;课程目标与课程内容缺乏相关性;课程目标指向单一,缺乏针对性和指导性;课程内容过于强调竞技运动技术,缺乏先进性、时代性、实用性;课程内容选择缺乏针对性;课程设计的方法缺乏科学性。 从课程设计的历史发展与现状考察的情况来看,广西城市小学体育骨干教师继续教育课程设计既有其自身的优势,也有其自身弱点。主要的优势表现在:课程设计的历史发展在一定程度上克服了小学体育骨干教师学历低、能力差等问题,为充实师资队伍,解决或部分解决师资断层起到“缓解”的作用,这对丰富课程理论和进一步深化课程设计的改革奠定了一定的基础,提供了有益的经验;课程设计有了改革的自觉性;课程目标进一步主体化,注重骨干教师主体地位;课程设计改革注重骨干教师的参与,关注教师的专业化,课程改革有优化发展的意识;课程内容选择的价值取向 山一元在向多元,注重社会需要和骨干教师的全血发展;小学体育骨干教帅参与继续教育意识的先 进性。 课程设计主要存在的问题表现在:一是课程设计价值取向至一;二是谍程设置随意:三是课程目标 与课程内容制定不够合理性;四是课程目标与课程内容缺乏相关性;五是课程目标指向单一,缺乏 针对性和指导性;六是课程内容过于强调竟技运动技术,课程内容照搬、陈旧、存在严重的片面性 结构不合理,缺乏先进性、时代性、实用性、针对性,忽砚课程内容成年人的特点和教师己有教育 货景和实践经验,忽视体育骨干教师高层次学习的需要;七是课程设计的方沼缺乏科学性。这是问 题的成因主要有外因与内因两个方面。 根据广西城市小学体育骨千教师继续教育课程设汁所面临挑战和国内外发过地【体育教帅继续 教育课程的发展趋势的分析,以及课程设计现有的发度优势和存在的问题及其成固分析,列课程设 计的发展提出如下对策:树立工确的小学体育骨工教师继续教育课程理念;构建骨干教师继沮教育 课程设计的理论体系;构姥广丙城巾小学体育骨干教师继续教育谋程口标体系;调整课程纪刊和“ 新课程内容;科学的运用万)云技术进行课程设汁;加强对课程设计秩源的投资;完善配套措施。门

【Abstract】 It is well acknowledged that the cadre P.E teachers in Primary schools should improve their quality and ability by re-education so that they can extent better effect in the P.E and Health lectures. And the reform of re-education will play a key role for the innovation of the compulsory education in our country. The core of this reform, however, is curriculum, in which the critical point is how to design it. The curriculum design, a prescribed process for a certain course, involves the option and organization of the curriculum’s goal and contents. Nowadays, researches on the curriculum design are intensively concerned in many countries, for they not only directly influence re-education in actual effect and scientific knowledge, but decide how the curriculum is operated and evaluated Under such situation, we shall study and find answers for the following questions: what challenges does the curriculum design face when it is exercised for the re-education of the Cadre P.E teachers in primary schools of Guangxi. How is it going on? What has it reached and what has not? Where and how does its tend develop? Based upon the studies from the others, this paper will analysis the challenges encountered by the curriculum design for the Re-education, do some research on its history and status in perspective and predict its development so as to look for a countermeasure. This paper is expected to provide some references for the educational administrations in GuangXi, Who are responsible for the formulation of relative policies and regulations on re-education for P.E teachers. According to the task it undertakes and the result it produces, the curriculum design is generally divided into three phases梩he macro, the middle and the micro. This paper will mainly focus on the middle research, though all of the three are mentioned when the curriculum design is dealt with.According to documents available on the cadre P.E teachers in urban primary schools of Guangxi, the curriculum design for re-education faces the following challenges :(1) To meet the demands of Development for the West of China, knowledge economy and high-tech information; (2) To meet the demands of quality education and the reform of P.E lectures; (3) To meet the demands of the future community which needs various intellectuals; (4) To meet the demands of the resolution of problems occurring in the curriculum design and among P.E teachers.This paper will demonstrate the history and present condition of the curriculum design by means of documents, questionnaires, interviews and observation. The result shows that the curriculum design has experienced three periods, each of which reflects the social need of its time and closely relates to its economy, culture and education of its time. (1) The first is its premature period (1983-1989). In this period the curriculum design is discipline-centred perspective;(2) The second is its developing period(1989-1999), in which the diploma and re-education are interwoven. In this period the curriculum design mainly is the combinetion of discipline-centred and humanist perspectives; (3) The last is its flowered period (1999-). In this period, the curriculum design is humanist perspective. Meanwhile, we also discover that the reform of curriculum design is an expectation from most teachers and a necessary step from the general analysis. The current curriculum design has the following shortcomings: The design cares for only simple result; The goal and contents are not sensibly prescribed, and the connection between them is not obvious; the goal is unique and fail in effect and instruction; the content favors competitive technique and fails to meet the demands in practice; the way for curriculum design lacks scientific plans.Through the observation of this history we may say that the curriculum design is both advantageous and disadvantageous. On the one hand, it has improved the diploma and ability of the P.E teachers, eased the shortage of the number of P.E teachers, and provided a base for curriculum theory studies and

【关键词】 课程设计挑战反思对策展望
【Key words】 The curriculum designChallengeIntrospectionCountermeasureProspect
  • 【分类号】G423.3
  • 【下载频次】513