

An Approach to the Mode of Cooperative Research on Teacher’s Training

【作者】 吴民祥

【导师】 熊广星;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教师素质是影响教育改革的关键因素之一,教师培训是提高教师素质的重要途径。然而不是所有的培训方式都能有效地提升教师的专业技能及有助于教师的自我完善与发展。传统的教师培训由于其方法、手段比较单一,观念与培训方式相背离,忽视培训对象成人学习的特点等弊端,从而造成培训功能的窄化与缺失,导致培训效益低下。 本文中所探讨的合作探究型教师培训模式旨在克服传统教师培训中的弊端,其特点主要表现为:(1)培训对象的角色发生根本变化:从“消费者”、到“参与者”,从“一张白纸”到“资源库”,从“改造对象”到“合作伙伴”;(2)倡导的培训方式是:参与、体验、多样化;(3)将“人本化”作为培训的目标,教师由“教育学生的工具”转变为需要发展的个体;(4)培训内容情景化,从实际出发解决实际问题;(5)培训方法综合化,强调优势互补。合作探究型教师培训模式以建构主义学习观、成人学习理论、合作学习的教学观等为理论基础,以培养培训对象具有民主与合作精神、独立人格和创造才能为功能目标。 在新一轮的课程改革背景下,“新课程的理念与创新”这一主题的教师培训活动较为广泛地采用了合作探究型教师培训模式。培训者在培训过程中以活动的“主持人”和“协助者”的身份代替了以往的“灌输人”或“权威人士”的角色,努力创造一个轻松活跃的研究气氛,使每个参与者都能够有热情地积极参与活动,平等交流,畅所欲言。 在新一轮的教师培训中所使用的合作探究型教师培训模式经过实践证明具有以下优点:(1)使课堂充满活力,有助于提高培训质量;(2)有利于形成和谐的教学人际关系,增强教学的社会性;(3)有利于培训情境的迁移,提升教师的专业技能。同任何教学模式一样,合作探究型教师培训模式也有其一定的局限性,需要在教师培训实践中不断改进与进一步完善。

【Abstract】 Teacher’s training is an essential approach to improve the quality of the teacher,which influences educational reform as one of the key factors. Not even’ approach,however,is helpful in the development of the teacher’s professional skill. Due to its monotonous method,traditional ’teacher’s training usually conflicts with the notion that the training should aim at the characteristics of the trainee,namely,how an adult learns,thus leading the training to insufficient functions and low efficiency.The mode of cooperative research on teacher’s training discussed in this paper aims at overcoming the malpractice in the traditional teacher’s training. It consists of the following features:I. The role of the trainee has changed fundamentally from ’’a consumer" to "a participant",from "a blank sheet of paper" to "a treasury" and from "a remoulded object" to "a partner".II. The training approach highlights participation,experience and variety.III. The training focuses on "humanism",in which the is regarded as "a developing individual" instead of "a teaching machine".IV. The training provides imitative teaching surroundings,solving practical problems at the present.V. The training approach is synthesized,emphasizing the mutual complement of advantages.The mode of cooperative research on teacher’s training. Based on constructurism. The adult’s study theomy and cooperative teaching and learning methodology,aims at cultivating an individual that possesses democratic and cooperative consciousness,independent personality and creative ability.As the curriculum reform goes on,most teacher’s training adopts the mode of cooperative research,stressing the motif of "new notion and innovation for the new curriculum". The trainer in the training process is "a host" or "a cooperator" rather than "an instructor" or "an orthority",trying every means to set up an easy and active researching atmosphere for every participant so that hecan enthusiastically join in the game and equally communicate with other participants.The mode of cooperative research on teacher’s training has been proved by experiments advantageous in the following aspects.I.It activates the class,helping to improve the training quality.II.It is inclined to form a harmonious relationship between the teacherand the learner,enhancing teaching effect with social functions.III. It is supposed to transfer the training situation,improving the teacher’s professional skills.Nevertheless,any mode of teacher’s training has its own limitation,so does the mode of cooperative research,which needs further development in the training practice.

【关键词】 合作探究教师培训模式研究
【Key words】 Cooperative ResearchTeacher’s Training ModeApproach
  • 【分类号】G451.6
  • 【被引频次】6
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