

The Authority of Constitution

【作者】 高战

【导师】 周世中;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 法学理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共产党在“十五大”中提出了“依法治国”的战略决策,依法治国必须强调宪法的权威。但是建国以来,我国社会各界并没有十分重视宪法的权威,宪法频繁的变更表明宪法只是一种无关紧要的工具,可以制定,也可以搁置。回顾我国40多年的宪政史,国家一方面制定和修改出一部又一部的根本大法;另一方面又好象全国上下都不存在违宪行为,哪个国家机关和哪个国家领导人都不违反宪法,不存在为实施宪法而引起的任何争论和纠纷,当然也更不存在裁决这些争议和纠纷是合宪还是违宪的权威机关……建国以来没有一件宪法诉讼案件,也没有建立宪法诉讼制度。这种不正常现象说明我国社会长期漠视宪法的权威,对大量侵犯公民宪法权益事件熟视无睹。 在当今世界民主化、现代化过程中,树立和维护宪法权威已越来越受到人们的重视。我国宪法学界对此进行过不懈的努力。但由于实证分析的少,所以真正下起手来则无所适从。本人认为必须对宪法权威的研究开辟新的思路、建立新的角度。 本文首先选取了宪法观念形态、制度形态和现实形态的权威进行了研究:自然正义——宪法观念形态的权威;效力至上——宪法政治形态的权威;制度保障——宪法现实形态的权威。 宪法的权威性是法治的基本原则,是法治区别与人治的重要标志。我国现行的宪法之所以低权威性,其最主要原因一是党法关系中的非宪政因素。因此,依法治国的核心是依宪治党。要在宪法中对党政关系加以明确规定。目前党法关系存在的问题:执政党不尊重国家权力机关、甚至违反宪法和相关法律;执政党妨碍审判、检察机关独立行使职权;执政党直接行使国家权力。分析世界各国的宪政实践,为执政党立法是解决问题的思路。为执政党立法应遵循的基本原则:确定党和党的机构的具体法律地位,并在法律上对党的领导权的内容、界限、行使程序和相应的义务做出详细规定;通过必要立法,具体规范党和国家机关的关系。 我国宪法缺乏权威的另一个原因是民众——特别是广大农民缺乏宪法权利,宪法权利得不到保障和落实,为此,要切实保障农民以下宪法权利: 一、给农民以迁徙自由权:取消户籍隔离。迁徙自由是公民基本的宪法权利,迁徙自由权的最大障碍是现行的已执行长达半世纪之久的户籍制度,要取消户籍隔离,实现迁徙自由,维护宪法权威。 二、让农民获得平等的受教育权利。受教育权作为公民的基本宪法权利在实际中农现出严重的城乡不平等,实现受教育权平等,维护宪法权威。 三、让农民充分享受代表选举权:城乡代表名额比例平等。现行的人大代农制度,在事实上限制、削弱甚至取消了农民的经济、政治权利。农民无法充分表达和实现自己的意志、愿望。利益和要求。人大代表名额的分配,应尽早实现城乡平等,维护宪法的尊严,树立起宪法的权威。 四、还农民结社自山权:恢复农会。结社权作为基本宪法权利,在广大的农民没有得到体现,农民在政治上还没有组织起来。目前,没有哪个社会团体能对农民负责,没有哪个杠会团体与农民结成经济利益共同体,没有任何组织宣称或直接代表农民参与法律、政策制订,替农民说话办事,以有效地维护农民群众的合法权益。因此,恢复与发展农会,是落实农民宪沽权利、维护宪法权威的重要举措。 历史和现实己经证明,只要给农民以真正的宪法权利,农民就会创造阶惊人的历上奇迹。赋予农民以真正的宪法关怀,是解放农民的终极选择。宪法是保障人民基本权利的最神圣的法祁,没有宪法就没有共和国。在宪法面前,公民权利人人平等且得到保障,是树立宪法权威的根本。

【Abstract】 The Communist Party of China put forward the principle of administering the country according to rule of law in the 15th National People’s Congress. We must emphasize the authority of the constitution in executing the policy. However, the government and other social organizations haven’t attached enough importance to it since the establishment of the state. The frequent altering to the constitution shows that it is only an insignificant tool, being changed casually and being neglected. Looking back on the Chinese constitutional history of over 40 years, we can easily find that the constitution has been changed several times, and that neither persons nor national offices have violated the constitution. Therefore, there is not any suits about the executing of the constitution and also there is not any courts to adjudicate constitutional cases. Since the establishment of the state, no constitutional suit has appeared and no constitution procedural law has been set. This unusual phenomena illustrates that people have been neglecting the authority of the constitution and that authorities have been disregarding numerous events of violating the constitution and the civil rights.In the process of modernization and democratization of the world, people have paid more attention to establishing and defending of the constitution. In China scholars in constitution have made many efforts. But because of the lack of practice, it is very difficult to execute this principle. Personally, I think that scholars must do constitutional research from a new angle to solve the problem.First, I analyze the three forms of constitutional authority: natural justice---conceptual constitutional authority; supreme effect--- political constitutional authority; institutional insurance-- executing constitutional authority. Constitution authority is essentially the supremacy of civil rights. It originated from the concept of natural human justice. It is embodied as limiting governmental rights in politics and as supreme legislative effect in law. It is mainly because of the relationship between the Party and the constitution that the present constitution has so little authority. Therefore, the core of administering the country according to law is administering the Party according to law and the clauses about the relationship between the Party and administration must be definitely established.Now the chief problems in the relations between the Party and the constitution are as follows: the party in power doesn’t respect the national legislature, even violates constitution and other laws; the party in power obstructs procurators and law courts from performing their official powers independently; the party directly performs the national rights. With the analysis of constitutional administration of other countries, it is obvious that legislating for the party in power is a means to solve the problem. The basic principles of it are defining the legislative position of the party and its institutions, formulating specifically the contents, boundaries, procedures and obligations of the party’s leading right; standardizing the relation between the party and the state.Another reason of the short of constitution authority in China is that citizens lack constitution rights, especially peasants. So legislators should practically ensure peasant’s constitutional rights as follows.1. Giving peasants the right of migrating freely and abolishing the registered permanent residence;2. Bestowing peasants the right of receiving education equally;3. Offering peasants full franchise and right to be elected, and making the rate of urban and rural delegate numbers equal;4. Returning peasants the freedom of organizing and reinstating the union of peasants. History has proved that peasants can surely create miracles as long as they acquire realconstitutional rights fully. Offering sincere constitutional concern for peasants is the ultimate method of liberating them. Constitution is the most sacred law to ensure citizens’ basic rights and re

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