

The Financial Relationship between Guangxi and Central Government during the Anti-Japanese War Period

【作者】 李琴

【导师】 唐凌;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 金融是货币流通、信用活动及其营运和调节的机制即整个资金融通活动的总称,其内容非常丰富,包括货币、信用、资金融通的制度与政策、营运机构的职能和活动等。区域金融则是指一个国家金融机构与运行在空间上的分布状态。在外延上表现为具有不同形态、不同层次利金融活动相对集中的若干金融区域。这些区域的金融结构差异、差异互补和相互关联构成一国的区域金融体系。本文选取抗日战争时期的一个区域金融——广西金融业并以其与中央金融业的关系为载体,探讨这一区域金融在抗战时期的特殊发展状况。广西与中央金融业复杂的关系是抗战时期各地方实力派与中央政府关系的缩影,探讨两者的关系对深入、全面了解抗战时期的大后方经济具有重要的意义。 民国以来,随着中央权威的衰落,各地军阀纷纷兴起,桂系军阀统治下的广西地处边疆,境内山岭纵横,地形复杂,交通不便,中央政府难以对广西实施有效的统治,一度形成封闭独立的区域经济形态。抗日战争前夕,新桂系在政治上处于半独立的地位,在经济上也保持独立的经济体系,尤其是建立了一整套完整、独立的金融机构和货币流通体系。与同时期其他各省(地)实力派相比,广西金融业独立性更强,虽然其具有浓厚的封建色彩,但也发挥了较强投资功能,为广西“三自建设”奠定了基础。 抗日战争爆发后,战前各地实力派过度分权的环境发生了变化。在民族危亡的紧急关头,整个中华民族内部力量空前团结,国民政府正是抓住这一历史契机,逐步在全国建立起战时金融统制体制。其通过制定高度垄断集权的金融体制——四行二局,加强了对地方金融体系的控制和对全国金融货币的垄断。在中央金融垄断体制的冲击下,各地独立的区域金融布局纷纷解体。由于各地实际情况不同,在与中央金融业的关系上逐步形成三种类型:完全纳入型、半纳入型、相对独立型。广西则属于半纳入型。新桂系基于政治、经济、军事等利益考虑,率先以合作的积极姿态向中央金融业敞开了大门,使中央金融机构在广西迅速扩展,从而打破了广西银行的垄断局面。在金融业务上,新桂系积极贯彻国民政府的币制政策,使法币逐步取代桂钞成为广西主币,并推行中央辅币政策,查禁外国货币。与此同时,为了维护广西金融业原有特权,新桂系控制下的广西银行加强了存款业务,并在汇兑业务、信托业务上与中央金融业展开竞争,夺得了部分权利。此外还建立了一套完整发达的内帐制度,使广西银行保存了大部分实力。在货币流通领域内,广西银行也争回不少权益。通过以上种种反控制举措,广西银行始终没有沦为中央金融业的附庸。 抗战时期广西与中央政府在金融领域内的既合作又斗争的复杂关系贯穿始终,但从两者性质和广西省政府颁布的法令数量上看,合作占据主导地位,并多以积极面目出现,而双方在金融领域内的竞争居于从属地位,且多以消极面目出现。我们应全面、公正地对他们的关系做出恰如其分的评价。

【Abstract】 Finance,in short,refers to all the capital financing activities,which include currency circulation,credit activities and their operating and regulating systems. Finance covers a wide range of areas in business,including the currency systems,credit and financing,the functions and activities of the related policy-making and operation,and so on. Regional finance refers to the spatial distribution of the country’s financial system and its operational system. It takes the form as a number of financial regions different from each other in formation and the level of development. The differences and their compensation and the mutual relation intertwine together and formulate the system of the country’s regional finance. This paper chooses a regional financial unit - the finance of Gunagxi,to tentatively analyze its special development during the Anti-Japanese War period,from the perspective of its relations with the central financial system. These complicated relations are the miniature of the complicated relations between the regional powers and the central government,so the analysis is of great significance for a complete understanding of China’s economy during the War.Since the founding the Republic of China,the regional warlords rose in excitement with the declining the central authority. Guangxi,ruled by the Kuangsi clique,was located in frontier regions. Because of its varied terrain and the backward transportation system,it was difficult for the central government to enforce effective governing there. Therefore,a closed and independent regional economy came into being and existed for some time. Just before the Anti-Japanese War,though politically half-independent,the new Kuangsi clique remained economically independent,and established a complete set of independent financial body and currency circulation system. Compared with other provincial powers,the financial business in Guangxi was more independent,and played an important role in investment to lay a solid foundation for the "three-self construction" in Guangxi,despite its strong feudal flavor.After the breakout of the Anti-Japanese War,the excessive division of authority among the local powers was ended. At the point of the country’s destruction,the nation was in unprecedented unity. Seizing this historical opportunity,the National Government gradually established a highly monopolized financial system:firstly,through the establishing of the highly monopolized financial system-the four banks and two bureaus to reinforce their control over the local financial systems,then,to monopolize the nation’s currency. Owing to the various situations in different areas,the relations between the regional financial systems and the central government could be classified into three different types:completely dependent,half-dependent and independent. Guangxi belonged to the second type. In view of the their political,economic and military interests,the new Kuangsi clique adopted a cooperative attitude and opened up to the central financial system to facilitate its rapid expansion in Gaungxi in order to break the monopoly of thelocal banks. In terms of financial business,the new Kuangsi clique implemented the currency policies of the National government,gradually replacing the local currency Gui Chao with Fa Bi,the paper currency issued by the KMT government from 1935on wards. In the meantime,in order to protect the previous privileges enjoyed by the Guangxi financial system,the Guangxi banks strengthened their deposit business and competed with the central banking system in remitting and trusting business,partially gaining some rights. Moreover,the Guangxi banks established a complete set of accounting system and reserved most of their strengths. Through the above-mentioned anti-controlling measures,the Guangxi banks had never be reduced to the dependency of the central financial system.In a word,the complicated relationship of struggle and cooperation between the two parties permeated the whole period of the Anti-Japanese War. But with regard to the nature o

  • 【分类号】K265.9;F832.9
  • 【被引频次】2
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