

【作者】 陈宇翔

【导师】 白玲;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军信息工程大学 , 人文地理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着GIS技术的发展和与其他相关学科领域的不断结合,GIS的应用已发生根本性的变化。一方面其应用领域由最初的几个专业领域发展到社会的各个行业领域,成为一个基本的空间信息处理应用工具;另一方面GIS的应用需求由最初的空间信息获取、管理和查询发展到对空间信息的融合、分析、处理和应用。其中以对空间位置关系和空间相关关系的分析需求最为突出。而地理网络分析是空间位置关系和空间相关关系研究的主要内容和主要的研究方法手段。在实际应用中以对地理网络分析的需求最为广泛也最为迫切。 本文在总结了国内外相关成果的基础上,全面系统深入地论述了地理网络的概念体系、理论体系、分析模型和分析算法,并实现了部分基本的分析算法,讨论了地理网络分析与GIS及GIS其他功能的结合。与此同时,还设计实现了一套基于研究的试验型地理网络分析系统。本文的主要内容和从事的具体工作包括: 1、收集、整理国内外的相关资料成果,阐述了地理网络分析的概念体系和理论体系。 2、分析研究几类基本的地理网络分析算法。 3、讨论和研究了地理网络分析与GIS和GIS其他功能的结合。 4、基于前面的研究从底层开发了一套实验型地理网络分析系统。

【Abstract】 With the perpetual development of GIS technology and its integration with other correlative subject, The GIS application has made thoroughly changes. The one is that it spread form basic professional field to all the other social fields and become a basic tool for the spatial information process and application; The other is the GIS application ask for the spatial information process, combination and analysis, but the former is only for obtaining, managing, inquiring the spatial information. The users raise a higher claim for the analysis of the spatial location-relation and spatial correlation. The geographic network analysis is the main method for the research of the spatial location-relation and the spatial correlation. The claim for the geographic network analysis in real application is most common and insistent.Based on the research of relative achievements in China and other countries, we discuss a series of theories, algorithms and the models which has combination with the other function of GIS and realize some basic analysis models. Based on these research, we develop a system for geographic network analysis the on PC platform. The achievements can be summarized as follows:Collect, tidy up the relative achievements in China and other countries, discuss the concept and the theory system of the geographic network analysis.Study the basic model and algorithms of the geographic network analysis.Discuss the geographic network analysis combination with the other function of GIS.Based on the achievements above, the experimental system for geographic network analysis the on PC platform is developed.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】10
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