

Feed Intake of Hens and the Role of Daidzein and F89 in Control of Feed Intake and Laying Performance in Hens and Endocrine Mechanisms Involved

【作者】 左伟勇

【导师】 王国杰;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以蛋鸡为研究对象,通过应用摄食行为监测系统(FIDAS系统)对蛋鸡个体采食行为模式以及日粮中添喂大豆黄酮、颈静脉注射F89对蛋鸡摄食的影响进行了研究;在此基础上,在基础日粮中添加大豆黄酮及F89,主要观察这两种生理调节剂对蛋鸡生产性能的影响,并测定有关内分泌激素水平,以探讨大豆黄酮与F89对产蛋鸡的作用机理。本研究共5个实验系列,现摘要如下: 实验系列1 应用蛋鸡摄食行为监测系统对青年期母鸡摄食行为的现察 蛋鸡摄食行为监测系统方法建立后,首先应用此系统研究依莎青年期母鸡摄食行为的特点,结果表明:青年期母鸡24h摄食量为114.95±22.91g;摄食时间为227.06±69.55 min;摄食速率为0.51±0.17g/min;每日摄食餐数为43±8.03;每餐平均持续时间为2.69±0.52min;每餐平均摄食量为5.85±1.64g。通过此系列实验证明,经过改进,此系统适合蛋鸡摄食行为的研究。 实验系列2 添喂大豆黄酮对产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食行为及有关内分泌的影响 选用200日龄伊莎产蛋鸡8只,采用自身对照法,对照期饲喂基础日粮,实验期基础日粮添加大豆黄酮(6mg/kg),利用FIDAS系统记录其摄食数据;两期分别经翅静脉采血样,制取血清。结果显示:添加大豆黄酮后的产蛋鸡24h摄食量增加18.47%(p<0.01);摄食时间减少21.32%;每日餐数增加23.81%(p<0.01);血糖水平降低8.05%;血清胰岛素水平升高21.83%(p<0.05);雌二醇水平升高13.22%(p<0.05);血清瘦素水平升高1.91% 实验系列3 添喂大豆黄酮对产蛋后期母鸡摄食行为及有关内分泌的影响 选用300日龄伊莎产蛋鸡8只,采用自身对照法,对照期饲喂基础日粮,实验期基础日粮添加大豆黄酮(6mg/kg),利用FIDAS系统记录其摄食数据;两期分别经翅静脉采血样,制取血清。结果显示:添加大豆黄酮后的产蛋后期蛋鸡24h摄食量增加19.84%,摄食时间减少31.29%(p<0.01),每日摄食餐数增加50.43%(p<0.01);血糖水平降低13.81%(p<0.05);血清胰岛素水平升高21.83%(p<0.05);雌二醇水平升高16.37%;血清瘦素水平升高4.84%。 左伟勇 蛋鸡摄食行为及大豆黄酮和 F89对摄食产蛋及有关内分泌的影响 2实验系列4颈静脉注射F89对产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食行为及有关内分泌的影响 选取伊莎蛋鸡8只(250日龄),采用自身对照法,实验蛋鸡分别安装慢性颈静脉血管插管,手术后经过适应期,待动物体况良好,摄食正常;开始实验。实验分二期 (各三天),即对照期与F89期。F89期在喂料前颈静脉注射F89,剂量为0.ling/kgBW,通过FIDAS系统卡己录实验蛋鸡喂料后4h内的采食数据,并子喂料lh后颈静脉采血2.5ml,即刻离心分离血浆。结果表明,颈静脉注射网9后的蛋鸡午前门:0卜门:00)4h摄食量增力25.77%;摄食时间增力10.73%;餐数增力12.32%;血糖水平降低7.37%;血清胰岛素水平升高 29.46%(户0.05h 血清中瘦素水平升高 3.89兄 午后 (13:0卜17:00)物摄食量增力; 55.96%(/0.01);摄食时间增加6.91%(户O刀1人餐数增加 37.84%(/0.01);血糖水平降低 28.87%(/0.01);血清胰岛素水平升高21.27?(/0.05);血清中瘦素水平升高 10.97%。实验系列5 添喂大豆黄酮、网9对自由采食母鸡生产性能的影响 随机抽取60羽13周龄伊莎产蛋鸡,平均分为3组,对照组饲喂基础日粮,大豆黄酮(Da)组添喂基础日粮+Da 6mg/kg,F89组添喂基础日粮+F89 Zing/kg,每组 20羽。结果显示:日粮中添加 Da,与对照组相比较,青年期母鸡摄食量增加 7.29% (/005),产蛋初期母鸡摄食量增加4.32儿 产蛋率增加31.06%(/.OI),日只蛋重增力45.78%(户0.01),料蛋比下降29.88%(/0.M),产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食量增加7.9%(/0.01),产蛋率增加10.7洲(厂<0.05),日只蛋重增加20.09%(户0.05),料蛋比下降12.81%(/0.05)。青年期母鸡血清m水平升高0.5批,胰岛素水平升高门.11儿 瘦素水平升高6.20儿雌二醇水平升高38.16队/0.01X 产蛋初期母鸡血清LH水平升高 2L 84%(p<0.05),胰岛素水平升高 14.54%(/0.05),瘦素水平升高升高23.7洲(/0.05L 雌二醇水平升高1.5人 产蛋高峰期血清m 水平升高25.96们p<0.05厂胰岛素水平 12.85叭/0.05厂瘦素水平升高升高 9.3狐,雌H醇水平升高 13.96%。 日粮中添加 F89后,与对照组相比较,青年期母鸡摄食量增加 11.9%(/0.01),产蛋初期母鸡摄食量增加s.%%(/0.05),产蛋初期母鸡产蛋率增加15.59儿 日只蛋重增加门.8砒(NO.01入 料蛋比变化不明显。产蛋高峰期母鸡摄食量增加7.23%(/0.01厂 产蛋率下降1.2她,料蛋比升高2.93丸日只蛋重增加182儿 青年期母鸡血清M水平降低 22.58们户0.05厂胰岛素水平升高 21.15%(/0.01),瘦素水平升高4.47%;雌二醇水平升高24.22%(/0.of);产蛋初期母鸡血清m水平降低3.99%,南京农业大学硕士论文 摘 要3

【Abstract】 Observation of feed intake pattern on hens, and the role of daidzein and F89 in control of feed inttTke and laying performance in hens and involved endocrine mechanisms were studied in this research , The present research included 5 series: Series 1: Observation of feed intake pattern on young hensThe development of Food Intake Data Acquisition System (FIDAS) and the application of this system to the observation on the feed intake of young hens. The data which acquired by FIDAS included the feed intake, the time of feed intake and the number of meal, this series experiment proved that FIDAS was fit for the study on feed intake behavior of hens.Series 2:Effect of diet supplemented with daidzein on the feed intake in laying hens and endocrine mechanism involved8 Twenty-eight-week-old laying hens were used to evaluate the effect of diet supplemented with daidzein on the feed intake behavior in the laying hens. The experiment was divided into two periods: First, basal diet period; Second, basal diet+6mg/kg daidzein; Compared to control period, the feed intake (18.47%,p<0.01) and the number of meal(23.81% p<0.01) of basal diet +daidzein period were increased; the time of feed intake(21.32%) was reduced; Serum 17 P -estradiol (13. 22% p<0. 05) .insulin (21.83%, p<0.05)andleptin levels were increased, whereas serum glucose levels were reduced. Series 3: Effect of diet supplemented with daidzein on’the feed intake inolder laying hens and endocrine mechanism involved 8 Fourty-three-week-old laying hens were used to evaluate the effect of diet supplemented with daidzein on the feed intake in older laying hens. The experiment was divided into two periods: First, basal diet period; Second, basal diet +6mg/kg daidzein; Compared to control period, the feed intake and the number of meal(50.43%, p<0.01) of basal diet +daidzein period were increased; the time of feed intake(32.29% p<0. 01) was reduced; Serum 173 -estradiol .insulin (21.23%, p<0.05) and leptin levels were increased, whereas serum glucose levels (13.81% p<0. 05) were decreased.Series 4: Affect on feed intake and related endocrine status of laying hensInfusion of F89 into jugular vein8 Thiry-five-week-old laying hens were implanted with chronic jugular vein canula and used to investigate the effect of intravenous administration of F89 on Feed intake and plasma parameters. The results showed that the infusion of F89(0. Img/kg.BW) into jugular vein enhanced the feed intake, increased the number of meal and the time of feed intake, decreased plasma glucose levels, elevated the plasma levels of insulin and leptin.Series 5: Effect of diet supplemented with daidzein or F89 on performancein hens fed ad libitum60 Thirty-week-old hens were randomized into 3 groups: basal diet, basal diet +6mg/kg daidzein, basal diet +2mg/kg F89. The blood samples were collected in the 16th day, 39th day and 64th day. Compared to control, the feed intake of basal diet +daidzein group was increased, and laying performance was improved; Serum leptin , 17 3 -estradiol, LH and insulin levels were increased; The feed intake of basal diet+F89 group was also increased .whereas the laying performance was not altered , Serum leptin and insulin levels increased, but serum LH and 173 -estradiol levels dissimilar during different period.In conclusion, FIDAS fit for the study of feed intake on hens, and daidzein(6mg/kg diet) can improve the performance and regulate concentrations of some blood hormones and metabolic parameters in laying hens. It seems that the effects of daidzein may be partly related to the alteration of blood 17 3 -estradiol, Leptin, LH,etc; F89 also increased feed intake, whereas without similar effects on egg production performance , some blood hormones and metabolic parameters in laying hens during different period.

  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】5
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