

【作者】 康跃红

【导师】 刘俊海;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 经济法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 信托,是指委托人基于对受托人的信任,将其财产权委托给受托人,由受托人按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或者特定目的,进行管理或者处分的行为。信托制度的基本特征就是将信托财产的所有权与实际收益权分开,在承认受托人对信托财产享有所有权的同时,还承认受益人享有的受益权,并且通过信托法律制度,强调对信托财产及其受益人的受益权的保护。 信托投资基金就是在信托法律关系基础上发展起来的。为了保证基金财产的安全,投资基金在信托关系的基础上还进一步细化了基金受托人的职能分工,将保管基金财产和资产管理两个职责分别委托给基金托管人和基金管理人。基金托管人履行安全保管基金资产的职责,并负责办理基金投资运作的具体清算交割业务。基金管理人以基金资产增值为目的,代理基金受托人履行投资运作的职能,负责管理基金资产。基金的运作是通过发行基金单位,来集中投资者的资金,由基金托管人托管,由基金管理人管理和运用资金,从事股票、债券、基础建设、农田水利、高科技等方面投资,从而使之成为一种利益共享、风险共担的集合投资方式。基金中蕴涵的法律关系实质上就是信托关系。 从经济学的角度讲,信托投资基金将不特定的多数投资者特别是中小投资者的资金,汇集成一个数额巨大、承受风险能力强的基金,既有利于满足市场对资金的需求,又可以满足广大投资者在降低风险的前提下获得较高收益的愿望。并且基金通常由投资理财的专家进行管理和经营,在分散风险的原则上进行组合投资,这样就保证了资金的有效运用和整体的盈利性。但是,由于信托投资基金与金融活动密切相关,所以也极易感染金融投资风险。为此,我们必须对信托投资基金存在的风险给予足够的重视。只有未雨绸缪,才能防范于未然。从而减少因信托投资基金产生的风险对整个金融业乃至整个国民经济带来不良影响。信托投资基金作为一种大众参与的投资活动,与股票、期货等其他大众投资活动一样,存在着一定的风险。 信托投资基金主体的风险及其法律防范主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,发起人的风险及其法律防范。基金发起人是设立信托投资基金,并对基金发行承担法律责任的机构,发起人风险不仅包括发起人在发起设立基金的过程中给投资人带来的风险,而且还 包括白己所面临的风险,发起人风险的法律防范就是要通过立法米明确发起人的权利义 务,从而减少或避免基金设立过程中产生的风险。第二,投资人的风险及其法律防范。 这里的投资人实际上就是信托投资关系中的委托人和受益人,投资人的积极参与是保证 信托投资市场活跃性的重要因素,而活跃的投资市场可以最大限度地分散信托投资市场 上的各种风险,从而缔造一个高效率的市场,冈此,完善投资人风险防范的法律规范是 提高信托投资市场效率,减少或避免风险的一个重要环节。第三,受托人的风险及其法 律防范。受托人是信托投资关系中的最重要的当事人,依照信托的基本原理,受托人有 对信托财产(或信托基金)独立的行使管理和处分的权利,并可以排除投资人(又是委 托人和受益人)的干预,那么,受托人如何防范和化解风险,保障投资人的利益,就成 为人们普遍关注的焦点,所以,受托人风险的法律防范才娃整个信托投资垦金风险防范 的核心和关键。第四,监管机构的风险及其法律防范。监管机构指的是专门对信托投资 基金进行管理的政府部门,具体到我国就是国务院证券监督管理委员会(简称“证监会”)。 监管机构是信托投资基金良胜运行的保证,只有完善的管理体制和管理系统,才能保证 投资人的合法权益,保证受托人依法进厅管理和经营,实现信托资金流动的畅通,保持 市场高效运行。第五,服务机构的风险及其法律防范。服务机构是指专门为信托投资基 金发行和经营活动提供服务的律师事务所、会计师事务所等机构,服务机构的风险防范 也是信托投资基金风险防范的一个必不可少的方面。在信托投资风险防范系统中,这儿 个方面是缺一不可的,其中,投资人的风险防范走前提,受托人的风险防他是关键,监 管机构的风险防范娃保阵,发起人和服务机构的风险防范是补充。只有把这儿个方面纹 一起米,相士协作、彼此促进,才能真上的防范利化解风险,保证信托投资基金健康、 持续、稳定的发展。总之,我国信托投资基金的风险和风险防范足一个系统性的厂程, 要了解和研究他们,就必须全方位、多层次对其贝体内容和环v分别加以探讨,才能摸 . 消其实质,真止做到预防风险、分散和化解风险。 我国信托投资基金的发展还处了初始阶段,日前规范我国信托投资基金活动的法律规 范主要足 1997年 11月国务院批准颁布的们正券投资基金管理哲行办法》以及中国人*银 行、中国证监会等机构颁发的各种规范性文什,但还缺乏一部?

【Abstract】 Trust is the behavior that a person entrust his property to the trustee on the basis of confidence,and the trustee hold and manage the property in the name of himself for the benefit of anther or others. The fundamental character of the trust system is the separating ownership from the profit right of the trust property,admitting the ownership of the trust property by the trustee,at the same time,admitting the profit right of the beneficiary,moreover,the protection is emphasized for the beneficiary s profit right and the trust property by the trust laws.As a public invest instrument,the trust invest fund is a collective invest way with which the investors sharing the benefit and the risk. A huge amount,risk-resist fund is formed by the capital of infinite investors especially the common investors,which not only meet the market request for capital,but also meet the mass investors desire to gain high profit on the condition of decreasing risk. Usually the fund is managed and operated by the invest experts and financiers. Combination investment by the principal of decentralizing risk ensures the effective use and general profit of the capital.The risk and risk control of the trust invest fund is a systematic project,which includes several aspects as follow. First,the risk and its control of the sponsor. Second,the risk and its control of the investors. Third,the risk and its control of the trustees. Fourth,the risk and its control of the supervisors. Fifth,the risk and its control of the service agency.The five aspects above are all essential. The control of investor s risk is premise,the control of trustee s risk is the key,the control of supervisor s risk is the guarantee,and the control of the sponsor s and service agency s risk is supplement. Only if all of above are integrated,coordinated each other,enhanced each other,the risk could be prevented and solved indeed,and the trust invest market develop rightly,consistentlyand steady.In the point of legal,to prevent and avoid the risk of the trust investment,we should leam other country s legislation experience in the investment,and strengthen our country s legislation in this field combining our country s present situation,as follow:Subject law of the trust market should be made to provide the rules of market entrance. It is determined by legal examination,that who are qualified to set up a trust invest fund as a sponsor;which kind of institute or organization can get into trust market to manage trust invest business as a trustee;which kind of institution or individuals are qualified to serve for the trust invest activities.From the basic characters of the trust systems,the trust property is the key of the trust relations;Trust will become non-valuable and meaningless without independent and distinguished property. So the protect scope and manners,the procedure of gain,use,and transfer,compensation rules etc. was determined by legislation to ensure the trust property s safety and to protect the basic right of the investors and the beneficiaries.. All the transactions should be carried under certain rules in the market-oriented economy environment. Participants are inevitable to do harm to others or the society because of the sharp contend. With these rules,all the transactions have the criterions to be done smoothly,the frictions are reduced or avoided,and so the unnecessary risk is avoided in the business.All the institutions are run in the market with their own benefit in this situation. It is not enough to run by their own restrains,the outside supervising system should be set up. In other words,the laws and regulations about trust invest supervising should be made and strength the market supervising.Usually,trust is set up for the beneficiaries profit,so the trustee should hold and manage the trust property for the sake of maximum the benefaction s benefit. Thedistribution ration of the invest profit should be considered when the trust invest laws are drawn up in our country. On one hand,maximizing the investor s ben

【关键词】 信托投资基金投资组合风险防范
  • 【分类号】D912.29
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