

【作者】 侯爱民

【导师】 康丽颖;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 儿童同伴关系是儿童生活中的一种重要人际关系,它对儿童的健康成长,适应学校、社会生活,乃至成人后的人际关系都会产生深远的影响。儿童同伴关系的研究已有几十年历史并取得了显著成果,在国内已引起人们的重视,但将研究成果用于教育实践的还不多。论文在对儿童同伴关系的研究作回顾的基础上,提出了教育的相应对策。主要内容如下: 引言部分,以对儿童同伴关系研究的重要理论为线索,在简要介绍具理论主张的基础上,提出论文的研究目的:关注儿童同伴关系、帮助儿童建立良好的同伴关系。 第一部分,儿童同伴关系的问题研究综述。本部分包括五个方面的内容,分别就儿童同伴关系的概念、意义、发展趋势、同伴关系的类型及影响同伴关系的因素作了阐述,并回顾了中外研究者的研究成果和主张。并就儿童同伴关系与儿童学业成绩、家庭关系、儿童的社会技能和儿童行为的相互关系作了回顾与阐述。表明良好同伴关系与学业成绩有正相关,家庭和谐、良好的社会技能,有利儿童建立同伴关系,亲社会行为有利于儿童良好同伴关系的形成。 第二部分,社会转型时期,人们的思想观念,包括儿童观发生了深刻的变化。在信息时代,儿童与成人共享知识信息,成人与儿童的沟通更趋于民主、平等,成人更重视儿童自身的特点和思想,与儿童一起成长。在调查中发现,儿童同伴关系更趋于平等,渴望同伴交往,其独立性和合作性明显增强。 第三部分,教育对策研究。本部分就儿童同伴关系与学校教育、以及家庭教育和社会教育等作了分析,并提出了相应的教育对策,主要包括:在学校教育中,教育儿童学会共处,学会合作;适当进行社会技能训练,提高儿童同伴的接纳性;重视对儿童同伴群体的引导。在家庭教育中,形成儿童的安全依恋和建立民主的亲子关系。在社会教育中,关注网络对同伴关系的影响。 结论部分,论文指出,在重视儿童同伴关系对儿童成长发展影响的同时,应注意到儿童同伴关系的不成熟性和对儿童支持的脆弱性,同时还应注意到在帮助儿童建立良好同伴关系中不应仅仅停留在进行一些“技术”上的指导和训练,更重要的是注重培养儿童的道德品质。

【Abstract】 Children’s fellowship plays a very important personal relationship in their lives, which will greatly influence, their growth and improvement in their adulthood, which is a vital means to be socialized. The study in this respect has aroused the attention of socialists, educators and psychologists. They put forward primary group theory, two horizontal personal relationship theory, significont others theory and a group socialization theory of devlopment and so on. The later research illustrated systematically the meaing of children’s fellowship theory, trend, types and other factors affecting this fellowship. Other researches associted with the connection between fellowship and grade marks, family, social behavior, the training of social skills, has also been conducted, which encouraged the theory study, provided scientific bases for the children education practice.During such a social transfarmation period, the thoughts and senses of the people have greatly changed. The view to wards children, the relationship between the adults and children, have also changed. In the IT social, both children and adults share the knowledge. Much emphasis is imposed on children and their dignity. The education and guidance requires more attention to their characteristic and their naive thinking. The cemmunicatim beteen adults and children will become more harmony. The coming of the one-child family, the popularization of Net, need the co-operation in the school education, the pro-society behavior and cultivation of virtue. Moreover, the formation of a notion of security in family and a good kiuship is also.

  • 【分类号】G610
  • 【被引频次】20
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