

The Contribution of Handel for the Development of the Art of Vocality History

【作者】 吴素芹

【导师】 刘新丛;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 音乐学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 乔治·费里德里希·亨德尔(George Frideric Handel),德国十七世纪末、十八世纪初伟大作曲家,是欧洲音乐发展史上的重要人物。他与同时代的巴赫一样,为了表达他们所处时代的新思想、新内容,在继承前人音乐创作成果的基础上,对音乐形式、表现手段进行了不倦的、艰苦的探索,并取得了巨大成绩,为日后欧洲启蒙时期音乐艺术的发展打下了深厚的基础。 在巴洛克和古典乐派的时代里,声乐歌唱艺术和教学得到了很大的发展,许多作曲家创作了大量的作品,加上意大利声乐教师走出国门传授歌唱技艺,使声乐演唱技巧和声乐作品广泛流传并风靡全欧洲。在其发展的历史进程中,许多优秀的歌唱家、声乐教师、嗓音专家、语言专家和词曲作家都做出了不懈的努力。通过几百年的发展演进和歌唱艺术实践已形成了它的一整套审美传统与观念。那么,在那些众多作曲家中,亨德尔无疑是那个时代最具代表性的人物之一。他虽不是声乐艺术的发起人、奠基人,但他的作品问世后,加速了“美声唱法”的完善,使之达到颠峰时期。 本文从三个方面入手,透析亨德尔的音乐在声乐艺术发展史上的贡献。 一、丰富的手法和体裁多样的音乐表现风格 二、亨德尔部分歌剧和清唱剧选曲分析 三、在掌握声乐演唱技艺方面,学习亨德尔声乐作品的重要性 四、结论: 亨德尔对声乐艺术的贡献,不仅是由于他是一位有着高超创作技巧的音乐家,而且还因为声乐艺术能够被他制造出各种各样的新颖音乐效果。声乐艺术是亨德尔艺术生命中重要的组成部分。他所创作出的音乐形象,无论在形式上和深刻程度上,都大大的超越了他的前人,是声乐史上的奇葩。亨德尔的伟大及其历史意义主要在于他对传世不朽的表演曲目的贡献。他的音乐年长日久而不衰,是因为他采用了一些当时尚未落实而在十八世纪中叶的新风格中变得非常重要的手法。与巴赫的比较严格对位化的程序相比,亨德尔更强调旋律与和声,因此他得以与当时的时尚发生联系。作为一位宏伟风格的合唱作曲家,他是无与伦比的。他是一位造旨极高的对比大师,不仅是在合唱音乐,而是在他所触及的所有领域中。

【Abstract】 George Frideric Handel , a great German composer during the late 17th century and the early 18th century period, is an outstanding figure in the development of the European music history , in order to express the new thoughts and ideas of their age. He, like his counterpart Bath, had been dong the exploration on the music and the method of musical expression perseveringly and assiduously on the basis of the great achievements accomplished by the previous. Thus George’s great accomplishments laid a solid foundation for the development of the art of music in the following enlightment period of Europe.The art of singing and education in vocality has got fully developed during the Baroque and schools of music period, The reason that at that time, the singing skills of vocality and many pieces of musical opuses were spread so widely and the art of vocality was fashionable in Europe is that there were a lot of distinguished composers creating scores of excellent music opuses and also many Italian teachers of vocality traveling all over the world to spread their singing crafts. Many excellent vocalists, music teachers, the experts of voices and language and composers all made their contribution during the historical process of musical development through hundreds of development and evolution and the practice of singing, the vocality has formed its own traditions of aesthetics and concepts. Undoubtedly, G.H.F. is the most representative figure among the numerous composers of that age. Although he is not the sponsor and founder of the art of vocality, his works accelerated the perfection of "Bel canto" and climaxed it.

【关键词】 亨德尔声乐艺术贡献
【Key words】 HandelVocalityContribution
  • 【分类号】J609.1
  • 【被引频次】10
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