

Studies on the Regulation of S-3307 Applied to Seeds on Tiller-earing and Wheat Quality

【作者】 韩惠芳

【导师】 杨文钰;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以绵阳26为供试材料,试验研究了不同烯效唑拌种浓度(0、10、20、40mg/kg)对不同播种密度(90、180、270×104、hm2)下小麦分蘖成穗生理、籽粒品质的调节,对分蘖成穗过程分蘖节中的内源激素(1AA、GA3、ZT、ABA)、可溶性糖、全氮的影响;以及籽粒蛋白质含量和组分,沉降值、吸水率等粉质参数的效应,结果表明: 1、烯效唑处理后,分蘖前期(出苗后50天之内)低节位分蘖特别是第1、第2分蘖的发生加快,烯效唑浓度越高,达到最大分蘖速度的时间越早;分蘖后期(出苗后50天之后)分蘖速度减慢,高浓度B3(40mg/kg)的分蘖速度比B2、B1及BO提早10d。烯效唑提高了孕穗后期单位面积的茎蘖数,分蘖成穗率高,单株穗数和单位面积有效穗增多,其中以B2(20mg/kg)最优,从而增大了后期的库容。 2、烯效唑处理后,分蘖节IAA的含量减少,ZT含量提高,因而有利于分蘖的发生;GA3含量为前期降低后期升高;ABA含量则显著低于对照;IAA/ZT比值明显降低,且以分蘖盛期降低幅度最大,分蘖后期进入两极分化IAA/ZT比值持续上升,因此对分蘖早发生、多发生进而提高成穗率有很好的效果;整个分蘖过程中,IAA/ABA、ZT/ABA、GA3/ABA比值均高于对照。 3、烯效唑处理提高了分蘖节、叶片、茎杆和穗中的全氮含量和分蘖节中的糖含量。分蘖初期的糖氮比值升高,分蘖期至拔节期的糖氮比值降低。烯效唑对氮代谢的促进作用大于对糖代谢。烯效唑浓度加大,氮代谢增强;烯效唑提高了成熟期茎、叶、穗中的含氮量,且对主茎的效应大于分蘖。 4、烯效唑对小麦生育后期冠层叶叶面积、旗叶的净光合速率(Pn)有显著提高作用,从而增强了小麦的发育优势;另一方面,烯效唑使小麦的净光合速率(Pn)对密度的适应范围增大,表明烯效唑保证了较高密度下小麦增产的物质供应。 5、烯效唑处理对小麦有显著增产作用,以20mg/kg为佳。主要在于烯效唑处理促进了分蘖成穗和增加了群体有效穗数,在一定基本苗和穗数范围内,弥补了穗数增加带来的穗粒数、粒重负增长,烯效唑对千粒重也有一定提高。 6、烯效唑处理提高了小麦籽粒中蛋白质的含量,随烯效唑浓度的增加效应加大;同时改善了蛋白质组分,提高了清蛋白、球蛋白及其两者之和以及醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白及其两者之和,对清蛋白、球蛋白及其两者之和以B2的效果最好,对醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白及其两者之和是随浓度的升高效应增大,烯效唑对醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白及其两者之和的增效作用更大。 7、烯效哩处理对小麦面粉的粉质特性有不同程度的影响,提高了面粉的加工品 质。主要在于面粉的湿面筋含量、沉降值、面团形成时间、面团稳定时间、面团断 裂时间的提高和软化度、公差指数的降低,最终使评价值提高。 研究结果表明,烯效哇处理后在较大基本苗群体条件下,不仅能获得高产,而 且可有效改善品质,说明烯效哇在协调产量与品质的关系上具有显著的优势。烯效 哩拌种提高分荚成穗率的主要原因是改善了分蔡节内的激素平衡和碳氮代谢;后期 通过增加冠层叶面积、提高净光合速率和促进光合产物向穗部的运输,提高产量、 改善品质。

【Abstract】 The effects of S-3307 (Uniconazole) applied to seeds with different concentrations (0、10、20、40mg/kg) and densities (90、180、270 X 10~4/hm~2) on tiller-earing and wheat quality of wheat c.v. (Mianyang 26) were studied in the paper. The results shows as followings:1. S-3307 Treatments promoted tiller generation in lower position, especially the first, second tiller in the early tillering stage (within 50 days after emergence), the higher the concentrations, the time to the fast speed earlier. In the late stage (behinde 50 days after emergence), tiller appearance speed for S-3307 Treatments was slower than that of control and the highest concentrations (B3) was 10 days earlier than other Treatmentss (B2, Bl, BO). As the result, the percentage of tiller emergence and tiller-earing was increased by S-3307 Treatments, among them 20mg/kg was the best. The plant population per unit after booting stage for S-3307 Treatments was significantly higher than that of control, so the ear capacity was increased.2. S-3307 Treatments decreased IAA content in tillering node, while it largly improve ZT content, which were benifited for tiller appearance. S-3307 Treatments reduced the GAa content in the early stage while rose the GAa content in later stage. The content of ABA for S-3307 Treatments was significantly lower than that of control. Moreover, IAA/ZT ratio decreased and the lowest was in top tillering stage. Which was sustainabilitly increase from late tillering stage to booting stage, so S-3307 Treatments have advatage to tiller appearance earlier and more. IAA/ABA, ZT/ABA, GAs/ABA ratio were more than that of control.3. S-3307 Treatments significantly enhanced the nitrogen metabolism and carbohydrate in tiller node. The ratio of sugar and nitrogen increased in the early tillering stage while decreased in the joiting stage to booting stage. And the effects of S-3307 on nitrogen metabolism was higher than carbohydrate metabolism. With the concentrations rose, the nitrogen metabolism vigoroused, the contents of nitrogen accumulate in ear, stem and leaf were more than that of control, and the effect on main stem was bigger than on tiller.4. S-3307 Treatments significantly increase the canopy leaf area and flag leaf net photosynthetic rate, so enhanced wheat growth. Moreover, S-3307 Treatments ensuredhigh density have high net photosynthetic rate.5. S-3307 Treatments significantly increase the wheat yield, and 20mg/kg was the best, the main reason was the percentage of tiller-earing and populaton ear capacity were largly enhanced by S-3307 Treatments. Which remedy the ear grain number and grain weight declining vs ear number increase at some density, the grain weight rised also.6. The protein was significantly higher for S-3307 Treatments than that of control, and with the concentrations enhanced, the effect rose. The albumins and globulins were significantly increased, about which B3 was the best. With S-3307 concentrations increase, the contents of glutenins and gliadins increased .7. S-3307 Treatments had different effects on farinogram index, which improved the processing quality. Among them the main effects of S-3307 were increased the ZSV(Zeleny sedimentation volume),WGC(wet gluten content), DDT(dough development time), DST(dough stable time), DBT(dough breakdown time),decreased the MTI(mixing tolerance index), DS(degree of softening),so made the V.V.(Valorimenter value) higher.Therefore, it was suggested that S-3307 Treatments had significantly effects on assorting with yield and quality, it not only could promote yield, but also improve quality effectively. The action of S-3307 on increasing tiller-earing percentage was correlated with the tiller node endogenous hormones and carbon and nitrogen metabolis. And enhanced canopy leaf area, flag leaf net photosynthetic rate and plant nitrogen distribution among each orger, with the result the yield was increased and the grain quality was improved.

  • 【分类号】S482.8
  • 【被引频次】5
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