

Study on the Conditions and Effect of Wheat Stalks Compost Inoculated the White Ror-fungi

【作者】 赵玉杰

【导师】 伍钧; 李登煜;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 土壤学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 小麦秸秆是农业有机固体废弃物中一类重要的可再生生物资源,但由于现有技术条件的限制,这类生物资源的很大一部分并没有得到有效合理利用,相反却成了严重的环境污染源。堆肥虽是一种秸秆合理利用的好方法,但长的堆制腐熟周期却成了限制其推广应用的制约因素。 秸秆堆肥周期长的根本原因在于秸秆的特殊结构。秸秆主要由纤维素、半纤维素、木质素组成,而木质素是阻碍秸秆利用的最大障碍因素。为了加快小麦秸秆堆肥速度,本试验采用人工接入白腐菌(云芝)的方法,以破坏木质素、纤维素、半纤维素之间的结构,降低秸秆木质素含量,打破木质素对秸秆利用的限制。试验表明,当小麦秸秆堆肥中添加10%的猪粪,料水比为2、C/P比为120、C/N比为60、pH值为6时,30℃条件下16天内云芝对小麦秸秆木质素的降解率为56.27%,全纤维素降解率为10.41%。此后云芝产生的木质素降解酶—漆酶活性下降,木质素降解速度相应降低。 16天后按一般的秸秆堆肥条件(即将猪粪用量增加到秸秆用量的30%、料水比2、C/P比、C/N比、pH值等不再进行调节,接入的纤维素,半纤维素降解菌种子量为堆料的1%)对小麦秸秆进行室内模拟堆肥试验,半月内秸秆即达到腐熟。大大缩短了堆肥周期,提高了堆肥效率。本结果为秸秆合理利用提供了依据。

【Abstract】 As other agricultural organic castoffs, the wheat stalks are one of the reproducible resources. But because of the limitation of technology, there are so much straws being setted on fire or thrown away. We are trying our best to search a way to full use of the superfluous straws. Compost using wheat stalks is a good pattern to deal with the superfluous straws. But it is the long time of composting that limits the use of the technique.Wheat stalks are mostly composted of cellulose ,hemi-cellulose and lignin. The lignin is the primary obstacle that restrains the straws from being biodegraded.. We inoculated white rot-fungi (Trametes Versicolor) to biodegrade the lignin so that the barrier can be broken down-In this paper, the elements that effect the white rot-fungi to biodegrade the straws lignin were studied. These elements were C/N,C/P, the proportion of wheat stalks to water and the content of pig dung. The results showed that the optimum conditions of white rot-fungi to biodegrade the wheat stalks were: C/N=60,C/P=120,the proportion of wheat stalks to water is 2 , the content of pig dung is 10% and the temperature is 30癈. In these conditions, the wheat stalks lignin can be degraded 56.27% in 16 days and.the cellulose and hemi cellulose had a little degradation. After 16 days of cultivatation , the laccase enzyme active begun to reduce and the rate of biodegradation also to reduce. So 16 days were the best period of using the white rut-fungi to deal with wheat stalks.At ordinary conditions that were described in this paper, we use the wheat stalks that were treated with the white rot-fungi to compost. The results showed that the straws decayed in 16 days.

【关键词】 小麦秸秆堆肥白腐菌木质素纤维素半纤维素
【Key words】 strawcompostwhiterot-fungilignincellulosehemi-cellulose
  • 【分类号】S141.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】417