

Effects of Supplemental Zn-Met on Performance and No-specific Immunity of Layer in Final Phase

【作者】 王希国

【导师】 孙文志;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 锌是动物体生长、发育、繁殖等活动不可缺少的微量元素。有效地供给动物体足够的锌一直是畜牧学者热衷的课题。蛋氨酸是禽类常规饲粮中第一限性氨基酸,而锌对于禽类来说又是最重要、功能最多的微量元素,因此,蛋氨酸锌以其高效、安全等优点而倍受青睐。 蛋氨酸锌在蛋用家禽生产中应用效果研究较少,并且蛋鸡应用研究以产蛋中前期为主,国内对于蛋氨酸锌在蛋鸡产蛋后期的影响较为全面的研究还未见报道,根据文献分析蛋氨酸锌作用效果产生差异的原因,结合当前生产中维生素E、硫酸钠等的广泛使用,针对蛋氨酸锌与维生素E、硫酸钠等物质联合使用进行全面的研究应该有较高意义。 本次试验通过饲养试验、蛋壳品质测定试验、屠宰试验、免疫学试验、组织显微观察等来研究不同形式的锌及水平的作用效果,同时为生产中蛋氨酸锌与维生素等其它饲料添加剂协同使用提供有益参考。 本次试验进行15周,试验设计为3种锌源(硫酸锌、蛋氨酸锌、协同锌)×3种水平(40mg/kg、70 mg/kg、100 mg/kg)。采用57周龄健康、体重接近的商品代海兰褐蛋鸡216只,随机分成9组,每组接受一种处理,每个处理设置四个重复,每个重复6只蛋鸡。试验采用玉米-豆粕无鱼粉的配合饲粮,饲粮配制参照产蛋鸡国家标准中产蛋率65%-80%时的营养需要。 试验基本结论如下: (1)对蛋鸡产蛋性能的影响:添加锌70mg/kg组可以显著提高产蛋率(P<0.05);添加蛋氨酸锌可以显著饲料效率(P<0.05);40mg/kg锌组也显著提高饲料效率(P<0.05);40mg/kg锌水平能够显著降低破蛋率(P<0.01),对其它所观测的生产性能的指标影响不显著。 (2)对蛋壳品质的影响:蛋鸡饲粮添加蛋氨酸锌可以显著增强蛋壳强度(P<0.05),对其它所观测的蛋壳品质指标影响不显著。 (3)对生理、生化指标的影响:低锌显著增加鸡蛋中的锌浓度(P<0.01);在鸡蛋锌浓度这一指标中锌源与水平存在互作效应(P<0.05);对其它测定的生理、生化指标影响不显著。 (4)对非特异性免疫的影响:蛋鸡饲粮添加蛋氨酸锌能够提高T淋巴细胞转化指数(P<0.01);添加70mg/kg锌可以显著提高血清IgC的含量(P<0.05)。 (5)上皮组织的影响:饲粮添加蛋氨酸锌、协同锌可以明显提高小肠、气管上皮完整性,良好改善上皮纤毛结构,各种锌源对产道的影响差异相对不大。

【Abstract】 Zn is an indispensable trace element to animals that finish growth, development and reproduction. It has been hitherto a zealous task for scholars of pasturage to supplement animals with enough Zn. Met is the first restrictive amino acid in the feedstuff of poultry, while Zn is the most important, versatile trace element. Therefore, the Zn-Met who is undoubtedly the high efficient , secure, steady resources of Zn should be favoured.The researchs of Zn-Met were comparatively lack in layer, and were concentrated in the former, middle phase, the report with regard to entire effect of Zn-Met supplementation in diet on layer was not found. Author analyses the reason of different effect of Zn-Met, consider vitamin E and NaSO,, widely used in current feeding. The abroad research aiming at combination Zn~Met with vitamin E and NaS04 should be significant.The paper investigated the effect of different resources of Zn and different levels on layer diet through feeding test, quality of egg shell test, slaughter test, immunological test, tissue observation and so forth, moreover supplied a few significant references in order to combination of Zn-Met and vitamin E, etc.216 57-week-old health hylane browns were randomly arranged to 9 groups with 4 replicates and 6 for each replicate. The trial was designed to 3 resources of Zn (ZnS04 and Zn-Met and combination of Zn) x3 levels (40mg/kg and 70 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg), the maize-soybean diet was formulated as recommended by Nation Standard (1986).The results of the experiment are as follows:1. Performance: Supplemental 70mg/kg Zn significantly increased egg-producing rate (P<0.05); Zn-Met and 40mg/kg Zn can significantly enhanced feedstuff efficiency (P<0. 05); besides decreased broken eggs rate (P<0. 01). Other effect of indexes on performance were not found.2. Egg shell quality: Supplemental Zn-Met in layers diet enhanced the intensity of egg shell (P<0.05).3.Physiological and biochemical parameters: 40mg/kg Zn significantly increased Zn content in eggs (P<0.01); resources of Zn and levels of Zn had obvious interactions in content of Zn in eggs; other changes of physiologicaland biochemical parameters were not significant.4. No-special immunoassay: Supplemented Zn-Met in layers diet could enhance T lymphocyte transformation index (P<0. 01). 70mg/kg Zn could increase IgG content in plasma (P<0. 05).5. Tissue observation: Supplemental Zn~Met and combination of Zn in layers diet could obviously enhance integrality of epithelium of small intestine and of trachea; improve structure of the epithelium and cilia; in the trial, all kinds of resources of Zn did not significantly affect structure of the Fallopian tube.

  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】276