

A Study on the Present Condition and Countermeasures of the Management of Educational Science Research of Schools in Rural Areas

【作者】 乔凤杰

【导师】 金东海;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教育科研是教育改革和发展的“第一生产力”。教育科研管理能规范教育科研工作,提高教育科研质量,调动教育科研工作者持久的科研积极性。农村中小学教育科研的迅速开展,使得农村中小学教育科研管理的必要性和紧迫性日益凸现出来。本研究以农村中小学教育科研管理为研究对象,主要采用调查法,辅之以文献法、比较法、统计法等教育科研方法,对农村中小学教育科研管理的现状进行了深入分析和详尽描述,并针对农村中小学教育科研管理中存在的主要问题,以教育管理学理论为指导,提出了解决这些问题的相应对策和建议,以期为加强和改进农村中小学教育科研管理提供依据和思路。 论文总体上分为五部分。第一部分,扼要论述了本论文的研究背景,即知识经济挑战教育,党和国家重视、支持和鼓励教育科研,中小学教育科研呼唤科研管理。第二部分,简要概述了国内中小学教育科研管理研究的动态,对其特点和局限性作了评述。指出中小学教育科研管理研究备受重视、研究领域不断拓展、研究成果日益丰富为其研究态势;研究视角的广阔性、研究内容的广泛性和研究方法的多样性为其特点;基层研究者寡、实证研究缺、关注农村少、研究深度浅、“立”少“破”多为其局限性。第三部分,具体叙述了本研究的样本选择、工具设计、调查过程和研究方法。第四部分,从管理理念、管理体系、管理者和教师科研素质、管理方法和手段以及管理效益五个方面,客观地分析和描述了农村中小学教育科研管理现状,指出了农村中小学教育科研管理中当前存在的突出问题:对科研性质及科研与教育教学相关性认识不全面,科研及其管理的价值取向有偏差,管理体制不完善,组织结构与运行模式不科学,常规管理不规范,管理制度不健全,管理者和教师的科研素质偏低,管理方法单一,管理手段落后,管理效益不高。第五部分,从理论和实践两个层面上探讨并阐述了解决上述问题的对策和建议。首先,要培植“科研先行”、 “教师主体”、 “以人为本”和可持续发展的农村中小学教育科研管理新理念。其次,通过增设机构、明晰职责、集分结合来完善农村中小学教育科研管理体制。第三,优化农村中小学教育科研组织主体要素各系统运行形式,优化组织主体要素之间互相关联运行形式,优化管理组织外部环境、建立网络化运行模式。第四,规范农村中小学教育科研常规管理。在课题管理上,监控检查与指导服务并重;在队伍管理上,提高素质和优化结构并重;在成果管理上,鉴定评奖与推广应用并重;在信息管理上,广泛搜集与充分利用并重;在经费管理上,积极筹措与合理使用并重。第五,建立农村中小学教育科研管理三大机制:导向机制、动力机制(由激励机制、竞争机制构成)和约束机制。通过课题规划、立项审批、检查指导和评价评奖途径建立导向机制;通过目标激励、需要激励、信息激励和组织气候激励建立激励机制;通过课题竞标、岗位竞聘、名师竞选和条件“硬化”建立竞争机制;通过宏观调控、政策法规、督导评估建立内外部约束机制。 第六, “刚” “柔”相济,奖i惩结合,沟通人际,崇尚学术,革新农村中小学教育科研管理方法;购机建室,配备软件,形成网络,管好用好,实现农村中小学教育科研管理手段现代化。

【Abstract】 Educational science research (ESR for short) plays the role of "first productive forces "in educational reform and development .The management of ESR performs an important function of conforming ESR to the standard ,that of enhancing the quality of ESR , and that of arousing the lasting enthusiasm of the science researchers . With the rapid development of educational science research of schools in rural areas (ESRSRA for short) , the management of ESR has become more and more necessary and pressing . This study takes the management of ESRSRA as an object of the research .This very thesis has made a thorough analysis of and given a detailed description of the present condition of ESRSRA by means of questionnare survey and interview , literature concordance , comparative method, as well as statistics method. In the meanwhile , the leading problems existing in the present management of ESRSRA are pointed out . Under the direction of education management theory ,some feasible countermeasures and suggestions are made so as to provide scientific basis and thinking for strengthening and improving the management of ESRSRA .As a whole , the thesis has 5 components . In the first part , the author gives a broad outline of the research background , that is to say ,the education is under greater and greater challenge of the comingKnowlege—based Economy Ara;ESR is supported,encouraged andattached great importance to by the Party and the N~ion;themanagement of ESR of schools is being called by ESR.In the secondpart,the author manages to introduce the recent internal trends in thestudy of the management of ESRSRA and make some comments on itscharacteristics and its limitations,pointint out that the study of themanagement of ESR of schools is paid greater attention to,theresearching fields are broadened,the research achievements areenriched.In the second part,the author also makes some comments onthe characteristics and limitations of the study trends,pointing out thatthey are characterized by the wide field of research vision,by theextensiveness of research contents,and by the variety of researchmethods,they are limited by the fewest researchers at the basic level,by the lack of empirical method,by the neglect of the study of ruralareas,by the superficial study as well as by tOO much criticism.Inthe third part,the author narrates in great detail sampling,tooldesign,survey procedure and research methods.In 5 aspects ofmanaging ideology,managing system,researchers’qualities of scienceresearch,managing ways and means and managing benefit,theresearcher mainly focuses his eyes on obj ectively analyzing anddescribing the present condition of the management of ESRSRA in thefourth part,pointint out that the following leading problems existing inthe present management of ESRSRA:the defective knowledge of thenature of science research and its correlation,the deviations of valueoriented in science research and its management,the imperfections ofmanaging system of organization,the undesirable organizationstructure and its moving patterns,the improper conventional management,the imperfect managing rules and regulations.the lower qualities of researchers,the unitary managing ways.the backward managing means and impractical managing benefir.In the fifth part,the researcher manages to elaborate from the theoretical and practical dimensions the appropriate countermeasures and suggestions with the view of solving the leading problems mentioned above.First of all,such new ideologies of the management of ESRSRA should be fostered as science research forerunning,teachers as the main body,being-based management and sustained development.Secondly,the managing system of organizations of ESRSRA should be perfected by way of setting up more organizations,that of making functions clear,that of combining centralized management with decentralized management.Thirdly,the orgni

  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【被引频次】4
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