

Research on Policies of Studying Abroad in Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘学琴

【导师】 张如珍;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育史, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 清末留学教育的兴起,是中国人面对西方文化的冲击,痛苦地进行决择后的变革产物,是中国实现近代化的重要途径和手段。本文在紧紧围绕清末留学政策的出台原因、内容特点、效果评价的基础上,总结出清末留学政策历次演变的得失利弊,为我国今天的留学教育服务。洋务时期的留学政策,充分体现了清政府“中体西用”的留学指导思想。在“中体”和“西用”的冲撞下,我国首次派遣幼童赴美的留学政策流产。撤回留美幼童,固然是清政府留学政策上的失误,但从另一个角度也说明了派遣幼童并非良策。在总结派遣幼童赴美经验教训的基础上,清政府进一步完善和深化了留欧政策,并将派遣船政学生留欧政策贯彻始终。清末“新政”时期,受甲午战败的直接刺激,清政府通过各种政策措施如:中央与地方分派、公费与自费并行、奖励留学生出身、废除科举进行鞭策、多派、速成、提倡官绅贵胄留学等积极鼓励提倡游学日本。但是,随着留学规模的日益扩大,对留学资格的漫无限制及速成教育所带来的留学教育质量低下的弊端也日益显露。为此,清政府不得不对留学日本由前期的积极鼓励转为严格限制。“新政”时期清政府派遣庚款留美生,与西方国家欲对中国进行文化侵略有关。这批庚款留美生,选拔严格,期限较长,学习内容以实业为主,他们归国后在我国的自然科学领域做出了杰出贡献。清末留学教育极大地推进了中国近代化进程,但其留学政策也存在严重问题:留学教育目标上的偏差、留学生选拔资格上的混乱、留学政策缺乏稳定长远性,这需要我们吸取深刻的历史经验教训。最后,针对我国当前留学出国潮中的热点问题:留学生“学而不归”现象、出国留学“低龄化”问题,本文从历史的角度对其进行分析评价,以期通过历史的真实再现为今天的留学教育敲响警钟。

【Abstract】 In late Qing Dynasty, the Chinese confronted with the lash of western culture and underwent the painful choices. The appearance of studying abroad was the outcome in that age and was the important access for China to turn modernization into reality. Centering on the cause of appearance, characteristics of content,assessment of results, this paper summarized the prons and cons of policies of studying abroad in late Qing Dynasty in order to benefit for the studying abroad nowadays.The policies of studying abroad in Westernization Movement period embodied the guiding ideology of "Chinese leaning as the fundermental structure, Western learning for pratical use" of Qing government. Owing to the contradiction of "Chinese leaning as the fundermental structure" and "Western leaning for pratical use",the policy of first sending children to America mismarried. No doubt it was the fault of Qing government to withdraw children from America, but, on the other hand, it showed that sending children to America is not perfect. After summarizing the experience and lessons, Qing government completed and developed the policy of sending students to Europe and implemented it all along.During the period of "New Policies"in late Qing Dynasty, stimulated directly by the failure in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, Qing government advocated studying abroad to Japan through various measures, such as sending out nationally or locally and at public expense or at one’s own expense, giving posts to returned students, abolishing imperied examination system, increasing the number of students and reducing their time of studying abroad ,encouraging the government officials to study abroad. But with the broadening in scale day by day, the disadvantages of poor quality appeared, which resulted from no limits for qualifications and<WP=6>shortening the time for studying abroad. For this reason, Qing government had to turn the active encouragement into strict limits.During the period of "New Polices", the policy of sending "Boxer Indemnity" students had been influenced by cultural invasion of western countries. These students were strictly selected and the period of studying was prolonged, they put emphasis on industry, when they retured, they made a greater contribution to natural science in our country.Although these policies advanced greatly chinese modernization, there existed many serious problems, such as the deviation in the education target, the confusion in the qualification to select students, unstable and short policies, from which we could draw historical experience and lessons.At last, concentrating on the problem so far in studying abroad, such as studying abroad but not returning and studying abroad from the children, this paper analyzed and evaluated from historical point of view in order to give lessons to the education of studying abroad nowadays.

  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1069