

A Study on Subjective Learning Strategies of Junior English

【作者】 秦泳

【导师】 吴定初; 曾德琪;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 学习策略的研究是当前教育学和教育心理学领域研究的热点之一。能否有效地使用相应的学习策略,是区分学习者是否已“学会学习”的重要标志。由应试教育向素质教育转轨是当前教育改革的核心问题,而实施全面发展的素质教育的指导思想就是要使学生积极主动地投入学习活动之中,充分发挥其主体性,自觉地使用有效的学习策略,成为学习的主人。 本研究在前人关于学习策略研究的新成果基础上,结合笔者多年从事初中英语教学的实践,研究了初中英语主体性学习策略。本文首先概述了关于学习策略及英语学习策略研究的现状;其次,界定了主体性学习策略的概念,探讨了主体性学习策略的形成过程、特点及其与传统学习策略的关系,详述了初中英语主体性学习策略的构成、常用的各种策略,以及如何在英语教学和学习中教授和掌握这些学习策略;最后,笔者报告了将其中的一些策略进行试验所取得的良好效果。

【Abstract】 Learning strategies study calls more and more attention in education and educational psychology fields. It can help students learn to study. To use learning strategies effectively is one of the important signals to identify whether a learner knows how to learn. It is the practical choice in the current educational reform of our country in that it can help students develop actively, lively and in an all-round way.Based on the review of learning strategies and English learning strategies studies, this thesis mainly focuses on the subjective learning strategies of junior English.Firstly, this thesis mainly discusses the concept and characteristics of subjective learning strategies. Meanwhile, it analyses how to form the subjective learning strategies and the relationship between subjective learning strategies and traditional learning strategies.Secondly, this study analyses the constitution of subjective learning strategies of junior English and describes how to teach the mainly used strategies effectively.Lastly, the thesis presents a case study of subjective learning strategies of junior English.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】559