

Study on Inheritance of Bolting Character in Early Cabbage

【作者】 张韬

【导师】 王超;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 早熟春甘蓝在我国北方的栽培面积很大,对于缓解春淡季市场供应起到了很大的作用,但由于近年来北方春季气候反常和盲目的提早播种,春甘蓝的先期抽薹非常严重,为解决这一问题,最根本的手段就是培育抗抽薹的春甘蓝品种,本试验以抽薹特性明显不同7份农艺性状优良、配合力高的春甘蓝自交系为材料,对亲本材料的抽薹特性、抗抽薹特性的鉴定方法、春甘蓝抽薹的遗传特性和抽薹性与其他农艺性状的相关与回归进行了研究。本试验得出如下结论: 1通过对70份农艺性状优良、配合力高的春甘蓝自交系材料抽薹特性的研究,从中选出了7份抽薹特性明显不同的亲本材料,它们是A(中间材料)、B、C(抗抽薹材料)、D、E、F、G(易抽薹材料)。 2春甘蓝抗抽薹鉴定方法研究表明:甘蓝在8片叶龄进行45d有光照条件下低温春化处理,为最佳的筛选甘蓝育种试验材料抽薹特性的组合条件,对各类冬性有差异的材料都有效,且所用时间较短。 3春甘蓝抽薹期属多基因控制的数量性状遗传,利用抽薹期明显不同的亲本杂交,F1代表现为易抽薹性,F2代表现为明显的连续变异,而且各世代正反交之间差异不显著,说明抽薹性状主要是受核基因控制的,与细胞质遗传关系不大。 4通过ABC尺度遗传测验,证明春甘蓝抽薹性状的遗传符合“加性—显性”遗传模型,显性方差的百分数约低于加性方差所占的百分数,平均显性度小于1,说明在两种效应中基因的加性效应比显性效应更重要,显性作用只表现为不完全显性,早抽薹对晚抽薹为显性。 5春甘蓝抽薹期的遗传力均不高,B*F的广义遗传力(h_B~2)为0.388、狭义遗传力(h_N~2)为0.304,受环境影响较大,所以在育种过程中对后期世代进行选择效果较好。 6部分农艺性状与抽薹性状之间的相关和多元回归分析表明,抽薹的早晚受叶球紧实度的影响最大,与叶球紧实度呈极显著的正相关,与中心柱长呈负相关,虽没有达到显著水平,但相关系数比较大。同时,以外叶数(x1)、纵径(x)横径(x3)中心柱长(x4)和紧实度(x5)为自变量,以抽薹期(y)为依变量,进行多元逐步回归分析,得到回归方程: y=24.5247-0.2860x1+1.0196x2-0.8086x3+0.3718x4+26.1478x5

【Abstract】 In the experiment, Seven early cabb8g6 inbred 1ines which had differentresistance to bolting were selected as Wents. Bolting chaIacter of Wentalgenerations, the identification of resistance to bolting, inheritance ofbolting chaIacter and the correlation betW6en bolting date and othereconomical characters were studied. The main resu1ts are as follows fk Seven parents which had different resistance to bo1ting were obtainedfron seventy cabb8ge inbred 1ines which h8d excellent econonical charctersand high cfor)ining ability. Their naJues were A. B. C. D. E. F. G, AInong them, Band C were difficult to bo1ting: E. P. G and H were easy to bo1ting and Awere midd1e type.k The resu1t of identification of resistance to bolting indicated that:The cOInbination of eight 1eaves and 1ow tmperature treatment of 45 d8ys wasthe best condition of appraising bo1ting character.k Inheritance of bolting character of ear1y cabb8ge was in accordancewiththe addi tiv-oninant genetic model. Additive effect was predominant,dominance i5; partial dOIninance. Additive genetic variance was larger thandominant genetic variance. Ear1y bo1ting date shoWs dominant to later bo1tingtime.k Bolting date sas a qllantitative charaCter. The hybridization ofparents which had different bolting date revealed that the first fi1ialgeneration was easy to bo1ting and the second fi1ial generation manifesteditse1f as oontinuous variance. The variance of reciPforal hybrids wnsn’tprominent, Which demonstrated that bolting character was mainly controlledby nuc1ear gene.k Bolt j.ng character was easily affected by environent because of lowheritabi 1ity. so it sas necessare to se1ect in late generations of breeding.k Bo1ting date had proninent POsitive correlation with tight extent ofthe heading, the tight heading is resistant to bo1ting. 0n thecontrare,loose heading sas easy to bo1ting.Postgraduate: Zh8ng taoProfession: Genetics and breeding of cropsTutor: Yice Pro f ng chaO

【关键词】 春甘蓝抽■性状遗传研究
  • 【分类号】S635
  • 【被引频次】8
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