

【作者】 庞红卫

【导师】 方展画;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文考察了小班化教育的历史发展轨迹,研究了小班化教育所涉及到的一些基本的理论问题,探讨了小班化教育的可行性及其对传统教育的冲击,最后,根据国外小班化教育的研究成果,以及我国小班化教育的实施现状,提出了一些推行小班化教育的政策性意见与建议。全文共分为五个部分: 第一部分:小班化教育的澄清与定位。对小班化教育所涉及到的三个基本概念:“小班”、“小班教育”、“小班化教育”,进行了区分与澄清,阐析了三个基本概念的属性及其相互之间的联系,进而,对小班化教育与传统的班级授课制之间的传承关系进行了探讨。 第二部分:小班化教育的历史考察。从纵向对小班化教育的历史发展脉络进行剖析,分析了在各时期推动小班化教育发展的社会政治、经济以及文化的原因,阐述了各时期小班化教育的发展状况,及其历史的客观必然性。 第三部分:小班化教育的问题研究。从横向对小班化教育所涉及到的三个基本问题进行探讨,回答了小班是否(WHETHER)、为什么(WHY)以及怎样(HOW)提高教育成效,以期为我国小班化教育的实施与推行提供理论上的依据与支持。 第四部分:小班化教育的理论思考。从经济学的角度(经费运用的分析)来思考小班化教育的推行可行性,寻求一条符合时代精神,并在政策上可行的小班化教育改革之路;从教育学角度来分析小班化教育的开展,对传统教育(包括教育观念、学校组织及教师)所带来的一些冲击。 第五部分:小班化教育的政策建议。根据国外小班化教育的研究进展,以及我国小班化教育的实施现状,对我国小班化教育的推行提出几点政策性的建议,以为我国小班化教育的开展提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 The thesis investigates the historical track of small-class oriented education, andseveral basic theoretic issues involved in, then explores the feasibility of implementingsmall-class oriented education and its impact to tradition education. In the end, on reviewing the research conclusions abroad and the present domestic situation on small-class oriented education, the article puts forward a number of strategic suggestions on small-class oriented education. The whole thesis divides into five parts:Part I: A clarification and definition of small-class oriented education.This part makes a clarification and specification on three basic conceptions involved in small-class oriented education, ’small class’, ’small-class education’, ’small-class oriented education’, after analyzing the attributes of the three concepts and the relations among them, the thesis further explores on the successive relationship between small-class oriented education and traditional class teaching.Part II: A review on the history of small-class oriented education.This part tries to draw a skeleton of the history of small-class oriented education on the time axes, while analyzing the social, political, economic and cultural reasons to push the development of small-class oriented education, the article specifying the status quo of small-class oriented education of each phase, discussed the objective inevitability of history wheel.Part III: A study on the key issues of small-class oriented education.This part tries to touch three basic issues around small-class oriented education and answer Whether, Why, and How small-class can improve education effects, so as to provide some theoretic foundations for putting small-class oriented education into practices and promoting its popularity.Part IV: A theoretic reflection on small-class education.This part exams the feasibility of extending small-class education from theeconomics view, and tries to seek an innovative way leading to small-class orientededucation, which will match the spirit of the new era and be feasible on the policy levelas well; then the article analyzes the impacts to tradition education caused byimplementing small-class oriented education from the pedagogy view.Part V: Policy suggestions of small-class oriented education.Based on the research progress of small-class oriented education in foreign countries and the present situation of China in extending small-class oriented education, this part proposes a number of policy suggestions, to serve as reference for puttingsmall-class education into practice in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1136