

Studies on Cooling Effect of Pig House in Summer in Southern China

【作者】 邵燕华

【导师】 陈志银; 苗香雯;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国改革开放和经济建设进程的加快,畜牧业得到了快速的发展。家禽家畜的饲养由过去的自由放养或农产分散饲养逐步过渡到养殖公司工厂化饲养和农村养殖专业户规模化饲养。但是在分析我国目前养猪业的现状时,发现猪的生产潜能没有充分发挥,生产水平较低。究其原因是现代生产工艺限制了猪群的某些行为习性,使猪的抗逆性、抵抗力和免疫力下降,造成对环境的要求越来越严。良好的环境因素是遗传基础和饲养方案能达到肌肉生长最佳水平的保证。在规模化、集约化饲养条件下,环境对养猪生产水平的制约作用日益显著,人们对此也日益重视,环境控制水平已成为养猪现代化的重要标志。因此要根据当地的客观条件,因地制宜确定环境控制的程度和选择适用的环境控制技术和设备。由于我国南方地区夏季高温高湿且持续时间比较长的现象比世界上同纬度的其他国家更为突出,同时我国南方地区目前仍没有适用的猪舍夏季降温措施。这种情况下,猪的生产力和健康将受到严重的影响,极大制约了南方地区养猪生产效率和生产力水平的提高。为提高该地区的养猪生产力,必须寻求一种高效、节能的降温措施。 基于此,本试验采用由比利时鲁汶大学提供的环境参数自动检测系统和红外摄像系统研究中国南方地区夏季基于不同屋顶形式的猪舍舍内的热湿环境,寻找一种最适合于南方地区夏季猪舍降温的降温模式,为南方地区养猪业生产中的环境调控和夏季降温提供理论依据。经过初步实验,得到如下结果: 硕士学位论文 摘要 1.利用环境参数自动检测系统对各猪舍的环境温湿度进行实时监 控,通过对实测数据的分析和处理,结果表明南方地区夏季猪舍内的 环境条件不利于猪的生长。七月份,猪舍的最高温度达到37.8℃,日 平均温度在 32 OC以上,日平均相对湿度也在 70%以上;八月份,猪舍 的最高温度达到36.4℃,日平均温度在32oC以上,日平均相对湿度66% 以上;九月份,猪舍的最高温度达到33石C,日平均温度在28oC以上, 日平均相对湿度65%以上。 2.通过利用红外摄像仪对猪舍内测试点的测试,了解猪舍内的温 度分布,猪舍内温度分布不均匀,从上到下温差大,接近地面20厘米 处的温度最低为 28石℃,而接近屋顶内表面的温度最大高 50.9 C,屋 顶与地面之间最大温度相差近22.3℃,另外各水平层之间温差最大可 达14.2℃,最少温差也有0.8℃。水平分布猪舍中央温度高,靠近门窗 和边墙的地方温度低。靠近门窗的温度要比猪舍中央低0石℃,靠近墙 壁的两侧温度要比猪舍中央低1.1℃。 3.在夏季猪舍不同屋顶降温效果研究方面,经过实验发现,在屋 顶上方架设外遮荫的降温效果最好。同时遮荫网对现有的猪舍结构都 易于改造和安装,且投资小,见效快,夏季过后可卷起待来年再用。 隔热保温材料的降温效果次之,能有效降低舍内温湿度,但该项目一 次性投资大,宜用于集约化的养猪场。 4.在得知遮阳网的降温效果比较好的基础上,做了更进一步的 研究,对同一遮阳率的两种不同颜色的遮阳网降温效果进行比较,结 果表明TPE黑色的针织遮阳网的降温效果要比TAL银灰色铝箔针织 遮阳网好。况且TPE黑色针织遮阳网的单价臼.2元/m刁比银灰色铝 箔针织遮阳网的单价门.0元加2)便宜,从节省投入,提高经济效益 角度出发,建议采用TPE黑色针织遮阳网。 2 硕士学位论文 摘要 5.降温新方法:采用多种材料组合成一种新材料——上层为石棉 瓦,中间为5。m厚泡沫板,下层为竹蔑的复合材料。在本实验中该种 材料降温效果明显,比屋顶刷白好,但是否优于彩钢板还待进一步的 研究,具有一定的开发价值。在其上方架设外遮荫,降温效果更佳。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy construct and reform opening, stock raising attains the development quickly. The mode of poultry and livestock transforms from feeding freely or feeding separately by farmer in past to factory feeding by breeding company and dimensions feeding by breeding specialization farmer step by step. But after analysising the current situation of feeding pigs, we can draw a conclusion that the production potential don’t attain exertion richly and the production level is lower. The reason is that the modern production technics limit some behavior habits and decrease the resistance and immunity, so the require for environment become more and more severe. The better environment factors are the guarantee of the best productivity based on inheritance and feeding methods. In the term of dimensions and intensivism feeding, the environment effect on the production level of feeding pigs turn more and more notability and people have been paying attention to it increasingly, the environment control level has been an important mark on the modernize feeding pigs. Because of the climate specialty on the southern in China, these characters such as the high temperature and high relative humidity and lasted long time in summer are more stand out than the other countries in the same latitude in the world, in the same time, there is not an applicable cooling system in summer in southern China. These characters will effect on the productivity and healthy of pigs seriously, and restrict the production efficiency and increase of productivity level on the southern area. So in order to increase the feeding pigs production , it is necessary to research an high efficiency and cost saving cooling systemfor feeding pigs in southern areaBased on the above condition, this experiment researched the hot and humidity environment of pig house based on different roof materials in southern in China by utilizing the environment parameters auto -testing system and the infrared image system , and found the best cooling system of pig house for southern in summer, and supplied theory proof for environment control and cooling in summer for feeding pigs. Through the primarily research and work, the results were gained:1 .The environment temperature and humidity of pig house were measured in real time by using the environment parameters auto-testing system. Through analysising and processing the data, it was found that the environment of pig house in summer in southern China was not beneficial to pig production. In July, the highest temperature in pig house was 37.8C, the day average temperature was more than 32C, the day average relative humidity was more than 70%. In August, the highest temperature in pig house was 36C,the day average temperature was more than 32C,the day average relative humidity was more than 66%. In September, the highest temperature in pig house was 33.6C, the day average temperature was more than 28 C, the day average relative humidity was more than 65%.2.Through measuring the temperature of the test point of pig house by using the infrared image system, it was found that the temperature distribution in pig house was not uniformity, the temperature difference from roof to floor was bigger, the lowest temperature near the floor, 20cm distance, was 28.6C,the highest temperature near roof was 50.9C, the max temperature difference between them was 22.3C, and the max temperature difference between layers was 14.2C, the min was 0.8C.The level distribution of temperature was that the temperature of middle of pig house was higher than that of near the door or window and near the wall. The temperature in middle of pig house was 0.6C higher than that near the door and windows and was 1.1C higher than that near the wall.3.In the aspect of cooling effective of pig house in summer based on different roof, it was found that the cooling effect of the aluminum foil overshadow screen above the roof was the best. And the same time, the overshadow screen is easy to rebuild and set up on different roof typ

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】S828
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】385