

Construction of Urban Green Space System Having Ecological Function

【作者】 范光华

【导师】 许大为;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物及观赏园艺, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 随着经济的高速发展和城市人口的急剧增长,人们深刻地认识到城市化的急剧发展对整个城市生态环境带来的严重破坏已成为城市进一步发展和人民生活质量进一步提高的潜在制约因素。以绿地为核心,建立一种对城市用地及空间布局上具有先导作用的生态绿地系统,是城市化背景条件下实施城市可持续发展战略的迫切需要。当前努力探索城市绿地系统中各类绿地长期以来自然演进的生态规律,深入研究不同类型城市应有的绿地总量的合理规模,量化依据,配置形式以及绿地系统与城市功能、形态布局如何耦合等问题是城市绿地系统建设研究的主要问题。本文以哈尔滨市中心城区范围内的各类绿地为主要研究对象,以景观生态学、现代城市规划理论、景观可达性理论为内涵,以计算机技术特别是遥感(GIS)和地理信息系统(RS)技术为支持,对哈尔滨市绿地系统进行全面、系统、深入的研究。为哈尔滨市未来的城市规划提供科学的依据,将哈尔滨市的生态系统规划建设成一个整体和谐、区域分异、功能优化、独具地方特色的城市生态绿地系统,引导城市和区域的用地空间朝着符合人类居住环境生态平衡的方向发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy,people have deeply realized the ruin of urban environment accompanying the acceleration of urbanizing process,which is the underlying factor restricting the further urban development. It is essential to construct ecological green space system,because it can guide the land use and space arrangement. At present,urban planner should make every effort to exploring the urban evaluation regularity of different sorts of green spaces in urban green space system,and researching the reasonable quality of green spaces,planning basis,arranging forms,and linking relation between green space system and urban function. In this thesis,we regard the central green spaces in Harbin as research object,combine landscape ecology,contemporary urban planning theory and landscape accessibility theory,and apply computer technique,especially,GIS and RS Jo explore systemic,comprehensive and deep-going planning methods. Using the outcomes of this research,we can plan and construct a reasonable ecological green space system with special features,which is harmonious on the whole,diverse in different districts,and optimal on the functions.

【关键词】 绿地系统斑块廊道哈尔滨规划
【Key words】 Green Space SystemGreen PatchGreen CorridorHarbinPlanning
  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】503