

The Improvement Design of the Refrigerant System of the Wiping Roller in the Printing Press

【作者】 彭东明

【导师】 黄成祥; 李祖吉;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 机械工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文课题来源于成都印钞公司重点科技项目攻关,在充分了解接线凹印机擦版辊冷却系统的工作原理及其结构基础上,分析和讨论了1#、2#接线凹印机擦版辊冷却系统的损坏原因,在此基础上形成了本次课题的整体思路和总体方案。本论文在理论和实践方面完成了以下一些工作: 收集分析目前国内外有关凹印机的技术资料以及各种密封理论、密封技术及冷却系统密封装置技术改造等相关资料;提出了接线凹印机密封装置改进设计的整体思路和总体方案。 分析了内胆支承断裂的原因,完成内胆结构改造及支承结构设计。 运用INVENTOR做开发工具,完成冷却系统的三维实体建模并进行模拟装配;通过干涉检测对结构的合理性进行了分析并针对设计中结构不合理的地方进行了改进。 完成冷却系统密封装置的结构设计及密封装置的加工制造和安装调试。 本次改进设计有效地解决了接线凹印机的冷却系统诸方面的问题,使印刷质量和效率都大大得到了提高,满足了设计要求同时使接线凹印机冷却系统国产化,带来巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 The project, which this paper discusses, is one of key projects of Chengdu banknote printing company. Based on the working principle and structure of the refrigerant system of the wiping roller in the printing press, the author analyses and discusses the reason why the old refrigerant system of the wiping roller didn’t work well. Furthermore the author presents the whole concept and scheme in the design. The main conclusions in the theoretic and practical research of this paper are as follows:Having collected and analyzed technical materials in our country and foreign at present which tightly relate to the printing press, various airproof theories and technology, and the improvement on the refrigerant system’s airproof, the author then come up with the general design idea and architecture scheme.According to theoretic analyses and computing, the author finds the reason that the supporting axes ruptured inside the roller, and completes its improvement and the design of the supporting axes’ structure.With INVENTOR as development tool, the author fulfills the entity models of the refrigerant and these models’ simulative assemble; by checking the interference among these models, the author optimizes this design.The author also completes the airproof machinery’s structure design of the refrigerant system, fabricates one and has it worked.This improvement design effectively resolves the refrigerant system’s problems of the wiping roller in the printing press, and makes it work much faster and better. And it can meet the technical requirement. Furthermore, due to the machinery made in our country, it can produce tremendous social benefit and economic benefit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TS835
  • 【下载频次】105