

【作者】 邹学海

【导师】 胡玉鸿;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 案例教学法(又称“判例教学法”)是由美国哈佛大学法学院院长兰德尔在1870年开始实施,并被广泛采用的一种法学教学方法。它是美国法学教育的创举,对世界法学教育事业作出了重大贡献。案例教学法的主要内容是以美国上诉法院的判例作为教学素材,以“苏格拉底教学法”作为基本运作形式,目的以提高法律职业者的思维能力和判断能力,是法学教育史上的革命。但也不可否认,案例教学法在职业能力培训等方面也存在着一些不足,从而促使人们去发展、完善这一方法。二十世纪六、七十年代开始,现代法学教育的样板美国采取了以训练学生实际能力为宗旨的实践性教学模式——法律诊所教育,实施这一重大改革的重要原因之一在于法学院的毕业生缺乏真实背景下的法律历练。美国法律诊所教育在重塑教育理念,培养学生技能,提高学生的职业责任心等方面均取得了实际成效。本文通过对案例教学法和法律诊所教育的介绍、分析与对比,认为美国法学教育从“案例教学法”到“法律诊所教育”模式的转换,对当今中国的法学教育改革具有重要的借鉴意义:我们在强调法学理论教育的同时,决不能忽视实践性法学教育;中国的法学教育应该是一种职业教育,培养目标应该是合格的应用型人才。认为借鉴这一教育模式只有从中国国情出发,才能取得应有的成效。

【Abstract】 Case methodology in teaching,which is also called approach of prejudication,was initiated by Prof. Landell,dean of Law School,Harvard University. It was first adopted in 1870 and then the widespread in U.S. greatly contributed to the education of law world-widely. The teaching content according to the method is mainly based on the cases of U.S. courts and conducted in the form of Socrates’ style,which aims at promoting the professional ability in analyzing and judging. Though it is regarded as a revolutionary step in the history of law education,it stills bears some disadvantages concerning ability training which stimulated people to make it up. Since the 1960’s and 70’s,clinical approach of law education-a practical teaching model aiming at improving students’ pragmatic capacity-was introduced in the U.S.. The newly-appearing model sprang into being because of the lack of real experience with the law school students,and effective results were gained upon the reforming of education concept,improvement of techniques and responsibilities of the students’. An introduction,analysis and comparison of the two above-mentioned are put forward in this dissertation,through which the author concluded that the transition from case methodology to clinical approach may also serve as valuable lessons for the work in China. We shall always keep in our mind that practice should not be ignored while emphasizing the importance of theory. The law education in China should be profession-oriented which can foster pragmatic professionals. Achievement could be gained by learning those examples with close connection to the Chinese condition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】D90-4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1295