

【作者】 殷建华

【导师】 黄辛隐;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 教育经济与管理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 “校本管理”是西方20世纪80年代基础教育的学校改革运动中出现的一种新的教育管理理念和模式,它是针对传统的“外控管理”提出的。“校本管理”的基本理念是:教育的主管部门将其权力逐渐下放给学校,给予学校更大的权力和自主决策的空间,使学校能够按照自己的意愿和具体的情况来决定资源的分配、学校的财政预算、课程的设置、教科书的选择、学校人事决策等方面的改革措施,从而达到变革已有的管理体系,优化学校教育资源,提高学校的办学质量。而“外控管理”则是指:“学校的管理工作是外界的权威或中央所指令执行的,并不照顾本身的特性和需要,校内成员只是执行工具,没有多大的自主权和责任承担”。“校本管理”的产生既是当今世界教育素质化的趋势和学校层面改革深化的需要,也是现代学校管理改革的自身要求。我国在中小学实行的“校长负责制”与西方的“校本管理”有一定的相似之处,如果我们在进一步完善我国的“校长负责制”方面,借鉴和汲取西方“校本管理”改革的经验和教训,构建适合我国国情的行之有效的中小学“校本管理”模式,将会进一步促进我国教育管理体制的改革,从而以更好的姿态迎接我国加入WTO后教育及其管理面临的各种挑战。 西方国家“校本管理”实施的基本模式主要有行政控制型、专业控制型、社区控制型和平衡控制型等四种模式,这四种模式各有优缺点,行政控制模式的效率比较高,但教师、社区成员的参与比较少,很难调动这些成员的积极性;专业控制模式发挥了教师等专业人员的专业作用,对教育教学质量的提高有重要帮助,但如果没有行政管理,学校工作会陷入混乱;社区成员的控制也可以说是市场导向模式,重视社区的教育需要和学生及其家长的需要是十分重要的,但人才培养不是短期行为,要着眼于长远,所以仅仅考虑社区或市场的需要是不够的;平衡控制模式试图把专业人员的控制和社区控制结合起来,促进教师等专业人员和社区成员以及学生家长参与学校管理,这是一种合理的选择,但不把校长吸收到这种平衡模式中,也还不能保证学校管理参与的平衡,因为校长是学校教育教学改革和管理的关键人物。为了能够最大程度地克服以上这些模式的缺点,我们认为,“校本管理”应是一种多元控制型的模式。多元控制型“校本管理”模式的基本假设是:(1)调整政府与学校的关系,扩大学校的管理自主权,是“校本管理”的根本前提;(2)改革学校领导制度,倡导共同决策,是“校本管理”的制度保证;(3)构建学校质量管理体系,提高学校效能,是“校本管理”的核心目标;(4)改革学校自主管理体系,合理配置学校资源,是“校本管理”的内部运行机制;(5)健全教育中介机构,加强社会力量对学校管理的监控,是“校本管理”的外部条件。

【Abstract】 School-Based Management (SBM) is a new educational administration thought and model in the western school reforming movement of basic education in the 1980s.It is advanced in the light of traditional External Control Management .Its basic ideal is that, in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of the schools , the educational administrative department must empower the schools to make decision on the budgeting, curriculums, textbooks and personnel according to the characteristics and conditions of the schools themselves. On the contrary, External Control Management indicates that the schools have little self-decision power and have to work on the basis of the outside authority and the central order. The rise of SBM is in line with the tendency of quality-oriented education in the present world and meets the needs in furthering reforms in modern school management . SBM is similar to Principle Responsibility System which is carrying out in the primary and middle schools in our country. We can draw lesson form SBM to improve Principle Responsibility System and build the effective model of SBM of our country. All of which will be great importance not only to deepen our reform of education administration system ,but also to meet the challenge facing the education and its administration after our country joined the WTO.There are four major models of SBM in the western country : the administrative control, the professional control, the community control and the balanced control . Each of them has advantage and disadvantage. The effectiveness of the administrative control SBM is far higher, but the teacher and the community have little change to take part in school management; The professional control SBM brings the initiative and creativeness of the teacher into full play, but the work of the school will be in utter disorder without the administration . The community control SBM only takes the needs of the community into account . The balanced control SBM is a reasonable model, but it ignores the action of the principle. In order to overcome these disadvantages, we must carry out the multiple control SBM. Its basic supposition is the things as follows. First, the transformation of the managerial functions of the government is the fundamental premise of SBM. Secondly, the reform of school leadership system is the systematic assurance of SBM. Thirdly, the building of school quality management system is the key goals of SBM. Fourthly, the reform of school self-management system is the internal motive mechanism of SBM. Finally, the improvement of educational intermediary organization is the external condition of SBM.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】G637.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】606