

Research on Intelligent System Which Wirelessly Checking Meters in Residential Areas

【作者】 赵辉

【导师】 江冰;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 智能小区无线抄表系统用于现代城市智能化小区的无线抄表,解决了过去靠人工入户抄 表的难题,使水、电等服务公司的抄表业务实现了信息化和智能化。 本论文介绍了智能小区无线抄表系统硬件及软件的研制和开发,重点解决了楼宇集中控 制器(简称集控器)与主控计算机之间的无线数据通信和集控器与用户分机之间的总线数据通信。智能小区无线抄表信息管理软件采用VC++6.0开发,核心技术是数据库开发和用 Win32API通信函数实现串行通信。系统操作简单,工作可靠,具有广阔的市场发展前景。 论文的最后提出了智能小区抄表系统的发展方向。 Intelligent system which wirelessly checking meters in residential areas is used to check inhabitants’metres in modern residential areas,and its born has made the transitional problem of checking meters by hand tackled and made these practices informationized and intelligented of the firms which are engaged in supplying water, electric power.ect in cities. This paper presents how to study and develop the hardware and software of this system.The hard core of the system is how to realize the transmission of data between main computer and central controllers over the radio wave,as well as the same between central controllers and home terminals on the wire.The software used to administer information has been developed by VC++6.0.The main technology applied during the course of developing is the realization of administering database and it of serial communication by WIN32API functions.The characteristics of the system are operating simply and high dependability. So the foreground of the System is luciferous The idea of the system in further contents and approaches are proposed in the last.

【Abstract】 Intelligent system which wirelessly checking meters in residential areas is used to check inhabitants’ metres in modern residential areas ,and its born has made the transitional problem of checking meters by hand tackled and made these practices informationized and intelligented of the firms which are engaged in supplying water, electric power .ect in cities.This paper presents how to study and develop the hardware and software of this system .The hard core of the system is how to realize the transmission of data between main computer and central controllers over the radio wave, as well as the same between central controllers and home terminals on the wire. The software used to administer information has been developed by VC++6.0. The main technology applied during the course of developing is the realization of administering database and it of serial communication by WIN32API functions. The characteristics of the system are operating simply and high dependability. So the foreground of the system is luciferous .The idea of the system in further contents and approaches are proposed in the last.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】519